Onshape 的選擇是切換式的。按一下來選擇,再按一下即取消選擇。您也可以點按來遞增選擇項目及取消選擇項目 (就像使用 Ctrl+按一下一樣)。
- 要選擇一個圖元,按一下圖元。要取消選擇,請再按一下。
游標會顯示所選圖元的數量;會正確地顯示多至 5 個圖元,(5 個之後,游標會顯示為 5+)。
- 按一下其他的圖元來將其加入至選擇組中。
- 在空白的區域按一下,然後按下空格鍵來清除選擇的項目,或從環境選單中選擇 [清除選取項目]。
- 選取一個範圍內的物件 (例如特徵清單中的名稱),方法是先點按範圍的一端,然後再於另一端上使用 Shift+點按。
- 要在工具列中選擇一個工具,按一下該工具。要取消選擇,請再按一下,或使用環境選單然後選擇 [退出 <工具名稱>],或按下 ESC 鍵。
Selection may be made with the cursor on a specific sketch or part entity (sketch curve or part edge, for example) and also by dragging a selection box around or across entities. Selected entities in the graphics area are highlighted. To deselect all selected entities, click in the white space in the graphics area or access the context menu and select Clear selection.
- Measuring - Select two points to get measurement information in the Measure tool in the right bottom corner of the interface:
- Creating planes - Select midpoints as points to define planes:
- Use in a sketch - Select the midpoint (of a sketch entity not in the active sketch), then the Use tool in the Sketch toolbar to use that point in your sketch:
中點不會出現在不是使用中草圖內的圖元上。當建立或編輯草圖時,您可以選擇另一個 (非使用中) 草圖中的圖元中點,然後以「使用」工具來將該點包含在使用中草圖中。
- 強調顯視草圖曲線
- 強調顯示區域
- 強調顯示面
- 強調顯示邊線
Drag left-to-right to select the entities that fall entirely within the box (indicated by solid blue outline and blue-shaded selection box):
請注意,雖然選擇方塊橫跨了圓柱桿,但並未選擇它 (上圖)。
Drag right-to-left to select the entities that the box touches (indicated by dotted yellow outline and yellow-shaded selection box):
請注意,這次選擇方塊橫跨了圓柱桿並選擇了它 (上圖)。
同時在 Part Studio 與 Assembly 中提供這項功能。
Onshape 的選擇是切換式的。輕觸來選擇,再次輕觸來取消選擇。輕觸兩下 (用單指快速點按兩次) 可全部取消選取的項目。
- 如要選擇一個圖元,請輕觸圖元。若要取消選擇圖元,請再次輕觸圖元。
- Clear selections by choosing Clear selection from the Context Menu or by double tapping anywhere in the graphics area.
- 如要選擇一個工具,請輕觸工具。若要取消選擇工具,請再次輕觸工具或點按對話方塊中的 x。
Two finger press and hold to bring up the box for box select.
Before picking up your fingers from the screen, use a pinch gesture to adjust the size of the box.
After picking up your fingers from the screen, touch and drag a corner of the box to adjust the size.
Touch and drag the box with one finger to adjust its position, but not its size.
Cancel - Tap to cancel box selection
Inside box - Tap to limit the selection to only the entities that are entirely inside the box. In the image below, notice that the cylinder that is not entirely within the box is not selected:
Crossed by box - Tap to select any entity that is at least partially inside the box. In the image below, notice that the cylinder at the top of the box that is only partially inside the box is selected along with the other parts:
Confirm - Tap to confirm the box selection.
將手指當做游標通常會妨礙視線而使得做出精準的選擇相當困難。爲了解決這個問題,Onshape 提供「準確選擇器」來讓您能夠仔細地選擇圖元而沒有手指檔住視線的問題。