Tag sketch profile entities for use in Frames or parts to add or subtract from Sheet metal forms. Select geometry, define orientation, and add properties.

Steps: Frame

To tag a profile you have created or modified and use the information in the Cut list table as additional columns:

  1. Click the Tag icon () to open the Tag dialog:

    Tag dialog

  2. Select Frame for the tag purpose

  3. In the Sketch profile field, select the sketch in the Feature list that serves as the sketch for the profile.
  4. 標記輪廓的最佳實踐是建立一個版本,然後在框架中參考該版本的輪廓。

  5. By default, Show default points is enabled in the dialog. This places a magenta-colored 9-point alignment grid overlaid on the sketch profile. Uncheck this option to hide the alignment points.

    Show default points in the tagged Sketch profile

  6. In the Additional alignment points field, select any other points in your sketch you want to use for alignment.

  7. In the Standard field, enter the value to display in the Standard column of the Cut list table.
  8. In the Description field, enter a description to display in the Description column of the Cut list table.
  9. To supply more columns of information for the profile, click Add Column:


  10. In the Header field, enter the name of the new column header to appear in the Cut list table of the additional profile, and the value:


  11. Click Add Column to add another column/value pair to the Cut list table.

  12. Click the checkmark (接受核取記號圖示).


注意到上方「說明」欄中出現的新值,以及新增一欄 "Short" 與相對應的值。

在「框架」特徵中使用輪廓,並使用「切割清單」表格特徵來建立表格之後,輪廓的新資訊會出現在「切割清單」表格中,。按一下視窗右側的 Cut list icon 來開啟表格面板。

Steps: Form

Form tags designate parts to be used as Form features on the sheet metal model. To tag parts:

  1. Click the Tag icon () to open the Tag dialog:

    Tag dialog

  2. Select Form for the tag purpose:

    Tag dialog: Form

  3. In the Part to add field, select the part in the Parts list or graphics area from which to add to the sheet metal.
  4. In the Part to remove field, select the part in the Parts list or graphics area from which to subtract from the sheet metal.
  5. Select the Sketch for flat view. This is the sketch used for the Sheet metal model's flat view.
  6. Select the Form origin mate connector. This determines the direction where the form is shaped in the Sheet metal model. Hover over the graphics area model to select an implicit or explicit mate connector. If none is selected, the feature creates one at the Part Studio's origin.
  7. Click the checkmark (接受核取記號圖示).

You can have only 1 valid form tag feature per Part Studio. Create 1 form per Part Studio.

Frame tools collection

  • 「框架」工具圖示Frame - Create a collection of swept bodies sharing a profile, arranged end-to-end.
  • 「框架修剪」圖示Frame trim - Trim segments as ordered groups.
  • Gusset (for frames) iconGusset - Create gussets between adjacent frame segments.
  • 「端蓋」特徵工具圖示End cap - Create one or more end caps for frame segments.
  • Cut list iconCut list - Create a cut list of all the segments in a frame with their characteristics. This operation also creates an open composite part for the collection.
  • Tag - Tag sketch profile entities for use in Frames or parts to add or subtract from Sheet metal forms. Select geometry, define orientation, and add properties.