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This section explains Render Studio basic navigation and workflow.

Navigating in Render Studio

Customize navigation in Render Studio to accommodate familiarity with some traditional CAD systems. See Setting Preferences for more information.

Renders occur on a server, and there is a degree of lag between the operations on the server and what is represented on the client side; for example, the bounding boxes visible when rotating parts. The complexity of the model is one factor for this lag.

When working with the Appearances and Selection panels on the right side of the page, tooltips are available from all parameter settings. Hover the mouse over the parameter label for a second to reveal the tooltip (see below):

Tooltip example

Basic workflow

To create a Render Studio:

  1. From a Part Studio or Assembly, click the plus sign Plus sign icon (Insert new) in the Tab bar and select Create Render Studio:

    Creating a Render Studio from the tab bar

  2. The Render Studio dashboard opens. There are no scenes initially. Click the Create button:

    Creating a new Render Studio

  3. Select the Part Studio or Assembly from the dialog that opens:

    Select part or Assembly

  4. In the New scene dialog, select the appropriate Tessellation quality (shown below). Options are Auto, Coarse, Medium, Fine, or Custom. Coarser tessellation creates the scene faster, but with lower quality. Finer tessellation creates the scene slower, but with higher quality. Auto selects tessellation based on the complexity of the parts brought into a Render Studio. More complex parts have coarser tessellation and less complex parts have finer tessellation. If unsure, use the Auto tessellation option.

    If Use tessellation quality from part(s) appearance is checked, tessellation is applied according to how each part's tessellation quality is set in the Appearance dialog in the Part Studio. If part tessellation is not set (or set to "Auto") in the Appearance dialog in the Part Studio, the Tessellation quality setting in the New scene dialog is used. See Specifying tessellation quality of parts for more information.

    Selecting Tessellation quality New scene dialog

    If an Assembly that has one or more exploded views is imported, a prompt opens with an additional Exploded view dropdown, from which an exploded view can be selected and used as the basis for the scene.

    Click the Create button.

  5. The scene opens in the current Render Studio tab:

    New scene opens in the Render Studio tab

  6. Rendering is happening on a server and so has some lag time compared to the client side representation (what is seen on the local computer). In addition, depending on the complexity of parts and assemblies inserted into the Render Studio, they may at first appear coarse or granular. This is normal. The image becomes progressively clearer as it fully loads. This effect may also be seen when performing complex operations.

  7. Edit the scene in Render Studio. There are several options to edit the scene. For example:

    See Render Studio interface for additional information.

  8. Once edits are complete, click the Render to Onshape Render to Onshape icon icon to open the Render options dialog and adjust render settings:

    Render options dialog

    See Render options for more information about the options in this dialog.

  9. Click the Render button. The render is processed, and a progress bar displays in green along the bottom of the dialog.

    Alternatively, you can use the Render dropdown Render dropdown icon to select Render to disk, which saves the Render as a file in your computer's Documents folder.

  10. When progress completes, close the dialog by pressing X at the top right corner. The render is located in a new tab to the right of the Render Studio tab:

    Render Studio scene output tab

See Render Studio Interface for more information.