Join or extend existing sheet metal walls into a bend or rip (that is displayed in the Bend/Rip table), creating associativity between the two edges. You have the ability to configure and further define the style of the bend or rip once it is created. To modify an existing joint, use Modify joint.
「製作接合」特徵將現有鈑金壁結合或延伸至彎折/裂口 (顯示在「彎折/裂口」表格中),建立兩條邊線間的相關性。建立彎折或裂口之後,您可以設定或進一步定義其樣式。
按一下 Part Studio 工具列中的「製作接合」特徵。選擇側面或相交壁面的邊線來接合。如果選取了「裂口」,請選擇一個裂口樣式。「邊線接合」、「對接 - 方向 1」或「對接 - 方向 2」。請注意,僅有 90 度接合可以被造型為「對接」。非 90 度接合必須被造型為「邊線接合」。
如果您要改為建立彎折接合,請從下拉清單中選擇 [彎折]。在選取了「使用模型彎折半徑」的情形下,系統會使用鈑金模型特徵中的「彎折半徑」。取消核取可指定一個其他的「彎折半徑」測量值。
- While in a Part Studio, click .
- Select the edges or side faces of intersection walls. This field requires two selections; two edges, two faces, or a face and an edge.
- Select one of the following joint types:
- Bend - Creates a curve between the faces/edges with a bend centerline and a radius. Keep the model properties default for the radius, or uncheck that box and specify a new bend radius.
- Rip - Create an association between the faces/edges where two sheet metal edges meet. When Rip is selected, select one of the following Rip edge types:
- Edge joint - Extends both edges to meet at their inner edges, The minimal gap from the Sheet metal model feature is used to create a gap between the two selections.
- Butt joint - Direction 1 - Extends the outer edges of the selected face/edge to each other until they meet. The minimal gap from the Sheet metal model feature is used to create a gap between the two seleections. This option is only available for 90 degree joints.
- Butt joint - Direction 2 - Similar to Direction 1, but the handedness of the selected faces/edges is flipped.
- To convert the rip to a bend, open the Sheet metal table and flat view:
當鈑金模型啟用時 (在建立或編輯鈑金的過程中),其他可用的工具包括:
- 凸緣 - 為每條所選的邊線建立牆面,使用彎折來連接所選的邊線。
- 摺邊 - 在現有的鈑金零件上為所選取的邊線/面建立摺邊。
- 薄板頁 - 將一個薄板頁加入至鈑金凸緣中。
- Bend - Bend a sheet metal model along a reference line, with additional bend control options.
- 製作接合 - 將兩個牆面的相交處轉換為一個接合特徵,可以是一個彎折 (以圓柱幾何接合牆面),或是一個裂口 (兩個牆之間的小間隙)。
- 轉角 - 修改轉角類型與止裂比例。
- 彎折止裂 - 修改彎折止裂 (在彎折結束與自由邊線交會處做出的小切除)、深度與止裂寬度。
- Modify joint - Make changes to an existing joint, such as converting a bend to a rip. Currently available through the flat view table.
- Corner break - Break the corner on existing sheet metal parts by applying a fillet or chamfer. Select a corner edge or vertex and specify corner break type and distance. It is recommended to use this feature after all flanges and joints of the Sheet metal model are finalized.
- Sheet metal table and flat view - Open and close the Rip/Bend tables and the visualization of the sheet metal model flat pattern. Use this table to convert rips to bends and vice versa.
- 完成鈑金模型 - 關閉 (停用) 鈑金模型;建立特徵清單中的特徵。
- While in a Part Studio, tap .
- 選擇側面或相交牆面的邊線來組成裂口特徵。
- Select a rip style:
- 邊線接合
- 對接 - 方向 1
- 對接 - 方向 2
請注意,僅有 90° 的接合可以被造型為對接;非 90° 的接合必須是邊線接合。
- To convert the rip to a bend, open the Sheet metal table and flat view:
- 凸緣 - 為每條所選的邊線建立牆面,使用彎折來連接所選的邊線。
- 薄板頁 - 將一個薄板頁加入至鈑金凸緣中。
- 製作接合 - 將兩個牆面的相交處轉換為一個接合特徵,可以是一個彎折 (以圓柱幾何接合牆面),或是一個裂口 (兩個牆之間的小間隙)。
- 轉角 - 修改轉角類型與止裂比例。
- 彎折止裂 - 修改彎折止裂 (在彎折結束與自由邊線交會處做出的小切除)、深度與止裂寬度。
- Corner break - Break the corner on existing sheet metal parts by applying a fillet or chamfer. Select a corner edge or vertex and specify corner break type and distance. It is recommended to use this feature after all flanges and joints of the Sheet metal model are finalized.
- 完成鈑金模型 - 關閉 (停用) 鈑金模型;建立特徵清單中的特徵。