管理您的 Onshape Professional 訂閱
The Onshape Professional subscription enables you to consolidate billing for multiple users, thereby creating a Company within Onshape: a named, user-visible Onshape entity with consolidated billing, ownership and sharing for a set of Professional subscription users.
Professional Company 帳戶同時包含對發行管理功能的存取,以及可建立與使用自訂中繼資料。
如果一個現有的 Free 使用者被列於 Professional 訂閱中,則該使用者的計畫會自動被升級為 Professional,並包括在 Company 訂閱付費中。可以為任何 Onshape 使用者付款並將其包含在 Professional 訂閱中,甚至可將使用者包含在多個 Professional 訂閱中。
Company 帳戶中的所有使用者都對 Company 設定有檢視的存取權限。擁有者可以變更 Company 訂閱 (與應用程式的訂閱), Company 帳戶管理員可以編輯某些 Company 設定。
For pricing information, see https://www.onshape.com/en/pricing.
- 我的帳戶 - 管理與維護您的 Onshape 帳戶,設定喜好、通知設定、安全性等事項。詳細資訊請參考我的帳戶設定。
- Company/Classroom/Enterprise settings - View the account settings for your company/classroom/enterprise. See Company/Classroom/Enterprise settings for more information.
- 檢視支援單 - 檢視所有您送出的支援單。如果您要提交支援單,請查看「說明」功能表 (介面右上角您名稱右邊的圖示)。詳細資訊請參考檢視支援單。
- App Store dev portal - Available for developers and Onshape partners that want to create applications that are published in the Onshape App Store.
- View in dark mode - Toggles the dark mode theme on. Dark mode is a low luminance color scheme mainly featuring light elements on dark backgrounds. Dark mode is a limited feature available in Part Studios, Render Studios, and Assemblies. It is currently not available in Drawings, PCB Studio and Enterprise analytics, though the toolbars and menus surrounding the main graphics area are displayed in dark mode.
When toggled off, the color scheme returns to the default light mode featuring dark elements on light backgrounds.
View in dark mode is session-specific. The toggle resets to the original light mode theme after signing out. To have the dark mode theme persist after signing out, apply it via My account > Preferences > Theming.
- 登出 - 登出 Onshape 並關閉工作階段。
當使用者註冊使用 Professional 訂閱 (或升級至 Professional) 時,即建立了一個 Company 帳戶。
註冊使用並同意為訂閱付費的使用者會成為 Company 的付款負責人,並以管理員的身分操作。這個使用者可以將更多使用者加入 Company 帳戶之中,並指派角色:成員或管理員。當使用者被加入至 Company 帳戶時,會收到電子郵件的通知。
對於公司全部的成員,其建立的所有文件都是由 Company 帳戶所擁有。如果您屬於多個 Company 帳戶的成員,您應於建立文件時選擇文件擁有者,也就是您是其所屬成員的公司之一。
Only the company owner, users with the Admin role, and the user who created a company-owned document may view and delete the document. Users with full permissions to the document can see the document in their Trash and may restore the document or empty the Trash.
All users in a company have the ability to share all company-owned documents to which they have access.
Company 帳戶擁有者與管理員可以隨時完全移除建立文件的使用者對文件的擁有權限,然後再以新的權限組合與使用者共享。這些權限可以是:
- View - Open for read only access; you have the option to add or remove Copy, Link document, Export, and Comment
- Edit - Open and make changes; you have the option to add or remove Copy, Link document, Export, Share, and Comment
- Copy - Make a copy of the document.
- Link document - Use features that result in the document being referenced from another document.
- Export - Translate and download parts, Part Studios, Drawings, and Assemblies from a document.
- Share - Give another user permission to access the document.
- Comment - Provide a comment on the document in the Comment panel.
- Delete - Move the document to Trash.
Once your account is upgraded to a professional account, you then have the ability to make all of your previously public documents private by going to the Share settings and clicking the x next to the public entry in the Share dialog (shown below to the right of the blue arrow). These documents are still owned by you after they are made private (company-owned documents are not able to be transferred, documents and folders must be owned by an individual). To use Release management, Custom properties, Items for BOM, and other company-level settings, you must transfer document ownership to the company.
查看「共享」對話方塊右上角以了解文件的擁有權 (在下圖中以紅色輪廓線框出)。
For information on how to transfer ownership, see the Transfer Ownership topic.
If you have an existing Onshape account, with existing Onshape documents, you are easily able to upgrade it to an Enterprise subscription. To upgrade your existing account to an Enterprise subscription, contact us.
在您升級了訂閱之後,與您密切合作的 Customer Success 會與您聯絡。下列的情節適用於 Professional 訂閱,特別是在有許多使用者、資料夾與文件的狀況下。您可以假定其他帳戶與物件類型也會有相同的過程;會註明不同訂閱類型之間的差異。
所有現存的訂閱使用者會收到有 Enterprise URL 的電子郵件。在使用 Enterprise URL 登入至 Onshape 時,您會自動到達 Enterprise 的環境之中。所有的成員仍就是成員,而管理員則仍是管理員。
在 Professional 訂閱中的所有 Company 帳戶成員、擁有者與管理員都會移動到新的 Enterprise 訂閱中,並分配有預設使用者的許可權限。Company 帳戶擁有者與管理員仍會在新的 Enterprise 網域中維持其身分狀態。
在升級之後,任何您共享文件的 Free 使用者可以訪客使用者的身分加入至 Enterprise 中。在「共享」對話方塊中,這些 Free 使用者會在名稱旁有驚嘆號以表明身分。一旦將訪客使用者加入至 Enterprise 之後,會恢復其之前的所有存取權限 (除非您選擇要移除某些或全部的權限)。對「共享」權限的存取與修改是基於各個文件的。
在升級的過程中,只有 Company 帳戶所擁有的文件會被移動到 Enterprise 網域中。現在只能經由 Enterprise 網域來存取這些文件。
- 在升級之前,任何由個人使用者擁有的文件 (相對於 Company 帳戶擁有) 必須轉移給 Company 帳戶所有,才能移動到 Enterprise 網域中。
- 在升級之前未轉移的文件仍可從 cad.onshape.com 之中存取,且仍可以如下方「轉移非 Company 帳戶所擁有的文件或資料夾」中所述的移動到 Enterprise 中。
- 在升級的過程中會保留資料夾結構與共享的權限。
- Company 帳戶所擁有的資料夾會移動到新帳戶中。
- 會將 Company 帳戶擁有的文件移到新帳戶中。
不過當您從 cad.onshape.com 登入頁面登入時,您會登入到個人的 Professional 帳戶中;您可以存取在升級之前所有您私人擁有的文件。
To learn how to transfer privately-owned objects to your Enterprise account, see Getting Started as an Enterprise User.
您可以用使用者功能表 > [轉換至] 指令來從 Professional 帳戶轉換至 Enterprise 帳戶。
在 Enterprise 中使用者帳戶的設定仍維持不變,包括電子郵件、喜好設定、安全性設定與任何新增至工具列的自訂特徵。仍然是相同的使用者帳戶,登入認證也維持不變。
會將所有 Company 帳戶所擁有的文件移到新的 Enterprise 帳戶中。對這些文件的內部共享會維持不變。
如果您個人在 Company 帳戶中擁有資料,您可以將這些資料 (例如,文件與資料夾) 轉移到您的 Enterprise 帳戶中:
- 導覽至 cad.onshape.com。
- 以 Enterprise 帳戶資訊來登入。
- 找出您要轉移的資料。
- 如果有多個文件,請將其放置在一個資料夾中。
- 在文件或資料夾上按右鍵,然後選擇 [轉移至 <enterprise name>]。
- 回到您的 Enterprise 中並將項目移動到正確的位置。
取消 Professional 訂閱並改為 Free 的訂閱:
- Expand the user menu under your Account user icon and select My account:
- 選擇頁面左側清單中的「訂閱」分頁:
- 如果您有多個訂閱,按一下您要取消的訂閱。
- 根據指示的說明來以電子郵件或電話與 Onshape 聯絡。
使用者可以嘗試刪除其帳戶,但必須先與管理員聯絡要求降級至 Free 的計畫,接著再刪除帳戶。若要在 iOS 應用程式上開始這個過程,請導覽至「設定」>「我的帳戶」>「刪除我的帳戶」。使用者即會收到系統送出的降級通知。
On the date specified that your subscription expires, you are downgraded to the Free subscription and maintain access to your pre-existing data. Your document and folder hierarchy is transferred as-is to the owner. Your private documents remain private, but you will not be able to edit them. Likewise, any private documents shared with you will be view-only (non-editable). You will still be able to view, export, and download your private documents. You may upgrade to the Professional subscription at any time and once again edit your private Onshape documents.
You may also make your private documents public and have edit access to them again. Right-click on the document on the Documents page and select Make public.
For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Company Organization In Onshape (Onshape account required).