Render Studio Interface - Scene List
僅為 提供
Located on the left side of the page, the Scene list provides part, Part Studio and Assembly information for the current Render Studio scene.
When an option in the Scene list is selected, the Scene, Appearance, and Environment panels to the right display related submenus and their editable parameters. See the Scene, Appearance , and Environment panel sections for a comprehensive list of parameter options.
The Appearance panel only shows available parameters if a single Scene list item is selected. Press the spacebar to deselect all items and then select one item in the Scene list.
Any entities in the scene list except Transforms and Projectors can be multi-selected (selected together in a grouped selection). Transforms and Projectors are single selections only.
To adjust the Scene list width, hover the cursor over its right edge. When the cursor turns into a double-sided arrow, click and drag to resize.
在「場景清單」中對場景採用階層式的處理方式,可想像為各種層級。例如,在下方圖片中,Render Studio 是最上方的層級,table 則是在 Render Studio 下一層,然後 Part 1 則是 table 零件下一層的零件。
For example, in the image below, if the table Part Studio has a property set, then all entities below (Part 1 to Part 5) use this property. If, on the other hand, the table does not have its property set, but Part 1 does, then the property set at Part 1 is used for all levels below. If an override exists in a level further up (for instance, on the table), then this property setting takes priority over anything set below its level (table and all parts below for example), even if any of them have their property set.
Entities in a Scene list cannot move from one layer to another (i.e.: up or down in the Scene list). The transform matrix, which determines where in space an item is located, is stored with the entity (as an entity instance). These transforms accumulate as they are added to each entity. Transform the top level entity, and all lower level entities transform accordingly; they are moved together as a group.
例如,在「場景清單」中選擇最上層的 Render Studio ,然後使用 Transform 工具將 y 軸從 1 縮放至 0.1。在場景中的所有零件都會一起縮小 (下方中第二個圖片所示):
See Transform a Scene list entity for more information on part, Part Studio, and Assembly transforms.
Hover over the Scene list entity and the hovered entity's background turns light blue. A yellow outline surrounds the entity in the graphics area (see the first image below).
Click on the Scene list entity and the clicked entity's background turns a darker blue. A yellow fill is placed over the entity in the graphics area (see the second image below).
Both the outline and fill are visible even if the entity is behind another entity, as is the case in the images below, where the back face of the train's container is selected:
Alternatively, select entities directly in the graphics area.
選擇是切換式的。按一下來選擇,再按一下即取消選擇。您也可以點按來遞增選擇項目及取消選擇項目 (就像使用 Ctrl+按一下一樣)。
圖示 | 說明 |
![]() |
Top level Render Studio scene |
![]() |
Part Studio |
![]() |
已組態的 Part Studio |
組合件或次組合件 |
![]() |
已組態的組合件或次組合件 |
![]() |
零件 |
![]() |
已組態零件 |
![]() |
曲面或面 (網格) |
![]() |
Projector |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
表示參考的更新。關於參考更新圖示與其意涵的完整清單,請參考更新參考。 |
![]() |
Denotes a tessellation value other than Auto is applied. |
![]() ![]() |
Show/hide a scene list entity. |
![]() |
Transform (平移) |
![]() |
Transform (旋轉) |
![]() |
Transform (縮放) |
![]() |
外觀 |
![]() |
連結的外觀 |
![]() |
印花 |
![]() |
Linked decal |
篩選器欄位 - 篩選「場景清單」中的項目。這對包含許多零件、Part Studios 或組合件的全景是相當有用的。並無法篩選面。
Show search results as list (
) - Shows the search results as a flat list instead of a hierarchy:
Scene list results with the default hierarchy view (left) and list view (right)
Render Studio - 目前場景的根目錄。所有其他的場景節點會列在 Render Studio 下方:像是插入的零件、Part Studios、組合件與 Projector。
Part Studio/組合件父群組 - 在建立場景時,系統會將零件、Part Studios 或組合件插入至場景中。對於包含在零件、Part Studios 或組合件中的零件或面來說,這是最上層的群組。
在 Part Studio 或組合件父群組下方可找到的項目如下:
次組合件 - 在父組合件中的一個組合件。次組合件包含零件、曲面與面。
零件 - 有著多個面的單一封閉實體。零件會位在 Part Studio/組合件父群組之下的第一層或次組合件之下。
曲面 - 有一或多個面但沒有體積的個體,且是獨立於零件的。曲面會位在 Part Studio/組合件父群組之下的第一層。
面 (網格) - 零件或曲面的一部分有由邊線界定的區域。例如,一個矩形零件有六個面。面不一定需要由邊線所界定,像是球體即不需要。當點按零件名稱左側的箭頭時,會於下方展開各個面。
Transforms - Displays a list of all transforms (Translate, Rotate, Scale) performed in the Scene using the Transform tool on the Toolbar. See Transform a Scene list entity.
Appearances - Displays a list of all imported (linked) and applied part/face appearances in the scene. If one appearance is selected, its parameters are editable in the Appearance panel. If multiple Appearances are selected, they are displayed as a list in the Appearance panel. See Selecting multiple Appearances for more information.
Projectors - Displays a list of all Projectors in the scene. Projectors can have influence over any entity in the scene, and even the entire scene. Projection determines how the appearance texture mapping transforms, rotates, and scales when projected onto scene faces and/or parts.
You can drag an Appearance from the Appearances list and drop it directly on an entity in the scene list (Render Studio, Part Studio, Assembly, Part, or face). This is a quick way to assign appearances directly from inside the Scene list. See Adding an Appearance to a Scene list entity.
Hovering over an appearance displays its thumbnail to the right. This allows you to preview the appearance directly from the Appearances list:
Right-clicking on a Scene list entity (Render Studio, Part Studio, Assembly, part, or face) provides the following context menu options:
全部顯示 - 顯示「場景清單」中的所有項目。
隱藏 (
) / 顯示 (
) - 除了 Transforms、Appearances 與 Projectors 之外,您可以在任何場景清單項目上使用,這個選項會切換場景中零件或實例的顯示與否。例如,在選取零件的情況下,會在零件名稱旁出現眼睛的圖示,點按這個圖示來在場景中隱藏零件的顯示,再次點按圖示即可顯示零件。
Hide all parts - 隱藏目前所選項目與下方的所有零件。
Hide all faces - 隱藏目前所選項目與下方項目中的所有面。
Isolate - Available only when one or more Parts, Part Studios, or Assemblies are selected from the Scene list's right-click context menu (not available for the Render Studio or face entities). When Isolate is selected, all selected entities are viewable and all other entities are hidden in the graphics area.
A banner is displayed at the top middle of the graphics area to indicate your are in isolate mode. Click Done to exit this mode.
Isolate can also be applied to Transforms and Projectors from their respective context menus. See Transforms context menu and Projectors context menu for more information.
Suppress/Unsuppress - Hides one or more entities from the scene. When suppressed, the entity is not visible in the graphics area. Any entity except faces can be suppressed. Suppressing an entity that has children suppresses all children.
When an entity is suppressed, its name is italicized, font dimmed, and text contains a strikethrough. Right-click and select Unsuppress to toggle the entity back to an active state:
When suppressed, any associated scene list appearances, transforms, and projections are not removed from the Scene list. However, they are not visible in the graphics area.
Paste appearance - If you have copied an Appearance from the Appearances Library, Appearances list, or graphics area, use this option to paste it to the currently selected Scene list entity. See Copying and pasting Appearances.
Unassign appearance - Removes the appearance from the selected entities.
Update linked document - Opens the Reference manager dialog where you can update to the latest version or selectively update the document version. See Updating a linked Scene entity for more information.
開啟連結的文件 - 在新的瀏覽器分頁中開啟連結的文件 (Part Studio 或組合件)。
釘選 / 取消釘選參考 - 當釘選時,會將實例連結至其分支的最新版本上,且是釘住的。
爆炸視圖 - 如果匯入的組合件有一或多個爆炸視圖,使用這個選項來開啟對話方塊以於其中選擇與組合件關聯的爆炸視圖。隨即可在圖形區域中看到所選的爆炸視圖。請參考存取組合件的爆炸視圖。
Change configuration - Opens the Select configuration dialog, where you can choose a different Configuration for the Part Studio or the Assembly. See Inserting Part Studios or Assemblies with configurations.
Reset all tessellation - Available only from the top-level Render Studio entity's right-click context menu, this opens a message prompt to reset custom tessellation settings for all entities below to Auto. Click the Reset button to reset all tessellation, or Cancel to close the message prompt without making any changes:
Select matching instances - Available only from a part or subassembly beneath an inserted Assembly, this selects all matching instances of the part or subassembly. One use is for parts that are patterned, where this option selects all patterned part instances.
Tessellation - Opens the Tessellation dialog where you can select a different tessellation value for the currently selected Scene list entity (Render Studio, Part Studio, Assembly, or part). Options are: Auto, Coarse, Medium, Fine, Very fine, or Custom. If Custom is selected, additional options are available:
Tessellation settings apply to all entities below that do not have an explicit setting. For example, applying a Tessellation setting of Fine to an Assembly applies this same setting to all entities underneath the Assembly that do not have an explicit setting.
If a tessellation value other than Auto is applied, the tessellation icon is displayed next to the element in the Scene list:
角度偏差 - 控制在鑲嵌過程中要將曲面分割為多少片段。例如,10 度的值會產生一個有 36 個平坦面的圓柱。
弦長公差 - 可允許鑲嵌幾何與下方曲面不同的最大距離。
Delete - Deletes one or more selected top level parts, Part Studios, or Assemblies. You cannot delete faces or parts underneath a Part Studio/Assembly.
Hiding entities in the scene list does not persist after reloading the page or logging out. Any hidden entities are visible when the page is reloaded or after logging back in.
When an entity is hidden and then suppressed, unsuppressing it makes it visible again.
Transforms 環境選單
在「場景清單」Transforms 中的 transform 縮圖上按右鍵,以顯示有下列選項的環境選單:
編輯 - 開啟 Transform 對話方塊,您可於其中對目前的變換做出其他的編輯。
Select all entities - Select all parts that were part of the transform operation.
Isolate - When selected, all entities with the selected transforms are viewable and all other entities are hidden in the graphics area.
A banner is displayed at the top middle of the graphics area to indicate your are in isolate mode. Click Done to exit this mode.
刪除 - 將零件的狀態還原至變換之前的原始位置,並從「場景清單」中移除目前的變換。
如果您不小心刪除了變換,可以使用工具列上的「復原」() 選項來還原變換。
Import appearances - Allows you to select a Render Studio tab from the current or other document from which to import applied appearances into the current Render Studio tab. See Importing appearances for more information.
指派 - 將外觀分配給零件,並清除「場景清單」中任何之下的屬性。
重新命名 - 重新命名目前的外觀。
Unlink appearance - 取消在 Part Studio 中與原先指定給零件材料的連結,然後在將零件帶入至新場景中時,建立與 Render Studio 外觀的對應。請參考 Part Studio 材料與 Render Studio 外觀的對應。
Duplicate appearance - Duplicates the current appearance and all its parameters. The copy is placed in the Appearances list directly under the currently-selected appearance.
Copy from [Appearance] (
) - 將在「場景清單」中目前選取的外觀複製到剪貼簿中。
Paste Appearance on [Appearance] (
) - 將來自剪貼簿 (來源外觀) 的外觀貼到「場景清單」中目前選取的外觀 (目標外觀)。來源外觀會取代目標外觀。
Remove unused Appearances - 如果在清單中有任何未於場景中使用的外觀,這個選項會將其從外觀清單中全部移除。這樣可幫助精簡有許多未使用外觀的冗長清單。如果沒有任何未使用的外觀,會有藍色的資訊訊息提醒您沒有移除任何項目。
Select all entities - Selects all parts/faces where this Appearance is applied in the scene.
Delete - Deletes one or more selected appearances from the Appearances list if they are unused. Used appearances cannot be deleted.
Linked appearances cannot be renamed.
Projectors context menu
在「場景清單」Projectors 中的 Projector 縮圖上按右鍵,以顯示有下列選項的環境選單:
編輯 - 開啟 Projector 對話方塊,您可於其中對目前的投影機做出其他的編輯。
重新命名 - 重新命名目前的投影機。
Select all entities - Selects all entities and parts where this projector is applied in the scene.
Isolate - When selected, all entities with the selected projectors are viewable and all other entities are hidden in the graphics area.
A banner is displayed at the top middle of the graphics area to indicate your are in isolate mode. Click Done to exit this mode.
Delete - Deletes the projector and removes its influence on the associated entities and parts in the scene.
如果您不小心刪除了投影機,可以使用工具列上的「復原」() 選項來恢復投影機。
若要將零件、Part Studio 或組合件插入至 Render Studio 場景中:
按一下工具列上的「插入」按鈕 (
「Select part, Part Studio, or Assembly」對話方塊開啟:
Render Studio scenes can be thought of as a snapshot (version) of the Document at the time an entity is first imported into the scene. For this reason, a version is required before an entity is imported. Click the "Create a version in [Document]" link, fill out the information in the Create version dialog, and click the Create 按鈕。在完成這個操作之後,即可使用文件所有的內容,且您可以從選擇對話方塊中匯入任何零件、Part Studio 或組合件。
Once an entity is imported into the Render Studio tab, anything created in (or imported into) the document outside this Render Studio tab is not accessible to this Render Studio scene unless a new version is created.您也可以按一下文件面板中的「建立版本」按鈕 (
) 來開啟建立版本對話方塊,然後隨時建立文件的版本。詳細資訊請參考版本與歷程。
Select the entity you want to insert into the Scene by clicking on it. This can be a part, composite part, surface, Part Studio, or Assembly from the Current document or Other documents.
Only one entity can be inserted into the scene each time you access the Select part, Part Studio, or Assembly dialog; however, you can insert as many entities as you like into the same scene.
關於插入 (Select part, Part Studio, or Assembly) 對話方塊的詳細資訊,請參考插入零件與組合件。
If an entity used in a Render Studio scene is updated outside the Render Studio tab, the entity displays an update linked icon () next to the scene entity. This indicates the referenced entity requires an update. Do the following:
If there is a newer version of the document, the update reference icon displays next to the entity in the Scene list:
Right-click on the entity and select Update linked document from the context menu:
The Reference manager dialog opens. Check the entities to update, and then click the Update selected button:
套用有更新版本的 Render Studio 分頁於瀏覽器中重新載入。
按一下右上角的 x 來關閉對話方塊。
按一下核取記號 (
) 來接受新的視圖。
預設 (非爆炸) 視圖 (左圖),爆炸視圖 (右圖)
您可以在其他爆炸視圖間切換,或是隨時回到預設 (非爆炸視圖) 中。方法是再次存取對話方塊,然後從下拉清單中選擇預設,最後再次點按核取記號 ()。
按一下工具列上的「插入」按鈕 (
「Select part, Part Studio, or Assembly」對話方塊開啟:
找出有其他組態的 Part Studio 或組合件 (下方中第一個圖片所示)。按一下下拉清單並選擇想要的組態 (下方中第二個圖片所示):
按一下已組態的 Part Studio 或組合件來將其插入至場景中。
若要將 Part Studio 或組合件插入場景之後選擇一個不同的組態,請在「場景清單」中的 Part Studio 或組合件上按右鍵,然後從環境選單中選擇變更組態:
「Select configuration」對話方塊開啟:
按一下下拉清單來選擇一個新組態,然後按下核取記號 (
) 來接受新組態,並在場景中更新 Part Studio 或組合件:
To transform one or more Scene list entities:
按一下工具列上的 Transform 按鈕 (
This opens the following dialog, where you can alter the Translation, Rotation, and Scale of the entities:
Entities to transform - Select all entities you would like transformed. This includes the top level Render Studio, Part Studios, Assemblies, and parts. Faces cannot be transformed.
The origin point used for any transformations is the center of all entities to transform. For instance, if one part is selected, the center of that part is used as the origin point. If 2 parts are used, then the center of both parts combined is used as the origin point.
A bounding box is visible to show the origin and all entities included in the transform selection.
Transform 下拉清單 - 選擇「平移」、「旋轉」或「縮放」。每個 Transform 對話方塊僅能執行一個變換的操作,但您在同一場景中可以有多個變換。所有的變換都是位在「場景清單」中。變換的選項有:
平移 - 根據場景的原點沿著 x、y 與 z 軸移動選取的項目。測量的單位是米,可以是負數或正數。
旋轉 - 根據場景的原點沿著 x、y 與 z 軸旋轉選取的項目。測量的單位是度,範圍是從 -360 到 +360 度。
縮放 - 根據選取項目的中心點沿 x、y 與 z 軸放大 (更大) 或縮小 (較小) 選取的項目。測量是根據選取項目的原始大小。例如,1.000 x 與 1.000 y 的比例表示縮放是零件原始大小 100%。從 0.001 到 1 的分數值會降低所選項目的大小。無法將縮放軸設定為 0。
Scale uniformly - If the Scale transform is selected, keep this checkbox enabled to scale the entities and parts uniformly by the entered value. Uncheck to scale separately along the X, Y, and Z axes.
Hide ground plane - Hides the Environment's virtual ground plane. See Environment panel for more information on Ground settings.
Alternatively, you can pre-select the entities from the Scene list or graphics area before entering the Transform dialog. When you click the Transform button (
) on the toolbar, the Instances and parts to transform field automatically populates with the selected entities.
When using the Transform tool, adjust the manipulators in the graphics area if Translate or Rotate is selected in the dialog:
平移操控器 (左圖);旋轉操控器 (右圖)。
Scale transforms are entered numerically in the dialog and do not have an associated manipulator in the graphics area.
When finished click the checkmark (
) to accept the new transform.
Multiple transforms are applied in the order they were created and listed in the scene graph.
If entities in an Assembly are transformed, and then that Assembly is updated in the Render Studio, the Render Studio transforms are re-applied on top of the new Assembly transforms. In this way, Render Studio transforms are non-destructive.
Any Scene list entity or group of entities (the entire Render Studio, Part Studios, Assemblies, parts, and faces) can have their own associated Projector.
To associate a Projector to an entity:
按一下工具列上的 Projector 圖示 (
Projector 對話方塊開啟。在對話方塊中輸入下列資訊:
名稱 [Projector 1] - 提供投影機的名稱
Entities to add projector to - All entities affected by this projector. While the dialog is open, select any Scene list entities from the Scene list or graphics area. This includes the entire Render Studio, Part Studios, Assemblies, parts, and faces. They are added to the projector's influence.
Projection type - 選擇一個投影類型:Auto、Planar、Cubic、Cylindrical、Spherical 或 Surface。
Normalized (僅適用於 Cylindrical 或 Spherical 投影類型) - 不論圓柱或球體的大小為何,核取來使得投影的繞水平軸的 1 個旋轉涵蓋紋理的 2 個重覆。
Capped (僅適用於 Cylindrical 投影類型) - 核取來將平面的投影加入至圓柱投影的上方與底部。
Apply per entity - Check to take into account the transform of the selected entities so that it moves with the entities.
Position (X/Y/Z) - 輸入沿 X、Y 和 Z 軸位置變換的長度測量值。
Rotation (X/Y/Z) - 輸入繞 X、Y 和 Z 軸旋轉變換的度數。
Scaling (X/Y/Z) - 輸入比例值的縮放變換,值 1 是沿著 X、Y 和 Z 軸的原始比例。
Alternatively, you can pre-select the entities from the Scene list or graphics area before entering the Projector dialog. When you click the Projector button (
) on the toolbar, the Instances and parts to add projector to field automatically populates with the selected entities.
The projector is associated to the selected entities and parts and is located at the bottom of the Scene list under the Projectors dropdown:
Applied appearances can be imported from the current or other document's Render Studio tab into the current Render Studio tab:
From the Render Studio tab you want the appearances imported into:
Right-click on the Appearances list or an appearance in the Appearances list and select Import appearances from the context menu:
The Select Render Studio dialog opens. Select a Render Studio tab from either the Current document or Other documents:
The Import appearances dialog opens. Select from the following options:
Replace duplicate appearances - When checked, if the current Render Studio tab has appearances with the exact same name as those in the Render Studio tab from which appearances are imported, they are overwritten with the imported appearances. All parts/instances that had the previous appearance assigned now has the new imported appearance assigned.
If this option is unchecked, imported appearances with the same name have a sequential number added as a suffix to their name to make them unique.
Select all - When checked, all appearances from the Render Studio tab from which the appearances are imported are selected.
Number of appearances selected - displays the number of appearances that will be imported.
Appearances list - All appearances in the Render Studio tab from which the appearances are imported are listed here. If the Select all checkbox is disabled, you can individually select which appearances you want imported into the current Render Studio tab. Click once to select and click again to deselect.
After making your selections in this dialog, click Import to import the appearances. Alternately, click Cancel to exit the dialog without importing any appearances.
The appearances are imported into the current Render Studio tab's Appearances list in alphabetical order.
Unlike appearances in favorite folders, custom appearance parameter settings from the imported Render Studio tab are preserved.
You can create an empty Render Studio tab to act as an appearance container that houses all your frequently-used appearances from current and/or other documents' Render Studio tabs.
In the Import appearances dialog use Shift+click to select multiple appearances at once.
In the Import appearances dialog, if Select all is checked and then unchecked, all appearances remain selected.
Decals created in a Part Studio are imported into a Render Studio when that Part, Part Studio or Assembly that uses them is inserted into the Render Studio. See Decal for information on how to create a decal feature in a Part Studio.
Once the Part, Part Studio or Assembly is inserted into the Render Studio, the decal is converted to an appearance located in the Scene list's Appearances list:
The Decal is linked to the Part Studio feature, as indicated by an arrow on the Detail icon (). Any edits to the Decal in the Part Studio updates to the Render Studio after a document version is created and the reference is updated in the Render Studio.
If any of the decal's parameters are edited in the Appearance panel, the link icon displays an unlinked decal (). However, unlike other Appearances, the decal appearance continues to track the decal projection and UV placement if modified in the source Part Studio.
The Decal's editable parameters in the Appearance panel are outlined below:
Decal image
Image - The decal image file. Click the image field to open the Select image dialog, where an image can be selected from the current document, other documents, or imported from your computer to replace the current image.
Use alpha channel - When checked, if the image has a transparent alpha channel, it is used to trim the decal.
Brightness - Specifies the image brightness on a scale from 0-1.
Contrast - Specifies the image contrast on a scale from 0-1
Invert colors - Reverses the colors of the image.
Decal appearance
Diffuse roughness - Roughness value of the decal appearance. Higher roughness values lead to a more powdery look.
Metallic appearance - The metallic value of the decal. With a value of 1.0, reflection is colored and independent of view direction. With a value of 0.0, reflection is white and direction-dependent. Directional dependence is in this case based on the IOR (Fresnel effect).
Reflection roughness - Reflection roughness value of the decal appearance. Higher roughness valued lead to more blurry reflections.
Reflection weight - 控制反射的量。
Reflection anisotropy - Reflection anisotropy value of the decal appearance. Higher values stretch the highlight.
Anisotropy rotation - 變更異向性的方位。1 的值會 360 度旋轉方位。
IOR - Determines refraction in the volume. It also influences the reflectivity for decals that are not metallic.
Bumps - Attach a bump or normal map to the decal via one of the Bump functions in the Appearances library.
Decal transmission
Transmission color - Color effect for transmission independent of thickness of the decal, similar to stained glass.
Transmission weight - Weighs how much light passes through the decal, compared to its diffuse reflectivity.
Transmission roughness - The roughness value of the transmission. Higher values lead to decals seen through the Appearance to appear blurry.
Unlike other Appearances, decals cannot be selected from the Appearances library. Therefore, they cannot be assigned to any entity within a Render Studio. They can only be inserted as an external reference from a source Part Studio.
Decals cannot be duplicated or removed.
Decals cannot be hidden. To work around this issue, you can set the decal's Transmission weight to 1. The decal becomes transparent; However, this is only valid if the Transmission color is set to white, and the decal is matte (without any appearance parameter making it shiny). Otherwise, the face may not look accurate.
You cannot have more than 3 overlapping decals applied on a planar face, or more than 3 decals applied to a cylindrical face. Additional decals are still imported into Render Studio, but will not be visible on the face.
The order in which decals were created in the source Part Studio determines the order in which they are applied in the Render Studio at the time of import.
See Render Studio Examples and Resources for more information.