從零件上移除一個幾何。選擇是否要修復周圍的面 (延伸面直至面相交),為空白加蓋,或將空白保留為開放。如果您沒有零件的參數式歷程記錄時 (通常在匯入的零件中有此狀況),此直接編輯的工具是相當方便的。
- Click
- 在模型中選擇要刪除的零件面。
- Select how to treat the remaining void:
- Heal - Extend the surrounding faces until they intersect.
- Cap - Place a face over the remaining void.
- Leave open - Do nothing, leaving the face removed and void visible; this creates a surface out of the existing solid.
Onshape 會記住對如何處理空白的選擇,在後續的操作中打開對話方塊時即會是之前所做的選擇。
- 核取 [刪除圓角面] 來指定是否要同時刪除相鄰的圓角面。
- Click
The Create Selection arrow (next to the Faces field) is useful when selecting related faces for Delete face.
This lists the collection of surface feature tools. This is not an exhaustive list. Additional Feature tools may be used when modeling surfaces. See Surfacing for additional information.
Thicken - Add depth to a surface. Create a new part or modify an existing one by giving thickness to a surface and converting it to a solid, adding or removing material from an existing part or surface, or intersecting parts in its path.
Enclose - Create a part by selecting all boundaries surrounding an empty space to form a solid. Use any set of surfaces and solids (including planes and faces) that intersect each other or connect at a boundary to create a volume. Create a new part or modify an existing one by adding, removing, or intersecting parts.
Fillet - Round sharp interior and exterior edges and define as a standard constant radius, more stylized conic, or variable by selecting Edge fillet. Optionally apply a Full round fillet to create a seamless blend of one or more faces between two opposing sides.
Face blend - Round sharp connected or disconnected interior and exterior faces to create a seamless blend between the faces or detach the blend to create new faces, defining a radius or constant width. Further define the blend cross section (rolling ball or swept profile), symmetry, control, trim, constraints, and limits.
Delete face - Remove geometry from a part. Select whether to heal the surrounding faces (by extending until they intersect), cap the void, or leave the void open. This Direct Editing tool is especially convenient if you don't have the parametric history of the part, as is often the case with an imported part.
Move face - Translate, rotate, or offset one or more selected faces. This Direct Editing tool is especially convenient if you don't have the parametric history of the part, as is often the case with an imported part.
Replace face - Trim a face or extend a face to a new surface. This Direct Editing tool is especially convenient if you don't have the parametric history of the part, as is often the case with an imported part.
偏移曲面 - 偏移一個現有面、曲面或草圖區域來建立新的曲面。將偏移距離設定為 0 來就地產生一個副本。
Boundary surface - Create or add a surface specified by its boundary profiles.
Fill - Create a surface (or a part from surfaces) by defining boundaries and refine the surface with boundary conditions (instead of requiring the use of reference surfaces).
移動邊界 - 移動曲面的邊界線以延伸或修剪曲面。
Ruled surface - Create a new or additional ruled surface from an existing edge or multiple edges of a sketch region.
Mutual trim - Trim two adjacent surfaces by extending intersections to complete the trim.