What is Onshape EDU Enterprise?

Onshape Education Enterprise is designed for educators who are rolling out Onshape across their institution and need additional administrative, organizational, and analytics capabilities.

When you sign up for Onshape Education Enterprise, you receive a specific domain where the users in your institution can access Onshape. Your Onshape domain is specific to you and inaccessible by other, unrelated Onshape users. Only the users specified by your institution are allowed access to your enterprise.

When working within an Education Enterprise in Onshape, be aware that you are in a separate, managed environment that has a subtle difference from other types of Onshape subscriptions. All users belonging to a specific enterprise plan access Onshape through a single URL, specifically for their enterprise.

Every Onshape Education Enterprise user has access to their particular enterprise's account as well as an individual account. If you sign in using cad.onshape.com in lieu of your enterprise URL, you'll find yourself in your own account. Users can use this account to create Onshape documents that are separate from the enterprise and not seen or managed by the enterprise. These “individual” accounts are particularly useful for when students leave the institution and want to take their work with them in a portfolio.

Regardless of what platform you use, when you sign into Onshape you access this individual account first unless you use your specific enterprise URL. Use the User menu > Switch to <enterprise name> command to go to the sign in page of your enterprise account.

For plan and pricing information, see https://www.onshape.com/en/education/plans.

When users sign in, Documents is the default opening page. This can be changed under Account preferences (Enterprise startup page).

Support options

The administrators of an enterprise have access to the Contact Support option in the Help menu and can submit a support ticket. Members (students) will see the Report a bug option in the Help menu.

Ways to contact support and access the help menu

For an additional resource, follow the self-paced course here: Onshape Enterprise for Educators (Onshape account required) (opens in a new tab). You can also find curriculum resources to use while teaching Onshape here: Curriculum Resources for Educators (Onshape account required) (opens in a new tab).