Using the context menu for a specific part (or group of selected parts) you can customize not only the color of the part, but also assign a material (and thereby, a density), as well as specify a custom density without assigning a material. Onshape provides a material library for your use, and you are also able to add (or remove) your own custom material libraries.
You can assign a material to a part (or group of selected parts) through the context menu. When material is assigned to a part, the Mass properties tool then also displays density-related information.
- Select a part (or group of parts), right-click to open the context menu and select Assign material:
- 選擇 [資源庫] 分頁。
- 從第一個下拉式功能表中選擇一個材料資源庫 (如果有的話,預設會顯示 Onshape 材料資源庫):
- Select a material from the second drop down menu.
Note that each material has a density value listed with it.
- 按一下 。
- 沒有指定材料的零件有零質量。
- 顯示的單位是目前文件的單位。
- 您可以在搜尋方塊中輸入名稱或類別來搜尋材料:
Once you have assigned a material to a part, the context menu option for that part will change to Edit material.
您可以在「材料」對話方塊的「自訂」分頁中將自訂材料名稱與相對應的特性指定給一個零件 (或選取的零件群組)。
- Select a part (or group of parts), right-click to open the context menu and select Assign material.
- 選擇 [自訂] 分頁。
- 輸入可用自訂特性的值:
- Click the checkmark icon ( ).
您可以將材料資源庫新增至您的 Onshape 帳戶中並與其他使用者共享。對於 Company 帳戶,Company 帳戶管理員可新增材料資源庫,之後若管理員核取「我的帳戶」中「Company 喜好設定」內的核取方塊,材料資源庫就自動可讓 Company 帳戶的所有成員使用。
- 匯出來自 Onshape 的 Onshape 材料資源庫 (使用此資料庫的格式,僅編輯其內容)。
- 將資源庫匯出至試算表編輯工具中,然後加以編輯以包含您想要的資訊,最後匯出檔案。
- 將資源庫匯入至新的 Onshape 文件中。
- 將文件與其他人共享以供其使用。
匯出 Onshape 材料資源庫
- While in your Onshape account, search the Public filter for the std.mat document, or use this link:
Onshape standard material library (std.mat)
- 開啟文件。
- Right-click on the std.mat tab and select Export.
分頁會以 CSV 檔案 (UTF-8 格式) 匯出。
- 試算表編輯器中開啟所匯出 Onshape 材料資源庫的 CSV 檔案。請注意,檔案必須是 UTF-8 格式的。
- Leave the first row as the necessary column names: Category, Name, Density.
Note that densities are always recorded in the spreadsheet as kg/m 3.
- Edit the rows as desired to record your custom materials. Feel free to use any categories that serve your purpose.
Note that you can create multiple custom material libraries to aid in organizing materials for your users.
- 使用新名稱儲存試算表。
- 將編輯器中的試算表以 CSV 檔案 (UTF-8 格式) 匯出。
匯入經編輯的資源庫至 Onshape 中
- 在您的 Onshape 帳戶中建立一個新文件。文件的名稱為何並不重要,因為名稱不會用做為資源庫的名稱;會使用分頁的名稱做為資源庫的名稱。
- In the new document, click to create another tab, shown below (to hold the material library).
- Right-click on the new Material Library tab and select Update.
- In the dialog, select the custom material library CSV file (in UTF-8 format), and click Open.
The file contents is displayed, if this is the correct file, click OK.
If it's not the right file, click Cancel and restart at step 2, above.
- Click to create a version of this document. (Give the version a name and click Create.)
- 刪除文件中不需要的分頁,請保留「材料資源庫」分頁。
- 將分頁重新命名為您要使用的資源庫名稱,這也是顯示在「材料」對話方塊中的名稱。
- Click Share.
- 選擇要共享文件 (此處即是資源庫) 的個人、團隊或 Company。
- 最低的許可權限必須是「檢視」。
- Refer the other users to Adding a material library in Managing custom material libraries, above, for instructions.
- While in a Part Studio with geometry present, right-click the part or part name and select Assign material.
- Click the plus sign icon next to the library name.
- Use the filters to search through the material libraries available to you:
- 按一下 新增。
- 請注意到「材料」對話方塊中的新資源庫名稱。
Onshape 會提供一個預設的材料資源庫供您使用,您也可以建立、新增並移除材料資源庫。
To add a material library, you must have access to a library added through the steps in Creating new material libraries.
如果材料資源庫文件已與您共享 (您在該文件上需要有「檢視」的許可權限),您可以就將材料資源庫加入到您帳戶的「喜好設定」清單中。
- 在 Onshape 視窗的右上角按一下您的名字。
- 選擇我的帳戶。
- 選擇左邊的喜好設定分頁。
- 捲動至所出現網頁的最下方來查看材料資源庫:
- 在「新增材料資源庫」對話方塊中,使用篩選器來幫助您找出要新增的材料資源庫。
- 選擇材料資源庫,然後按一下新增。
- 在您帳戶設定的喜好設定分頁中,捲動至頁面下方來查看材料資源庫。
- 按一下您要移除資源庫旁的移除按鈕。
如果需要,您可以移除 Onshape 材料資源庫,若要再加回來,請使用這個文件:Onshape 標準材料資源庫 (std.mat)
如果您要在已加入至您 Onshape 帳戶的自訂材料資源庫中新增或移除材料:
- 請在材料資源庫 CSV 檔案 (UTF-8 格式) 中做出變更並加以儲存。
- 在 Onshape 中,開啟包含自訂材料資源庫的文件 (一個分頁)。
- Right-click on the custom material library tab and select Update.
- Select the updated CSV file and click OK.
- 建立一個版本來讓共享此文件的所有使用者可存取其中的變更。
In a Part Studio, you can assign a material (and thereby, a density) to a Part. You are also able to assign an appearance (color and/or transparency) to a part.
You can assign a material to a part or group of parts. When material is assigned to a part, the Mass Properties Tool then displays density-related information.
- 在特徵清單中選擇一個零件,然後選擇相對應的溢位功能表:
- Click Assign material to open the Material dialog:
- 選擇對話方塊中的下拉清單,然後捲動並輕觸來選擇一個屬性。
In a Part Studio, you can assign a material (and thereby, a density) to a Part. You also can assign an appearance (color and/or transparency) to a part.
You can assign a material to a part or group of parts. When material is assigned to a part, the Mass Properties Tool then displays density-related information.
- 在特徵清單中選擇一個零件,然後選擇相對應的溢位功能表:
- Select Material to open the Material dialog:
- 選擇對話方塊中的下拉清單,然後捲動並輕觸來選擇一個屬性。
For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Best Practices for Managing Custom Libraries (Onshape account required).