Create gussets between adjacent frame segments.



  1. 選擇 Frame gusset icon


  2. 選擇框架片段切割面上的一或多條線性邊線來建立一或多個角撐:


  3. 選擇一個角撐類型:三角形或矩形。

  4. 輸入一個沿框架邊緣測量的角撐長度。

  5. 輸入一個跨框架寬度測量的厚度。

  6. 選擇角撐的位置:沿框架中點置中,或與一條邊線或另一邊線 (在「對齊圖元」欄位中選擇邊線) 對齊。

  7. 選擇性地輸入一個偏移距離,也就是角撐從對齊位置偏移的距離 (上方步驟 6 中所述)。



Frame tools collection

  • 「框架」工具圖示Frame - Create a collection of swept bodies sharing a profile, arranged end-to-end.
  • 「框架修剪」圖示Frame trim - Trim segments as ordered groups.
  • Gusset (for frames) iconGusset - Create gussets between adjacent frame segments.
  • 「端蓋」特徵工具圖示End cap - Create one or more end caps for frame segments.
  • Cut list iconCut list - Create a cut list of all the segments in a frame with their characteristics. This operation also creates an open composite part for the collection.
  • Tag - Tag sketch profile entities for use in Frames or parts to add or subtract from Sheet metal forms. Select geometry, define orientation, and add properties.