The App Store allows you to access third-party applications for use with Onshape.

Accessing the App Store

Access the app store by clicking the Go to App Store button () at the top right of the Document toolbar:

Screenshot of the toolbar inside an Onshape Document

The App Store opens in a new browser window:

App Store

Alternatively, navigate to and sign in with your Onshape account credentials.

App Store interface

Use the Search field at the top left to enter a search term and narrow the search results in the App Store.

Click a navigation category on the left side of the screen to filter the search results in the App Store by category.

Use the sort options at the top right of the window to sort the app results by: 

  • Featured - Sorts by promoting featured apps at the top.

  • Date - Sorts by date, from most current apps at the top to least current at the bottom.

  • App type - Sorts by app type: Integrated cloud app, Connected desktop app, and Connected cloud application.

Sort options are only available when All apps or a subcategory of apps is selected from the left side navigation.

Clicking on one of the app store results opens up the main app screen, which provides additional information on the app, such as product screenshots, customer ratings, customer reviews, cost, EULA, Support, and a way to access the app:

App Store app screen

To manage apps under your account, see My Account - Applications.

To manage apps for your Professional, Educator, or Enterprise subscription, see Company/Classroom/Enterprise Settings - Applications.