Create a helix using a conical or cylindrical face, single axis or z-axis of a Mate connector, or circular edge.
螺旋線可用於掃掠中 (用以建立簡單的彈簧)。螺旋線並不會消耗用來產生它的零件。
按一下工具列中的「螺旋線」特徵工具。爲「螺旋線類型」選擇 [圓柱/圓錐]。選擇圖形區域中的圓柱。
選擇「起始形態」。「開始角度」會從圓柱或圓錐上的參考點開始螺旋線;這是旋轉或擠出圓 x 軸的起始處。「起點」會從圓柱的環狀邊線上的頂點或參考幾何開始螺旋線。
如果選取的「輸入類型」是「轉圈」或「螺距」,請選擇 [高度] (限制螺旋線高度為圓柱面的高度) 或 [終點] (限制螺旋線高度至圓柱上的所選頂點或參考幾何)。
如果「輸入類型」是「轉圈」或「轉圈和螺距」,請在「旋轉」欄位中指定螺旋線旋轉的圈數。如果「輸入類型」是「螺距」,請指定「目標螺距」,這是螺旋節距的尺寸 (每個旋轉上軸向移動的距離)。
- With a cone or cylinder sketch in the graphics area, click .
- 如果尚未選取,請選擇 [圓柱/圓錐] 做為螺旋線路徑類型。
- 在圖形區域中選擇一個圓錐或圓柱面。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition:
Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the cylinder or cone; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of an extruded circle (in preferred units)
Start point - A vertex on the circular edge of the reference geometry for the cylinder or cone.
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix on the conical or cylindrical face (you can also use the drag manipulator)
- End point - A vertex on the construction geometry's circular edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向:順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- Click .
這個影片說明如何繞著一個軸或結合連接器的 z 軸來建立螺旋線。在範例中的 Top 平面上有一個正方形草圖,Front 平面上有一條直線,還有一個有結合連接器在其側邊的立方體。
按一下工具列中的「螺旋線」特徵工具。爲「螺旋線類型」選擇 [軸]。
選擇要繞著建立螺旋線的軸。在這個範例中選擇的是直線。或者您可以選擇一個結合連接器來使用其 z 軸,繞著建立螺旋線。
按一下「結束半徑」核取方塊,然後選擇螺旋線的結束半徑。如果在「輸入類型」中選取的是「轉圈」或「螺距」,請選擇 [高度] 或 [終點]。如果選取了 [高度],請輸入高度值或在圖形區域中拖曳操控器。如果選取了 [終點],請在參考幾何上選擇一個頂點來於該點結束螺旋線。
如果「輸入類型」是「轉圈」或「轉圈和螺距」,請在「旋轉」欄位中指定螺旋線旋轉的圈數。如果「輸入類型」是「螺距」,請指定「目標螺距」,這是螺旋節距的尺寸 (每個旋轉上軸向移動的距離)。
- With the axis object sketch in the graphics area, click .
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [軸]。
- 選擇下列項目之一:
- 螺旋軸 (例如一條直線或邊線) 來沿著軸方位建立螺旋線。
- An existing Mate connector, to create a helix oriented on its Z-axis. If one does not exist, click the Mate connector icon to create a new implicit Mate connector.
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition, and optionally click the Opposite origin arrow to use the opposite vertex as the helix start point:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the axis; the start of the revolve (in preferred units).
- Start point - A vertex on the axis.
- 輸入「開始半徑」(使用選用的單位),即是相對於軸的半徑。
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on the axis edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- 選擇性地核取「結束半徑」,然後以選用的單位輸入結束半徑。使用不同的開始與結束半徑來建立非對稱的螺旋線。
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- Click .
按一下工具列中的「螺旋線」特徵工具。爲「螺旋線類型」選擇 [圓]。
選擇「起始形態」。「開始角度」會從圓上的參考點開始螺旋線; 這是旋轉的起使處。另一個方法是選擇「起點」來從圓邊線上的頂點或參考幾何開始螺旋線。
如果在「輸入類型」中選取的是「轉圈」或「螺距」,請選擇 [高度] 或 [終點]。如果選取了 [高度],請輸入高度值或在圖形區域中拖曳操控器。如果選取了 [終點],請在參考幾何上選擇一個頂點來於該點結束螺旋線。
如果「輸入類型」是「轉圈」或「轉圈和螺距」,請在「旋轉」欄位中指定螺旋線旋轉的圈數。如果「輸入類型」是「螺距」,請指定「目標螺距」,這是螺旋節距的尺寸 (每個旋轉上軸向移動的距離)。
- With a circle sketch in the graphics area, click .
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [圓]。
- 在圖形區域中選擇環狀邊線 (圓或弧)。圓或弧的圓周會成為螺旋線的基礎。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the circular edge; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of the circle (in preferred units)
- Start point - A vertex on the circular edge.
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on any other construction geometry. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- Click .
在左邊的範例中,圓柱面 (Face of Extrude 1) 是螺旋線循向前進的基礎。在右邊的範例中,圓錐面 (Face of Loft 1) 則是螺旋線循向前進的基礎:
在下方的範例中,於上下兩個平面上繪製兩個圓草圖。每個草圖同時有一個在圓邊線上的點。在 Top 平面上的圓邊線 (Edge of Sketch 1) 是螺旋線循向前進的軸物件。在 Sketch 1 上的點 (以橘色顯示) 是用做為螺旋線的「起點」,在 Sketch 2 的點 (以黃色顯示) 則是螺旋線的「終點」:
在下方的範例中,在 Top 平面上繪製了一個正方形草圖,在 Front 平面上繪製了一條直線。直線 (Edge of Sketch 2) 是螺旋線循向旋轉的軸物件。「Vertex of Sketch 2」(直線上方) 是用做為螺旋線的「起點」,而正方形的邊角 (以黃色顯示的 Vertex of Sketch 1) 則是螺旋線的「終點」:
在下方的範例中,是在單一平面上建立螺旋線。圓草圖 (Edge of Sketch 6) 是螺旋線循向前進的軸物件。在圓外邊線的點 (黃色的 Vertex of Sketch 6) 是用來做為螺旋線的「起點」,在圓中間的點 (橘色的 Vertex of Sketch 6) 則是螺旋線的「終點」:
在下方的範例中,圓草圖的邊線 (Edge of Sketch 1) 是形成螺旋線基礎的環形邊線 (以橘色顯示):
在下方的範例中,與上方相同的圓邊線形成了螺旋線的基礎 (以黃色顯示)。來自上方平面另一個草圖中的一個點 (Vertex of Sketch 2) 則用為螺旋線的「終點」:
- 如上所述建立繞圓柱或圓錐的螺旋線:
- 使用螺旋線與螺旋頂點來建立一個曲線-點平面:
- Sketch a circle on the plane, using () the helix vertex for the center of the circle:
- 沿著螺旋線 (路徑) 掃出圓:
- Click .
If it helps, you can hide the cone or cylinder (use the in the Parts list).
In addition to the surfacing tools, curves are used to create the basic building blocks of surfaces.
This lists the collection of curve feature tools. This is not an exhaustive list. Additional Feature tools may be used when manipulating curves.
- Sketch tools - Tools in the Sketch toolbar such as Line, Corner rectangle, Center point rectangle, Center point circle, 3 point circle, Tangent arc, 3 point arc, Spline, Point, and Construction used to create a sketch in a Part Studio.
- Helix - Create a helix using a conical or cylindrical face, single axis or z-axis of a mate connector, or circular edge.
- 3D fit spline - Create a 3D fit spline through a series of vertices. Creates a curve which is listed in the Parts list under Curves.
- Projected curve - Create a curve from the projection of two sketches (Two sketches option) or from the projection of a curve on a face (Curve to face option).
- Bridging curve - Create a Curve connecting any two points, vertices, or Mate connectors. The resulting Curve is listed in the Feature list and the Parts list.
- Composite curve - Represent multiple edges as one Curve. Select multiple adjacent edges, sketch entities, and other curves. Selecting non-contiguous edges may result in multiple Curves created. Selections for each Curve must meet at their vertices. (Curves are listed in the Parts > Curves list.)
- Intersection curve - Create a curve at the intersection of two or more surfaces or faces. The selections must intersect.
- Trim curve - Trim or extend a curve by a distance or to a bounding entity.
- Isocline - Create an isocline on a sloped face. An isocline runs on a face at positions where the face has a certain slope compared to its reference definition. The resulting isocline is listed in the Feature list and Parts list.
- Offset curve - Create and extend and/or split a new curve by offsetting edges on surrounding faces.
- Isoparametric curve - Create smooth curves that run along a face or surface in the U or V direction.
- Edit curve - Edit an existing curve by selecting sketch entities or curves to apply a simplified approximation, elevate the degree, reposition control curve vertices and/or planarize into any 2D plane.
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 如果尚未選取,請選擇 [圓柱/圓錐] 做為螺旋線路徑類型。
- 在圖形區域中選擇一個圓錐或圓柱面。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition:
Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the cylinder or cone; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of an extruded circle (in preferred units)
Start point - A vertex on the circular edge of the reference geometry for the cylinder or cone.
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix on the conical or cylindrical face (you can also use the drag manipulator)
- End point - A vertex on the construction geometry's circular edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [軸]。
- Select the Helix axis (for example, a line or edge), to create a helix oriented along its axis.
- Optionally, tap the Mate connector icon to select or create implicit Mate connectors.
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
Select the Start condition, and optionally tap the Opposite origin arrow to use the opposite vertex as the helix start point:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the axis; the start of the revolve (in preferred units).
- Start point - A vertex on the axis.
- 輸入「開始半徑」(使用選用的單位),即是相對於軸的半徑。
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on the axis edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- 選擇性地核取「結束半徑」,然後以選用的單位輸入結束半徑。使用不同的開始與結束半徑來建立非對稱的螺旋線。
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [圓]。
- 在圖形區域中選擇環狀邊線 (圓或弧)。圓或弧的圓周會成為螺旋線的基礎。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the circular edge; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of the circle (in preferred units)
- Start point - A vertex on the circular edge.
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on any other construction geometry. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- Create a helix from either a conical or cylindrical face or a circular edge, as described above.
If you used a cone or cylinder to make the helix, it helps to hide it. Do so with the hide icon in the feature list.
- With the Plane tool, create a plane using the plane type Plane Point. Select a plane and select a point from either end of the helix.
- 在新平面上,於螺旋線頂點處繪製一個圓。
- 將圓以實體掃出,使用螺旋線做為掃出路徑。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 如果尚未選取,請選擇 [圓柱/圓錐] 做為螺旋線路徑類型。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
- Select the Start condition:
Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the cylinder or cone; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of an extruded circle (in preferred units)
Start point - A vertex on the circular edge of the reference geometry for the cylinder or cone.
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix on the conical or cylindrical face (you can also use the drag manipulator)
- End point - A vertex on the construction geometry's circular edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [軸]。
- 選擇螺旋軸 (例如一條直線或邊線) 來沿著軸方位建立螺旋線。
- Select the Input type on which to base the helix: Turns, Pitch, or Turns and pitch. Click the Opposite direction arrow to flip the direction of the helix.
Select the Start condition, and optionally tap the Opposite origin arrow to use the opposite vertex as the helix start point:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the axis; the start of the revolve (in preferred units).
- Start point - A vertex on the axis.
- 輸入「開始半徑」(使用選用的單位),即是相對於軸的半徑。
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on the axis edge. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- 選擇性地核取「結束半徑」,然後以選用的單位輸入結束半徑。使用不同的開始與結束半徑來建立非對稱的螺旋線。
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- 輕觸「螺旋線」工具。
- 爲螺旋線路徑類型選擇 [圓]。
- 在圖形區域中選擇環狀邊線 (圓或弧)。圓或弧的圓周會成為螺旋線的基礎。
- Select the Start condition:
- Start angle - The measurement from a reference point on the circular edge; the start of the revolve or the x-axis of the circle (in preferred units)
- Start point - A vertex on the circular edge.
- 選擇「開始角度」,從環狀邊線上參考點開始的測量;旋轉或圓 x 軸的起始處 (使用選用的單位),或是選擇「起點」,也就是環狀邊線上的一個頂點。
- If the Input type selected is Turns or Pitch, select one of the following End conditions:
- Height - Height of the helix. Enter the Height in preferred units or use the drag manipulator.
- End point - A vertex on any other construction geometry. When selected, a Computed revolutions field opens. Optionally click the Flip rounding arrow to round the computed revolutions up.
- Specify one of the following:
- Target revolutions - Available if Input type is Turns or Turns and pitch, this is the number of helix revolutions.
- Target pitch - Available if the Input type is Pitch, this is the dimension of the helical pitch (distance traveled axially in each revolution).
- 指定轉圈的方向,可以是順時針或逆時針。
- 選擇性地選取「顯示開始與結束輪廓」來在圖形區域中強調顯示輪廓。
- 輕觸核取記號。
- Create a helix from either a conical or cylindrical face or a circular edge, as described above.
If you used a cone or cylinder to make the helix, it helps to hide it. Do so with the hide icon in the feature list.
- With the Plane tool, create a plane using the plane type Plane Point. Select a plane and select a point from either end of the helix.
- 在新平面上,於螺旋線頂點處繪製一個圓。
- 將圓以實體掃出,使用螺旋線做為掃出路徑。
- 輕觸核取記號。