Onshape 根據對資料管理與協同合作不同的需求提供各種類型的帳戶。

For pricing information, see https://www.onshape.com/en/pricing.

帳戶功能表位在介面的右上角。帳戶功能表的圖示看起來會像是這樣:User account icon,您的使用者名稱會出現在右邊。從這個功能表中您可以存取:

  • 我的帳戶 - 管理與維護您的 Onshape 帳戶,設定喜好、通知設定、安全性等事項。詳細資訊請參考我的帳戶設定
  • Company/Classroom/Enterprise settings - View the account settings for your company/classroom/enterprise. See Company/Classroom/Enterprise settings for more information.
  • 檢視支援單 - 檢視所有您送出的支援單。如果您要提交支援單,請查看「說明」功能表 (介面右上角您名稱右邊的圖示)。詳細資訊請參考檢視支援單
  • View in dark mode - Toggles the dark mode theme on. Dark mode is a low luminance color scheme mainly featuring light elements on dark backgrounds. Dark mode is a limited feature available in Part Studios, Render Studios, and Assemblies. It is currently not available in Drawings, PCB Studio and Enterprise analytics, though the toolbars and menus surrounding the main graphics area are displayed in dark mode.

    When toggled off, the color scheme returns to the default light mode featuring dark elements on light backgrounds.

    View in dark mode is session-specific. The toggle resets to the original light mode theme after signing out. To have the dark mode theme persist after signing out, apply it via My account > Preferences > Theming.

  • 登出 - 登出 Onshape 並關閉工作階段。



  • Enterprise - Onshape Enterprise is Onshape’s premium product offering designed for sophisticated product teams who need to work fast without losing control of data.

    Onshape Enterprise is a specific plan type available from Onshape which enables a company to purchase a plan for multiple users with consolidated billing. When you purchase Onshape Enterprise, you receive a unique domain where the users in your company are able to access Onshape. Your Onshape domain is specific to you and inaccessible by other unrelated Onshape users. Only the users specified and paid for by your company are allowed access to your enterprise.

    當您使用 Enterprise 中的 Onshape 時,請注意到您是在獨立受控管的環境中操作,這與其他 Onshape 訂閱的環境稍有不同。Enterprise 環境是由 Enterprise 管理員所擁有及控管,且可以包含許多稱為 Enterprise 成員的使用者。

    All users belonging to a specific enterprise subscription access Onshape through a single URL, specifically for their Enterprise.

  • Professional - The Onshape Professional subscription enables a company to consolidate billing for multiple users, thereby creating a company within Onshape: a named, user-visible Onshape entity with consolidated billing, ownership and sharing for a set of Professional subscription users. Documents created by company members are owned by the company and all company-owned documents are automatically shared with all company members. The Professional company subscription differs from an Enterprise subscription in many ways, most notably that there is no unique domain for users to access, and no enterprise dashboard with analytics and activity reports.

    If an existing Free user is listed as belonging to a Professional subscription, that user's plan is automatically upgraded to Professional and included in the company's subscription billing. Any Onshape user may be paid for and included in a Professional subscription, and even multiple Professional subscriptions.

    所有的 Professional 訂閱包括:

    • 自動的發行管理工具
    • 公司中繼資料的自訂屬性
    • 全公司的材料資源庫
    • 以公司為基礎的共享
    • 模擬
  • Educator - Onshape Educator 訂閱是提供給目前在教育機構任教的教育工作者、指導者或義工使用,並提供對班級與作業以及像是模擬等進階功能的存取權限。此計畫僅供課堂教學、教育團隊和組織以及學術研究使用。這個計畫不能用於政府、商業、或其他非學術性組織之中。

    Educator 訂閱在一年的使用之後只要使用者仍符合上述的資格條件,即可自動續訂。當使用者不再符合資格條件時,必須將訂閱降級為 Free 訂閱。

    所有的 Educator 訂閱包括:

    • 班級與作業
    • 自動的發行管理工具
    • 公司中繼資料的自訂屬性
    • 全 EDU 的材料資源庫
    • 以 EDU 為基礎的共享
    • 模擬
  • Standard - Onshape Standard includes all of Onshape’s best-in-class parametric modeling functionality along with core data management tools. Standard subscriptions include all Onshape features with the exception of the following:
    • 自動的發行管理工具
    • 公司中繼資料的自訂屬性
    • 全公司的材料資源庫
    • 以公司為基礎的共享
    • 合併的帳務

    關於發行管理與公司全面控制的其他資訊,請參考 Onshape Professional。

  • Student - Student subscriptions are for certificate-seeking students at accredited education institutions. Students must be at least 13 years of age. This plan is solely for classroom instruction, student learning projects, school clubs or organizations, and academic research. This plan is not for government, commercial, or other organizational use.

    Student subscriptions allow the same working environment as the Standard subscription, and expire after one year of use resulting in automatic downgrade of the account. As long as the user still qualifies according to the criteria stated above, the Student subscription may be renewed. When the user no longer qualifies, the subscription must be downgraded to a Free subscription.

  • Free - Onshape's Free subscription enables you to create an Onshape account and use Onshape at no cost. There is no time limit imposed and no credit card information collected.

    The Free subscription allows you to create as many public documents as you want. You are unable to create any private documents. If a private document is shared with you, you are able to open it in View only mode (non-editable). If you attempt to create a private document, you are prompted to request a trial version of our Professional subscription in order to do so.

    Professional 訂閱與功能的試用版包括非公開文件。使用試用版可讓您實際感受 Onshape 的所有功能,當您決定訂閱 Onshape Professional 時,可透過 Professional 訂閱輕鬆地設定 Company 帳戶。

    在 Free 計畫中建立的文件可讓所有的 Onshape 使用者檢視與複製,您所建立的任何公開文件並沒有假定的著作權。您也可以與特定的使用者共享公開的文件並給予其編輯的權限。

    Free subscribers may belong to only one Onshape subscription at a time (per email address). To change from a Free subscription to a Professional subscription, click Upgrade to Professional at the bottom of the left pane. If a free user is included in a Professional company subscription, their account is automatically upgraded to Professional.

所有帳戶的維護工作都是經由瀏覽器/桌面平台進行的。您可以在行動裝置上看到一些帳戶資訊,但僅能修改預設尺寸的設定與開啟/關閉行動裝置 (支援此種安全性方法的) 上的 Touch 和 Face ID。對於其他的帳戶管理工作,請在瀏覽器上 (不是在行動裝置上的) 登入至 Onshape 來執行。

For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Security and IT Checklist (Onshape account required).