文件頁面是您登入至 Onshape 帳戶後顯示的第一個頁面。唯一例外的情況是 Enterprise 訂閱的使用者會在登入時進入「活動」的頁面。當在系統中的其他頁面時,您可以按一下 Onshape 標誌 (或您公司的標誌) 來回到文件頁面。
Onshape Enterprise admins can set the default startup page for users. See Startup page preferences.
This page lists all of the Onshape projects, folders, publications, and documents you have permission to, including view permission. All Onshape entities permissions are applied automatically upon creation of the document. See these topics for more details: Share Documents (for everyone) and Understanding and Administering Project Roles and Permission Schemes (for Enterprise users and administrators).
這個主題說明文件頁面的結構,以及您可於此處執行的工作,解釋其中的導覽操作。提供使用這個頁面來組織管理資料的簡單說明,然後使用標籤、資料夾、專案 (在某些情況中) 來找出資料,或是使用篩選器與搜尋功能來找出資料。
您可自訂文件頁面以輕鬆地檢視可用的文件、資料夾與公佈。當您選擇一個篩選器與喜好的配置時,Onshape 會以所選的方式顯示文件頁面,直到您再次變更選擇為止。例如,如果您選擇「清單檢視」與您公司名稱的篩選器,在您下次存取「文件」頁面時,系統會保留這些設定。
文件縮圖是最後開啟 Part Studio 的縮圖,但您也可以在 Part Studio 內進行自訂。文件名稱會以粗體顯示,會在旁邊以淡灰色顯示最後開啟的工作區。下方的各項說明分別解釋上方文件頁面的內容:
- The Create button has multiple options:
Document () - Click to create and name a new Onshape document and optionally apply an existing label. You can also create a new document using cad.onshape.com/new.
Folder () - Click to create and name a new Onshape folder.
Publication () - Click to create and name a new Onshape publication.
Import files () - Click to import external files into Onshape.
Import from () - Click to import files from Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive into Onshape.
Project () - Click to open the Create new project dialog box, where you are able to specify the name, description, and permission scheme of your project, as well as who has access to it. This option is available for any user who has been granted the Global permission that enables this functionality.
Label () - Click the Create new label icon () to create and name a new Onshape label.
When creating a document or folder, you can add it into one of your existing folders by selecting a specific location in the Document location field of the New document or folder dialog. This places the document or folder into its designated folder. Alternatively, navigate to a folder first, then create a document or folder.
The Create button is available for all users; however, when an enterprise user has read-only access to the folder in which they are trying to create, this button is inactive.
For Enterprise and Professional subscriptions, there are two modes available to view your data: Document view () and List view (). See Document Grid view and List view for more information. For all other subscriptions, there are no view mode buttons, and Document view is the only view available.
- Buttons for:
Document list view () - Displays the document list in list view (shown above).
Document grid view () - Displays the document list in thumbnail grid view.
- 左側面板 - 篩選器群組、「整合」與「垃圾桶」所在處:
- Filters group - Onshape supplies various filters to sort documents into groups. The selected filter also appears above the list of documents (to the right of the Create button). For information on filters, see Using Onshape Filters.
- Integrations - If you have previously integrated your Google Drive, Dropbox, and/or Micosoft OneDrive accounts into Onshape, the Integration appears above the Trash on your Documents page. To search through your Google Drive account, click the Google drive icon (). To search through your Dropbox account, click the Dropbox icon (). To search through your Microsoft OneDrive account, click the Microsoft
OneDrive logo (). The email following the icon is the specific account you have integrated. You can integrate more than one account.
Integrate your Dropbox or Google drive account through Integrations in your Account settings or Integrations in your Enterprise settings.
- Trash - The trash () lists all documents that you have sent to trash (deleted). You see only those documents you have sent to trash. Any documents you delete from the trash, and all those present in trash when you click Empty Trash, are deleted forever. You can, however, right-click on any item in trash and Restore it.
When Trash is selected, non-Enterprise subscriptions display a banner along the top of the screen to explain that items in the trash are automatically deleted after 30 days, along with an Empty trash button. Clicking this button forces deletion of items in trash:
For Enterprise subscriptions, trash is automatically deleted after 90 days. Admins can click the Empty trash button to force deletion of items.
- 不論所選取的篩選器為何,文件清單的上方會顯示目前使用者 (本人上次開啟的) 最近開啟的文件。這個部分是可摺疊縮小的。
- The right side panel is where information for the selected document, folder, or publication is accessed:
- Details panel () - Displays more details about the document. It can be toggled off with the Details button. Click this icon to toggle the panel open and closed.
- Analytics panel () - Displays the Document Dashboard. This displays information about the selected document's modeling time, actions performed, tab types, modeling activity, and access locations.
Anyone with View access to a document can view its Document Dashboard analytics. To share a document so the user can view its analytics, ensure the user is set to Can view in the Share dialog:
Share details panel () - Displays the permissions on the document and the folder or project (if any) within which it resides.
Versions and history panel () - Displays the versions and history of the document. This panel allows you to perform all actions available through the Versions and history panel in a document, right from this panel. For more information on how to use the Versions and history graph, see Document Management. You can hover over any entry in the graph and see the description as entered into the properties for that Version. For more information on properties, see Version Manager .
在任何面板中 (「詳細資料」、「共享詳細資料」或「版本與歷程」) 按一下文件名稱,隨即會在新的瀏覽器分頁中開啟文件。
Hover over the Document name in any of the panels (Details, Share Details, or Versions and history). The Copy link icon ( ) becomes visible. Click it to copy the document link to your clipboard.
When searching on Parts, Part Studios, Drawings, or Assemblies, specifically, the Detail pane for a selected document will include a Properties icon ():
按一下這個圖示來檢視「屬性」資訊。按一下面板上方 [編輯] 連結來編輯屬性。
If the search criteria and results include any revision history information (such as State), the Detail panel for a selected document will include a Revision history icon ():
按一下這個圖示來查看「修訂歷程記錄」的資訊。會在「修訂歷程記錄」面板中以藍色強調顯示所選零件 (在搜尋結果中) 的修訂版。例如,上圖顯示於左側選取的 Part 1 在右側的「修訂歷程記錄」下被強調顯示:
同時可在「進階搜尋」對話方塊的「新增準則」選取方塊中存取新增至 Company 或 Enterprise 中的類別 (如下所示)。
- List of projects (for Enterprise accounts), folders, publications, and documents. For more information on folders, see Creating and Using Folders. For more information on projects, see Understanding and Administering Project Roles and Permission Schemes.
By default, all subscription plans use the Document grid view (outlined in the Documents page layout). However, Enterprise and Professional plans have 3 views available: Document grid view and Document list view (outlined below), and Structure view.
Document grid view ()
Document grid view is the default view. When selected, the last opened documents are displayed below, with any folders, publications, and documents. See Documents page layout for more information about this view.
Accessing Document grid view
Click the Document grid view icon ().
按一下頁面左上角的公司標誌 (重新整理文件)。
Leaving and then returning to the Documents page does not retain the List view. You are returned to the Document grid view.
List view ()
List view, available to Enterprise and Professional plan subscribers, allows you to view the latest released and revisioned parts, Assemblies/subassemblies, and Drawings in each folder. Filter data in Onshape based on your product's structure. Data is presented in the same view, no matter how users in your company have structured their documents. Browse information naturally rather than having to know document naming conventions or how users have set up their documents. See List view for more information.
Structure view ()
The Structure view is located on the Documents page. View the latest released and revisioned models and all associated parts, assemblies, and drawings in a tree list, presenting the information from the top level assembly downward. Data is presented in the same view, no matter how users in your company have structured their documents. Browse information logically instead of via document naming conventions or setup. See Structure view for more information.
選取一個項目 (文件、資料夾或公佈) 時,系統會在清單中強調顯示該項目,且在「詳細資料」飛出視窗開啟時,會顯示該項目的「詳細資料」。在並排圖磚或表格列任意處按一下來選擇項目。當項目被選取時,項目名稱的背景會變為藍色。
To access the context menu of an open folder, right-click on the folder.
您可以選擇多個文件、資料夾與公佈 (或 3 者之間的任意組合):
- 使用 Ctrl+按一下來於一次選擇多個項目。
- 使用 Shift+按一下 (或 Shift+方向鍵) 來選擇一個範圍。
Share - Share a private document, folder, or publication with other users, and assign permissions per user. Send an email link to any person. If they are an Onshape user, they can click the link and open the document in Onshape. If they are not yet a user, the document opens in View-only mode. For more information, see Share Documents.
Delete - When a document or folder is highlighted, you can use the Delete key to move the document to Trash, or click the Trash icon (shown in the image below):
若要刪除多個文件/資料夾,請使用 Ctrl+按一下或 Shift+按一下 (如上方所述) 來選擇,然後按一下右側「詳細資料」面板中的「垃圾桶」圖示:
Labels - Select labels to apply to the selected document(s). Labels cannot be applied to folders.
選擇一或多個文件、資料夾或公佈 (或 3 者之間的任意組合),然後按右鍵存取其中有下列指令的環境選單。
可用的指令取決於篩選器的內容、容器的類型 (文件、資料夾、公佈) 以及所選容器類型的數量與組合。
- Open - Open the selected item.
- Open in new browser tab - Open the selected item in a new browser tab.
- Rename document/folder/publication - Provide a new name for the selected item.
- Copy workspace - Available only for documents; makes a copy of the document default workspace.
- In the Copy active workspace to new document dialog, you can adjust the copied document's name and navigate through your folder structure to choose a desired location in which to save the document.
- 在您複製工作區之後,會出現一個快顯訊息表示已成功建立副本並提供對經複製工作區的連結。這個連結會在新的分頁中開啟複製的工作區。
- In the Copy active workspace to new document dialog, you can adjust the copied document's name and navigate through your folder structure to choose a desired location in which to save the document.
- Details - Show the Details panel for the selected item.
- Versions and history - Available only for documents; view a list of all the versions of a particular document. For more information, see Document Management.
- Labels - Select labels to apply to the selected document(s). Labels cannot be applied to folders.
- Share - Share a private document, folder, or publication with other users, and assign permissions per user. Send an email link to any person. If they are an Onshape user, they can click the link, and open the document in Onshape. If they are not yet a user, the document opens in View-only mode. For more information, see Share Documents.
- Move to - Move the selected item to a folder. You can also use drag and drop for this action.
- Go to location - Available for released items only. Navigates to the released item's location in the view selected:
Go to location in Document view - See Documents Page for more information.
Go to location in List view - See List View for more information.
Go to location in Structure view - See Structure View for more information.
- Transfer ownership - Transfer the ownership of the item to an individual or a company.
- Unshare with me - Available only if the selected item was shared with you; removes you from the item's share permissions.
- Make public - Available only for private documents; makes the document publicly available to all Onshape users in view-only mode. This option is not available for Enterprise.
- Send to trash - Move the selected item to trash. You can also drag and drop items in the Trash filter to delete them.
- Remove from recently opened - Available for documents and publications; removes the item from your Recently opened filter.
在垃圾桶中的項目可以個別地被還原或刪除,或您可以使用 [清空垃圾桶] 按鈕來一次刪除垃圾桶中的所有項目。
To change the thumbnail that is displayed, open the document, right-click on the tab you wish to use as the thumbnail and click Select as document thumbnail. Keep the following in mind:
- If the tab selected is deleted or moved to another document, the thumbnail reverts to the most recently edited tab.
- 需要對文件有「編輯」的權限才能選擇新的縮圖。
- 可將「詳細資料」飛出視窗調整為不小於 340px。
- 在重新調整「詳細資料」飛出視窗的大小之後,當再次開啟飛出視窗及您再度登入時,會將分隔列保持在新的位置上。
While in the company filter (shown below in bold blue text), the top of the window displays thumbnails of the last documents opened by you (regardless of ownership). As many thumbnails are shown as will fit in the window at the time.
Use the search bar at the top of the Documents page to search for a document within the active folder, as stated in the search bar:
Use the down arrow in the Search bar to activate an advanced search menu to search for an Onshape tab type (Document, Part, Part Studio, Assembly, Drawing, or all types) within the active folder and refine the search using additional relevant search criteria.
For more information on what additional search criteria may be used, see the topic Advanced search.
標題列右上方出現一個鈴鐺圖示代表通知 (當有通知時才出現)。圖示旁的數字表示未讀取通知的數量。不論是否有讀取通知,系統會在 14 天後自動刪除通知。
- A comment on the document - Open to read and mark as read
- Status of an upload - Open to read (mark as read, or delete)
- Status of an export - Open to read (mark as read, or delete)
- Workspace status - If the workspace falls out of date with the most current Onshape release, it is noted here. An out of date workspace could be the result of:
- 從上次更新之前所建立的版本產生分支
- 還原至上次更新之前建立的版本
iOS 平台上的「文件」頁面有與 Web 平台相同的功能。
By default, all subscription plans use the Document view (outlined below). However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two views available. See Document view and List view for more information.
這是登入之後顯示的第一個網頁 (下圖所示是在 iPhone 與 iPad 上的畫面):
The Documents page has various filters to choose from. Tap the side panel menu icon () in the upper left corner of the page to open the side panel menu and navigate through your Onshape Documents. Once you select a filter, tap away from the menu (or, in horizontal position, tap on the menu icon again) to close it.
當在行動裝置存取文件頁面時,您可以選擇用文件方格檢視或文件清單檢視來顯示。按一下頁面右上角的功能表按鈕來設定您喜好的檢視方式,Onshape 會記住您的設定。
To access the Details pane on an iPad, tap the Details icon () on the right side of the page. The Details pane remains open while you continue to browse through documents. To close the Details pane on an iPad, tap the Details icon () again.
若要關閉 iPhone 上的「詳細資料」窗格,請輕觸右上角的 X。
Tap the Share details icon () to display the permissions on the document and the folder or project (if any) it resides within.
Tap the versions and history icon () to display the versions and history of the document, and also opens the document. This panel allows you to perform all actions available through the Versions and history panel in a document. For more information on how to use the Versions and history graph, see Document Management.
輕觸窗格右上角的「編輯」圖示 (鉛筆圖示) 來重新命名文件。
By default, all subscription plans use the Document view (outlined in the Documents page layout). However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two views available: Document view and List view.
文件檢視 ()
Document view is the default view. When selected, the last opened documents are displayed below, with any folders, publications, and documents. See Documents page layout for more information about this view.
輕觸螢幕上方的「文件檢視」圖示 ()。
List view ()
List view, available to Enterprise and Professional plan subscribers, allows you to view the latest released and revisioned parts, Assemblies/subassemblies, and Drawings in each folder. Filter data in Onshape based on your product's structure. Data is presented in the same view, no matter how users in your company have structured their documents. Browse information naturally rather than having to know document naming conventions or how users have set up their documents. See List view for more information.
從功能表中選擇 [文件]。
Enter a title for the document, then tap Create.
如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,可以在建立新文件時選擇文件擁有者。如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,新文件預設的擁有者會是您所屬的 Company 帳戶。如果您不是 Company 帳戶的成員,則新文件的預設擁有者為您本人。
When creating a document or folder, you can add it to one of your existing folders by selecting a specific location in the Document location field of the New document or folder dialog. This places the document or folder into its designated location. Alternatively, navigate to the folder first, then create a document or folder from there.
將檔案匯入至 Onshape 中:
如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,則在匯入新文件時可以選擇文件擁有者。如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,則新文件的預設擁有者會是您所屬的 Company 帳戶。如果您不是 Company 帳戶的成員,則新文件的預設擁有者為您本人。
For more info, see Import.
將檔案從 Onshape 中匯出:
輕觸您要從其中匯出的分頁 (Part Studio、Assembly 等)。
從環境選單中選擇 [匯出]。
選擇一個版本 (如果有的話)
輕觸 [匯出] 來匯出檔案,或輕觸 [取消] 來關閉對話方塊而不匯出。
For more info, see Exporting Files.
存取您的 Onshape 帳戶設定:
- Profile - View your name, username, nickname, edit your bio, and view the companies and teams you are a part of.
- Emails - View the email addresses you have associated with your Onshape account.
- Preferences - View and set the default units for Length, Angle, and Mass.
- Subscription - View your Onshape subscription type.
- Teams - View the teams you are a part of.
- Companies - View the companies you are a part of.
登出 Onshape:
Tap the icon in the upper left to access the navigation drawer. Here, tap Sign out.
- Help - the Mobile Help.
- 檢閱手勢控制
- Contact Support - Ask a question or provide feedback to Onshape in the form of logging a bug or requesting an improvement.
- About - See what version of Onshape your device is running and view Terms and Privacy.
- Access the document versions - see Version Manager for more info.
- Access the document history - see Version Manager for more info.
- Copy, delete, and share the document - see Share for more info on sharing documents.
- Add or edit the document name and document description - tap the icon in the upper right of the document info panel to edit the document name:
Tap Add description to add or edit the document description.
If you are not the owner of a document you can not delete it. However, if you have a document shared with you, the option to remove yourself from the document is available. Tap Remove to remove yourself, or unsubscribe, from the shared document.
When copying a workspace, you can adjust the Document name and folder location in the Copy the active workspace to a new document dialog.
Android 平台上的「文件」頁面有與 Web 平台相同的功能。
By default, all subscription plans use the Document view (outlined below). However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two views available. See Document view and List view for more information.
「文件」頁面中有各種可選擇的篩選器。按一下頁面左上角的側邊面板功能表按鈕來開啟側邊面板功能表並於其中瀏覽查看您的 Onshape 文件。在選取了篩選器之後,於功能表外輕觸 (或是在以水平位置顯示的平板裝置中再次輕觸功能表圖示) 來關閉面板。
Tap Create document.
Enter a name for the document and tap Create.
如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,在建立新文件時可以選擇文件擁有者。如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,新文件預設的擁有者會是您所屬的 Company 帳戶。如果您不是 Company 帳戶的成員,則新文件的預設擁有者為您本人。
By default, all subscription plans use the Document view (outlined in the Documents page layout). However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two views available: Document view and List view.
文件檢視 ()
Document view is the default view. When selected, the last opened documents are displayed below, with any folders, publications, and documents. See Documents page layout for more information about this view.
輕觸「文件檢視」圖示 ()。
輕觸頁面左上角的公司標誌 (重新整理文件)。
List view ()
List view, available to Enterprise and Professional plan subscribers, allows you to view the latest released and revisioned parts, Assemblies/subassemblies, and Drawings in each folder. Filter data in Onshape based on your product's structure. Data is presented in the same view, no matter how users in your company have structured their documents. Browse information naturally rather than having to know document naming conventions or how users have set up their documents. See List view for more information.
將檔案匯入至 Onshape 中:
如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,在匯入新文件時可以選擇文件擁有者。如果您是 Company 帳戶的成員,新文件的預設擁有者會是您所屬的 Company 帳戶。如果您不是 Company 帳戶的成員,則新文件的預設擁有者為您本人。
For more info, see Import.
將檔案從 Onshape 中匯出:
輕觸您要從其中匯出的分頁 (Part Studio、Assembly 等)。
從環境選單中選擇 [匯出]。
選擇一個版本 (如果有的話)
輕觸 [匯出] 來匯出檔案,或輕觸 [取消] 來關閉對話方塊而不匯出。
For more info, see Exporting Files.
開啟共享通知 (當使用者與您共享文件時的推播通知):
Tap Settings at the bottom right. Select My Account and toggle Share Notifications on (box checked) or off (box empty).
關閉評論通知 (當使用者對共享文件做出評論時的推播通知):
Tap Settings at the bottom right. Select My Account and toggle Comment Notifications on (box checked) or off (box empty).
登出 Onshape:
Tap the icon in the upper left to access the navigation drawer. Here, tap Sign out.
- Help - the Mobile Help.
- 檢閱手勢控制
- Contact Support - Ask a question or provide feedback to Onshape in the form of logging a bug or requesting an improvement.
- About - See what version of Onshape your device is running and view Terms and Privacy.
Access the document versions - see Version Manager for more information. |
Access the document history - see Version Manager for more information. |
Copy the document - make a copy of the document. |
Move the document - see Folders for more information on moving documents. |
Delete the document - Move the document to trash. |
Remove yourself from document - see Share for more information. |
Share the document - see Share for more information. |
Add or edit the document name and document description - tap the icon in the upper right of the document info panel to edit the document name, tap the icon to the right of Description to add or edit the document description. |
If you are not the owner of a document you can not delete it. However, if you have a document shared with you, the option to remove yourself from the document is available. Tap Remove to remove yourself, or unsubscribe, from the shared document.
For an additional Learning center resource, follow the learning pathway course here: Document Management (Onshape account required).