An advanced search allows you to search for a Document, Part, Part Studio, Assembly, or Drawing within the active folder.
To learn more about advanced search, see the technical briefing article here: Where Are My Parts? (Onshape account required).
Use the search bar at the top of the Documents page to search for specific Onshape entities inside the active folder.
To search all folders in your company, click the company name in the folder breadcrumbs, then click in the search bar.
「搜尋」可接受多個字詞與非字母數字的字元,像是標點符號字元。例如,"universal handle" 與 "universal-handle"。
- Type - Select a type to search for. You can search for a Document, Part, Part Studio, Assembly, Drawing, Feature Studio, Variable Studio, Project, and Publication. Select All to search all types.
- Category - Select a category to search for. You can search for an Assembly, Drawing, Feature Studio, In-house manufacturing, Part, Part Studio, or Variable Studio. You can select more than one option in this field.
- Name - Enter the name of the type of entity you are searching for (the name of the Document, Part, Part Studio, Assembly, Publication, or Drawing).
- Description - Every type is able to have a description assigned to it. Enter some or all of the description of a Onshape entity you are searching for.
- Part number - If you are searching for a Part, Assembly, or Drawing, you can enter a Part number to search for.
- State - If you are searching for a Part, Assembly, or Drawing, you can enter a state to search for such as in progress, pending, released, or obsolete.
- Revision - If you are searching for a Part, Assembly, or Drawing, you can enter a revision number to search for.
- Add criteria - Free, Standard, and Education account users can use this field to search for default fields including Owner and Creator. Users of Company and Enterprise accounts have the ability to specify criteria for custom properties when custom properties are active.
If a criteria is selected, an additional Add criteria selection field is exposed on the next line in the dialog so you can select multiple criteria in your search.
Some criteria require additional input. For example, selecting a date criteria exposes a calendar from which a date is selected, and selecting Not revision managed exposes a True or False option.
- Results from - Acquire results from Workspaces, Workspaces and Versions, or Versions; and just the latest versions and workspaces or all of them. Search in the current folder and all subfolders, or search in the current folder with subfolders excluded.
Use a wildcard (*) indicator in the search bar and any advanced search field to surround a segment of a string that narrows the search. For example, enter *600* in the Part number field to produce search results for only parts that have 600 anywhere in their string (useful for searching a series of parts).
搜尋結果清單指明所找出識別碼 (零件名稱、零件編號、文件名稱等) 的所在位置。例如,使用下方的搜尋準則 (紅色箭號表示使用了萬用字元):
每個搜尋結果會以名稱之前的圖示指明符合搜尋準則的項目類型,接下來會有項目名稱。項目名稱下方是工作區或版本圖示,文件名稱與工作區名稱 (若搜尋準則指定的話,也會有版本名稱),零件編號與發行管理狀態。
- 名為 Part 1 的零件,位在 Part Studio 1 中的未命名文件內 (如文件頁面右側的「詳細資料」窗格中所示)。
會在項目名稱下方顯示下列的資訊 (在上圖中以藍色輪廓線框出),依序為:
- An icon indicating whether or not that item is a workspace
, version
, revision
, or latest revision
- 工作區或修訂版名稱出現在括弧中
- The part number, highlighted in gray
(note that this only appears when an item is in the Release management workflow)
- 項目的狀態 (已發行、待決中、進行中、已拒絕、已淘汰或已捨棄)
Select a search result, then click the Details icon to open the Details pane, where you will find a more detailed description of that item.
When hovering your cursor over a search result that is not a document (for example, a part) the tab name will be in the tool tip that appears:
When the search result includes revision information or the searched for entity has a new property defined, the Detail includes a Revision history icon and a Properties icon
, respectively:
開啟 - 在目前的瀏覽器分頁中開啟目前的文件。
在新瀏覽器分頁開啟 - 在新瀏覽器分頁中開啟目前的文件。
匯出 - 開啟目前文件的「匯出」對話方塊,可於其中將目前的文件匯出。詳細資訊請參考匯出檔案。
詳細資料 - 在螢幕左側開啟目前文件的「詳細資料」飛出面板。
Share - Open's the sharing options for the item. See Sharing and Collaboration for more information.
Go to location - Available for released items only. Navigates to the released item's location in the view selected:
Go to location in Document view - See Documents Page for more information.
Go to location in List view - See List View for more information.
Go to location in Structure view - See Structure View for more information.
Transfer ownership - Transfers the document to a new owner. See Transfer Ownership for more information.