根據不同的操作系統,Onshape 提供下列預設的滑鼠、鍵盤與觸控裝置設定:
預設巡覽操控 (裝置) | Microsoft Windows | Apple Mac | iOS & Android |
3D 旋轉 (滑鼠) |
點按滑鼠右鍵,然後拖曳 Alt 鍵動畫顯示最近的「朝向地板」視角 (沒有任何捲動的最近視) Alt + 滑鼠右鍵:相對模型水平滑鼠移動;垂直滑鼠移動上下移動模型 在「視角」立方體的箭頭上點按滑鼠左鍵:以 15 度的增量旋轉 Shift + Left-mouse-button click on View cube arrows: Rotate in 90 degree increments Ctrl+ Left-mouse-button click on View cube arrows: Rotate in 5 degree increments |
點按滑鼠右鍵,然後拖曳 在「視角」立方體的箭頭上點按滑鼠左鍵:以 15 度的增量旋轉 Shift + Left-mouse-button click on View cube arrows: Rotate in 90 degree increments Ctrl+ Left-mouse-button click on View cube arrows: Rotate in 5 degree increments |
不適用 |
3D 旋轉 (鍵盤) |
方向鍵 (← → ↑ ↓):旋轉 15 度 Shift + Arrow key (← → ↑ ↓): Rotate 90 degrees Ctrl + Arrow key (← → ↑ ↓): Rotate 5 degrees 按下 + 按住方向鍵 (← → ↑ ↓):連續旋轉 |
3D 旋轉 (觸控板) | 點按滑鼠右鍵,然後拖曳 | 兩指點按,然後拖曳 | 單指按下,然後拖曳 |
放大 / 縮小 (滑鼠) |
向下滑動滾輪:縮小 向上滑動滾輪:放大 |
不適用 | |
放大 / 縮小 (鍵盤) |
Z:縮小 Shift + Z:放大 |
放大 / 縮小 (觸控板) |
兩指按下,然後捏合縮小:縮小 兩指按下,然後拉開放大:放大 |
兩指手勢來向下捲動:縮小 兩指手勢來向上捲動:放大 |
兩指按下,然後捏合縮小:縮小 兩指按下,然後拉開放大:放大 |
2D 移動 (滑鼠) | Ctrl + 點按滑鼠右鍵,然後拖曳 / 點按滑鼠中間鍵,然後拖曳 | 不適用 | |
2D 移動 (鍵盤) | Ctrl + Shift + 方向鍵 (← → ↑ ↓) | ||
2D 移動 (觸控板) | Ctrl + 點按滑鼠右鍵,然後拖曳 | 按住 Ctrl 鍵的同時,兩指點按,然後拖曳 | 兩指按下,然後拖曳 |
不等角視 | 按一下「視角」立方體角落 | 按一下「視角」立方體,然後從功能表中選擇 [不等角] | |
平面檢視 | 按一下「視角」立方體的各邊 (上視、底視、前視、後視、左視、右視) | 按一下「視角」立方體,然後從功能表中選擇一個平面 (上視、底視、前視、後視、左視、右視) |
塗彩 |
無邊線塗彩 |
隱藏線塗彩 | |
移除隱藏線 | |
顯示隱藏線 | |
相切線顯示/影線/隱藏 (僅能在瀏覽器平台的 Part Studio 中檢視)。 | |
半透明 |
Camera and render option defaults
Some Camera and render options can have their settings default to enabled or disabled:
Perspective view / Highlight boundary edges - These options are disabled by default. To set their default to enabled:
Left click to enable the option.
Right-click and select Set as default.
To set the option's default back to disabled:
Left click to disable the option.
Right-click and select Set as default.
Shaded edges / Hidden edges / Tangent edges - Right-click on any disabled sub-option and click Set as default. This simultaneously enables that option and sets it as the default:
The mouse wheel direction for zoom is configurable in user account preferences.
- Zoom to fit (shortcut: f, double-click scroll wheel) - Select this command or use the shortcut key to zoom the entire Part Studio, Assembly or Drawing into view.
- Zoom to window (shortcut: w) - Select this command, then click+drag a box around the area you want to zoom to in a Part Studio, Assembly or Drawing. The shortcut key toggles the feature on and off.
- Zoom to selection - Select this command to zoom to the selected entities.
- Visible - Tangent edges are shown as solid lines. This is the default.
- Phantom - Tangent edges are displayed as dashed lines; also known as Font in some systems.
- Removed - Tangent edges are visually removed from view.
目前僅為在 Part Studio 與組合件中新近建立的模型提供相切線的選項,且僅於瀏覽器平台上支援。
Set the level of transparency of a part through the Part context menu; right-click on a part name in the Parts list and select Appearance editor. See Customizing Parts: Appearance for more information.
Section view allows for the selection of one or many planes, Mate connectors, cylindrical faces, conical faces, or planar faces to use for sectioning. Section view can be turned on through the view cube, or by selecting Section view in the context menu.
在操控器出現之後,可以用球形 (操控器中心的空心圓) 來移動操控器,並抓取至零件、曲面或組合件中的任何推斷點。可以在 Part Studios 與組合件中檢視剖切的項目:
- Select one or many planes, Mate connectors, cylindrical faces, conical faces, or planar faces on the part or surface.
- Expand the Camera and render options menu and select Section view (shown below). Alternatively, right-click on a part in the Part Studio or an assembly in an Assembly tab, and select Section view from the context menu:
- The part/surface is sectioned at the point chosen in step 1 above (cylindrical face, conical face, planar face, plane, or Mate connector). A manipulator appears at the last location selected and a dialog opens listing selections:
- 按一下並拖曳操控器的開放圓形 (球形) 來定位。請注意,您可以將操控器抓取至零件或組合件上的任何推斷點,包括圓柱的形心 (下方白色的標示都是推斷點):
- Use the manipulator to change the depth and/or angle of the section.
- 使用箭頭來變更深度,在不同的方向拖曳。按一下操控器來反轉視角的方向。
- 使用角度指標來某一特定角度拖曳。
- 使用數值欄位來輸入視角的深度或角度。
- 若要在對話方塊仍開啟時選擇一個不同的剖切平面,只要為新的剖切平面在所需的位置上按一下,新的操控器與剖切平面隨即出現。
- 要垂直於剖切平面檢視剖面,可使用快速鍵 n,或按右鍵並從環境選單中選擇「正視於」。
- 若要將一或多個零件 (一或多個曲面) 排除於剖切之外,請在排除欄位中啟動項目,然後在圖形區域中選擇:
若要將一或多個零件 (一或多個曲面) 包括在剖切中,請選擇「包括」欄位,然後在圖形區域中選擇要包括的項目:
- 當在剖面視圖中是可以移動模型的。在對話方塊外按一下來將其關閉,然後根據需要操控模型。
- If Section view is not turned off and the dialog box is closed, open the dialog again by double-clicking on the section plane. Alternatively, click the Camera and render options menu or right-click on the part or assembly to access the context menu, and select Edit section view.
- Select Turn off section view from the Camera and render options menu or context menu when finished.
- 前視 = Shift 1
- 後視 = Shift 2
- 左視 = Shift 3
- 右視 = Shift 4
- 上視 = Shift 5
- 下視 = Shift 6
- 等角視 = Shift 7
- 剖面視 = Shift X
- 命名視角 = Shift V
You can also turn on Section view before making any selections.
You can also use the Measure tool on faces, edges, and vertices while in a Section view. See Measure tool and Assembly measure tool for more information.
展開「檢視」功能表並選擇 [縮放至選取範圍]:
切換來選擇/取消選擇為目前使用中 Part Studio 或 Assembly 使用最高的可用品質。注意到這可能稍微會導致效能的降低。當您開啟這個選項時,會出現如下所示的藍色通知:
For more information on how this view mode may affect performance, see High quality mode.
Onshape 會顯示模型中的鑽孔與中斷,包括曲面的層形邊線,當您選取「強調顯示邊界線」時可能會需要修復這些項目。在需要修復匯入零件中的曲面時,這個功能是相當有用的。
This tool is available only in Part Studios. For more information, see Repairing Imported Models.
當 3D 旋轉鎖定啟用時,使用者無法 3D 旋轉圖形區域。在您嘗試選擇與拖曳圖元的情況下,此功能是相當有用的。
此功能是在 Part Studios 與組合件中的視角立方體正上方。
若要啟用 3D 旋轉鎖定,請輕觸該按鈕。若要停用則請再次輕觸按鈕或選用一個特徵。
根據預設,在某些情況下會啟動 3D 旋轉鎖定:
- Part Studio - If a sketch is open and an entity is selected, the 3D Rotate Lock turns on by default. This allows for the selection to be dragged without the view rotating. Unlock by tapping the button.
- Assembly - If an instance, Mate connector, or entity is selected, the 3D Rotate Lock turns on by default. This allows for the selection to be dragged without the view rotating. Unlock by tapping the button.
視角立方體位於工作區的右上角。當選取時,有不同檢視選項的清單會出現。選擇一個選項來變更圖形區域的視角,或變更零件的檢視設定。與其使用 2D/3D 旋轉或縮放,這可更容易與快速地檢視零件各個方位。
- 輕觸視角立方體,可用選項清單出現。
- 輕觸來選擇一個檢視選項,或選擇取消。
- 捲動來查看更多的選項。
- 上視、下視、前視、後視、右視與左視 - 選擇這些選項之一來從個別平面正前方檢視。
- 等角視、二等角視、不等角視 - 選擇這些之一來從不同的角度檢視。
- 縮放至適當比例 - 選擇來將圖形區域調整配合螢幕大小。這可能會導致放大或縮小。
- 遠近透視 - 切換遠近透視的開啟與關閉。遠近透視顯示從視埠到模型的相對距離,並建立趨近模型時做為視埠 (或假想的攝影機) 的消失點。下方圖片分別顯示同一零件在有遠近透視與沒有遠近透視下的不同顯示情形。
- 塗彩 - 選擇來以塗彩面與邊線顯示零件 (預設)。
- 無邊線塗彩 - 選擇來以沒有邊線塗彩的模式顯示零件。
- 隱藏線塗彩 - 選擇來以塗彩且顯示隱藏線 (無法直接看到的邊線) 的模式顯示零件。
- 移除隱藏線 - 選擇來以不塗彩、移除隱藏線 (無法直接看到的邊線) 的模式顯示零件。
- 顯示隱藏線 - 選擇來以不塗彩、顯示隱藏線 (無法直接看到的邊線) 的模式顯示零件。
- 半透明 - 選擇來以半透明的狀態顯示零件。
- Section View - Select to access a manipulator that allows you to adjust a section view of a part, via a plane or planar face.
You must preselect a plane or planar face before selecting Section View.
Drag the arrow or either directional manipulator to adjust the section view plane that is created from the preselected plane or planar face. In this case, the Front plane is used to create a section view roughly halfway through the parts.