On the iOS and Android platforms, you can view BOM tables and change the view from flattened to structured.
Use the Onshape Bill of Materials (BOM) functionality to automatically create a BOM from any workspace Assembly. You can insert parts and assemblies into an Assembly post-release, from an Onshape version, or assemble the parts and sub-assemblies and then release the Assembly all at once. For more information on Release management, see Release Management.
Onshape BOMs include a default set of properties as columns, and you can add or remove columns at will. You can also define Custom Properties and include those in the BOM, as well as supply Display names for all Onshape-supplied properties through the Custom properties page of Company/Enterprise settings.
您的 Company 或 Enterprise 管理員可以建立預設的範本以供您的材料表使用。
所有的 Onshape 組合件在圖形區域的最右邊有 BOM 的表格圖示,就在「檢視」工具圖示的下方。
- 在組合件中,按一下圖形區域右側的 BOM 表格圖示。
- When the table opens, Onshape retrieves the data for the Assembly and populates the table (if there are parts or assemblies present, see the top example below). If no parts or assemblies are present, Onshape opens with default column names (properties) displayed (see the bottom example below):
- To populate an empty BOM, simply create your assembly in the Assembly tab, following the instructions in Insert Parts and Assemblies.
- In the BOM panel, select how to view the information (through the BOM type menu):
- Flattened - This view provides a simple list of parts by item number, with no indication of subassemblies.
Structured - This view provides a list of parts including indication of expandable subassemblies. Subassemblies are indicated with small right-facing caret; for example:
當在架構格式中檢視時,連按兩下有插入符號 (次組合件) 的儲存格來展開儲存格之下的清單,以檢視包括在次組合件中的零件。標記的方式是次組合件項目編號,伴隨小數點,最後加上零件項目編號 (如下方範例中的 9、9.1、9.2 與 9.3):
指派給次組合件與零件的項目編號反映了實例在實例清單中的順序。如果您重新排列清單中的實例,則 BOM 表格會更新以反映新的順序。
之前,002c-Oil Tank Nozzle 是在實例清單中的第七個項目,也是 BOM 表格中的項目編號 7:
在實例清單中將零件移動至最上方第一個位置後,隨即更新成為 BOM 表格中的項目編號 1 :
系統會以屬性旁的圖示來表示重置的經計算屬性 (與從重置的經計算屬性彙總而來的屬性),並在游標移至圖示上暫留時顯示工具提示。
您可以用欄變數來在 BOM 表格中依字母數字排序項目。每個欄變數標題儲存格提供三種切換,從 (1) 未排序到 (2) 遞增排序順序到 (3) 遞減排序順序。在標題上連按兩下來從一個排序狀態切換到下一個狀態。
- 「項目」欄是固定且無法排序的。
- 一次僅能用一個欄來排序表格資料。
若要從實例清單中找到模型上的項目,請在實例清單中點按項目名稱,系統會在模型中強調顯示所選的項目。目前會在 BOM 表格中強調顯示相關聯的項目列並將其設定為焦點。或者是在 BOM 表格中點按項目名稱,系統即會在模型與實例清單中強調顯示選取的項目。
如果您在「編號配置設定」中開啟了「自動零件編號」,您可以在 BOM 中:
- Generate part numbers for a particular part - Right-click the Part number cell of the part and select Generate next part number.
- Generate part numbers for any parts in the table that are missing part numbers - Right-click the Part number column header and select Generate missing part numbers.
在 BOM 項目列上按右鍵,然後選擇:
Switch to Part Studio/Assembly - Displays when the BOM item is located in a tab in the current document. The BOM item's Part Studio or Assembly tab opens in the current browser tab.
Open linked document - Displays when the BOM item is located in a linked document outside the current document. The BOM item's linked document opens in a new browser tab.
You can specify whether a part or subassembly is excluded from all BOMs globally. When an excluded part is inserted into any Assembly, the part and all its corresponding data is excluded from the Assembly's BOM. When the excluded subassembly is inserted into any Assembly, the subassembly, all its instances, and all corresponding data is excluded from all BOMs globally.
Excluding a part or subassembly
To exclude one or more parts from all BOMs, in a Part Studio select the part(s) you want to exclude from the BOM in the Parts list, then right-click and select Properties. Check Exclude from all BOMs and click Save:
To exclude a subassembly and all its instances from all BOMs, right-click on the Assembly tab and select Properties. Check Exclude from all BOMs and click Save.
To exclude a part or subassembly from the BOM table, right-click on the part or subassembly row and select Exclude from all BOMs from the context menu:
Viewing excluded parts or subassemblies
To view globally excluded parts that are inserted into an Assembly on the BOM:
Click on the overflow menu () at the top right corner of the BOM table and select Show excluded:
Parts are viewed with dashes (--) under the Item column:
To view globally excluded subassemblies that are inserted into an Assembly, click Structured view from the BOM type dropdown. The subassembly item number is replaced with dashes (--):
Including parts or subassemblies
To include the Part or subassembly back into all BOMs, do one of the following:
Uncheck the Exclude from all BOMs box in the corresponding part Properties dialog or Assembly Properties dialog and click Save.
Ensure the excluded part or subassembly is viewable in the BOM table (see Viewing excluded parts or subassemblies). Then right-click on the part or subassembly row in the BOM table, and select Include in all BOMs from the context menu:
Calculating mass with excluded data
To calculate mass when some data has been excluded, click the Calculate value button in the Mass section of the Properties panel. An alert appears to indicate excluded instances have not been included in the mass calculation.
您可以選擇如何在 BOM 中列出次組合件,可以將次組合件列為組合件與其零組件,或是將次組合件僅列為組合件或僅列為零組件:
開啟組合件的「屬性」對話方塊 (列在實例清單中的索引標籤或次組合件)。
捲動至「次組合件 BOM 行為」欄位:
顯示組合件與零組件 - 在 BOM 的結構視圖中,會列出組合件並以個別的行項目列出組合件的每個零組件。
僅顯示組合件 - 在 BOM 的結構視圖中只列出組合件 (沒有零組件)。
僅顯示零組件 - 在 BOM 的結構視圖中只列出零組件 (沒有組合件的行項目)。
按一下 [套用] 來登錄變更,或按一下 [儲存] 來登錄變更並關閉對話方塊,或按一下 [關閉] 來關閉對話方塊而不登錄變更。
對組合件屬性的變更會影響組合件插入其中的所有 BOM,包括在工程圖中的 BOM。
「項目編號」、「數量」、「零件編號」與「說明」是在 BOM 表格中為零件與次組合件顯示為表格欄的預設屬性。您可以根據在您帳戶中定義的屬性新增更多的欄位。
- Click the Add column drop down and select a property to insert from the list. Additional columns are inserted at the far right side of the table.
- 如果屬性是多值的,則無法加入類別欄位。
- 可以在 BOM 表格中編輯任何可以透過「屬性」對話方塊編輯的「類別」(如果是加入為 BOM 中的欄位)。
- For properties marked as editable (in your account Properties), you can click in the cell and add data. This data is saved for the specific part, in the specific property and is available throughout your document and company for that part.
For example, you can enter information in the Vendor cell for each part. That information is saved in that part's Properties, Vendor field.
在 BOM 表格中 Vendor 儲存格內的值:
當建立屬性時 (透過您帳戶設定中的「屬性」分頁),您可以將其標示為「編輯工作區中的值」、「編輯版本中的值」,或同時標示為兩者。如果僅將屬性標示為「編輯版本中的值」,您可以在 BOM 表格中編輯任何已發行零件的屬性值,因為已發行零件已成為版本的一部分。不過如果沒有標示「編輯版本中的值」,則您必須從該版本建立工作區的分支,編輯值,然後建立一個版本或重新發行零件。
A Standard content instance cannot be edited from the BOM table, and is grayed out. To edit a standard content instance, right-click on the instance in the Instances list and select Edit standard content instance. See Editing the standard content instance for more information.
You can insert non-geometric items (items not modeled in CAD, like glue, tape, paint, thread locker, etc) into your bill of material, through the BOM panel in an Assembly tab. Onshape refers to these types of entities simply as items.
There is some setup required in order to have the information available for insertion into the bill of material. Refer to Managing Your Onshape Professional Subscription if you have a Professional subscription or to Managing Your Onshape Enterprise Subscription if you have an Enterprise subscription. Once you have items added to your subscription (in your company/enterprise settings Properties), you can follow these instructions to insert those items into a bill of material within an Assembly tab.
- In the Bill of Material panel, select the Insert items icon at the top of the panel:
- 在對話方塊中:
- 選擇要包括在 BOM 中的項目與數量。您可以搜尋項目並根據類別篩選 (按一下「分類」「全部」旁的向下箭號)。
- Click Insert to add the selected items to the BOM.
- 當您按一下 [插入] 時,會先將項目加入至實例清單中的項目清單內。如果您之後改變了對項目的想法,可以按一下 [復原] 來移除項目。
- 在您按一下核取記號來接受操作並關閉對話方塊後,項目會出現在 BOM 面板中。
- 編輯 - 變更數量
- 抑制 - 暫時將項目移出 BOM (與組合件)
- 新增評論 - 加入對直接參考項目的組合件的評論
- 刪除 - 從組合件與 BOM 中刪除項目
按一下「材料表」表格右上角的三點功能表,然後按一下 [儲存成範本...]。
「建立 BOM 範本」對話方塊開啟。請提供範本的名稱,這是必填的。
Select the BOM Type, either Flattened or Structured. This is used as the template default when a new BOM is created using this template.
核取「在工程圖中全部大寫」以在工程圖中使用這個範本來插入 BOM 表格時,強制使用大寫的欄標頭與屬性字串。
按一下 建立 來建立範本。按一下 取消 來關閉對話方塊而不建立範本。
所選的範本即會用在您組合件的 BOM 表格中。
該清單中同時也會有由您 Company/Classroom/Enterprise 管理員所建立的範本。
使用溢位功能表的 [匯出為 CSV] 指令來將整個 BOM 表格匯出為逗點分隔檔。如果沒有展開次組合件,則不會匯出整個 BOM。
- 按一下並拖曳面板最左側的邊線來將面板調整為更大或更小。面板最大與最小的尺寸是有所限制的。
- 按一下欄標題邊框並向左或向右拖曳來調整列的大小。注意到第一個欄是固定不動的參考,並無法移動或調整大小。
- 您可將任何欄移動到右邊或左邊,或在欄名稱上使用適境功能表來將該欄從表格內移除:
- 若要將已移除的欄加回到表格中,請使用面板右上方的 [新增欄] 下拉清單。
當在組合件中使用匯入或已發行零件時,顯示在 BOM 表格中的屬性是唯讀的。若要建立有可編輯欄位的 BOM,您可以從版本中產生分支來建立新的工作區。BOM 中欄位的可編輯與否會根據每個屬性的設定 (透過帳戶設定) 決定。
在您將已發行 (經修訂) 零件插入到組合件中,並建立 BOM 表格之後,狀態的屬性將會是「已發行」。
You can insert Onshape BOM tables into your drawings. See the Insert BOM topic.