- 正方形抓取點表示端點
- 三角形抓取點表示中點
- 在圓或弧四分之一點上的菱形抓取點表示圓的四分之一
- 圓形抓取點表示弧或圓的圓心;在尺寸抓取點出現在圓或弧的圓心之後,您可以點按並將點拖曳至四分之一點。
Midpoints and quad points are disabled during dimensioning for ease of selecting appropriate dimension points. However, after a dimension has been placed, editing the dimension provides access to these midpoints and quad points.
Use keyboard shortcut Shift+q to quickly toggle on midpoints and quad points for the current command. Shift+q again to toggle them off.
若要將非常靠近的尺寸分開來,您可以使用轉折的尺寸界線。若要將轉折加入到尺寸界線上,請在尺寸界線上按右鍵來開啟環境選單,然後再按一下 [加入轉折]:
您可以標註至隱藏線的尺寸 (在使用「顯示隱藏線」指令之後)。
Editing the value of a dimension causes it to be converted to an Overridden dimension. See Troubleshooting dimensions.
When an edge is selected, click again (even while dimensioning) to deselect it and select a different edge.
You can change the way intersecting dimension lines are displayed: as broken where they intersect or as unbroken where they intersect.
Right-click on the dimension and select Break dimension or Unbreak dimension from the context menu. Only one of the intersecting lines may be broken.
在工程圖中對尺寸工具的使用與草圖中的尺寸工具類似。請先啟用工具 (按一下圖示或使用 d 快速鍵),然後:
- 點按一個強調顯示的工程圖圖元 (圓、弧、圓心、直線、中心符號線或點)。
- 按一下第二個強調顯示的工程圖圖元。
- 按一下來在工程圖中放置尺寸。
下方的圖片顯示一個圓筒零件的投影側視圖。如果先選擇上方角落的抓取點,接著選擇下方角落的抓取點,會產生下圖左側的垂直線性尺寸。不過,如果您先選擇上方的邊線接著再選擇底部的邊線,會產生一樣的線性尺寸,但是會套用有直徑符號 (下圖右側所示)。
You can use the Line-to-line tool to automatically add a diameter symbol in the same way as with the Dimension tool. The line-to-line tool works on both projected and section views.
- Click .
- 按一下有倒角的邊線與相鄰的邊線。
- 將游標從邊線移開以預覽尺寸。
- 按一下來放置註解或尺寸。
To alter the style of the chamfer dimension (note or dimension), select the preferred style in the Properties panel, Dimensions tab, Chamfer section. For more information, see Properties.
Adjust the chamfer dimension formatting as explained in Dimension.
直接在弧、圓與其他任何幾何類型 (不包括曲線) 的組合上放置最小或最大尺寸。
- Click .
- 選擇一個弧/圓與其他幾何類型 (不包括曲線) 的組合。
- 拖曳來將尺寸文字移動至所需的位置。
- 按一下來放置尺寸。
- Click .
- 將游標移至工程視圖上暫留來啟動抓取點。
- 當您看到適當的抓取點時按一下。
- 當您看到第二個適當的抓取點時按一下。
- 拖曳來放置尺寸方塊。
- Click .
- 將游標移至工程視圖上暫留來啟動抓取點。
- 當您看到適當的抓取點時按一下。
- 當您看到適當的直線強調顯示時按一下。
- 拖曳來放置尺寸方塊。
- Click .
- 將游標移至工程視圖上暫留來啟動抓取點。
- 按一下第一條強調顯示的線。
- 按一下第二條強調顯示的直線。請注意,僅會強調顯示平行的線以供選擇。
- 拖曳來放置尺寸方塊。
It is possible to automatically add a diameter symbol to a linear dimension if the lines selected are on the same edge representing an arc or circle on its edge. See Linear dimensions on circular parts.
Measure the interior angle between the two legs and the exterior angle formed by two lines.
- Click .
- 點按兩條直線。
- 在兩條直線之間移動游標以預覽內角尺寸。
將抓點拖曳跨越無限延伸直線 (穿過所選邊線/點) 來將測量值變更為額外補充或變為文字一開始被放置處垂直的角度。
不僅能為角度建立尺寸,也可以為共軛/反射角及補角建立尺寸。下方的範例顯示建立了兩條藍色草圖線間的各種尺寸,草圖線間的角度是 116.4°,共軛/反射角是 243.6°,補角則是 63.6°。
選擇 3 個點來測量一個角度,包括一個頂點與分邊上的兩個點:
- Click .
- 按一下頂點。
- 按一下弧周上各個分邊的點。
將該抓點拖曳跨越無限延伸直線 (穿過所選邊線/點) 來變更測量值。
在 3 點角度尺寸中,測量值會從原始的角度變為外角 (360 度減去原始角度)。
拖曳之前 (見下圖):
拖曳之後 (見下圖):
- Click .
- 選擇弧、圓或中心符號線。
- 移動游標然後按一下來放置尺寸。
You have the ability to foreshorten a dimension line on an arc when the center point is at an inconvenient distance from the arc on the drawing. In this case, select the dimension, right-click and select Foreshorten. A jogged line appears, drag to the desired location and click to set the endpoint.To undo the foreshortened line, select the line, right-click and select Remove foreshorten.
您可以將徑向尺寸加入至其他幾何任一側的圓上。例如,下圖中上方的圓與底部的圓之間有兩個橢圓, 並疊層拉伸了四個草圖,然後將上視圖放置在工程圖中。在兩個圓上加入了徑向尺寸。如果就像這個範例中底部的圓一樣被遮住了,當您加入尺寸時會有導引線出現於其上,以確定可以看到圓。
- Click .
- 選擇弧、圓或中心符號線。
- 移動游標然後按一下來放置尺寸。會在尺寸放置處包括直徑符號。
若要將縮短直徑尺寸格式轉換為直接尺寸,請在直徑上按右鍵並選擇 [顯示為直接直徑] (下圖左)。這樣會以直接尺寸取代縮短尺寸 (下圖右)。這個選項是可切換的,所以您可以隨時在尺寸樣式之間轉換。
To flip the foreshortened diameter dimension to the opposite side of the extension line, hover your cursor over the grip point. When you see the flip arrow attached to the cursor, left-click the mouse. Left-click again to flip it back to the original side of the extension line:
To create a foreshortened diameter dimension for a non-cylindrical feature, select a centerline and the corner, point, or axis of choice. Selecting the foreshortened dimension highlights the reference point or edge and centerline.
您可以將直徑尺寸加入至其他幾何任一側的圓上。例如,下圖中上方的圓與底部的圓之間有兩個橢圓, 並疊層拉伸了四個草圖,然後將上視圖放置在工程圖中。在兩個圓上加入了直徑尺寸。如果就像這個範例中底部的圓一樣被遮住了,當您加入尺寸時會有導引線出現於其上,以確定可以看到圓。
建立從基準測量至一特徵的座標尺寸 (X、Y)。會以群組建立座標尺寸,其中一個尺寸移動時,其他的尺寸也會移動。
- 按一下 。
- 按一下要做為基準 (0, 0) 的點。點可以包括邊線和直線、弧、中心符號線,以及手動放置中心符號線。
- 在一個方向 (例如,Y) 上按一個點來將其與基準點關聯。
- Press Escape to exit the tool.
At this point, one Ordinate dimension group is created.
- Click .
- 按一下用來做為基準 (0,0) 的點。
- 在另一個方向 (例如,X) 上按一個點來將其與基準點關聯。此基準可以與第一個選擇的基準相同。
- Press Escape to exit the tool.
At this point, a second Ordinate dimension group is created.
如果座標尺寸的方位不是正確的,請在基準點周圍移動滑鼠,直到 0,0, 的尺寸是在正確的方位上,然後按一下來在工程圖上設定位置。
- Add to ordinate dimension group - Select to add another ordinate dimension to the existing group; click a point to act as a datum point.
- Edit - Select to open the Dimension palette for the ordinate dimension group.
- Reset ordinates - If you've moved the ordinate dimension out of its original alignment, select this option to automatically move it to its previous position.
- Clear selection - Clear all selected items.
- Zoom to fit - Zoom the drawing to fit in the view.
- Delete - Delete the selected items.
- Use the inferencing to make realigning the datum points easier. Click and drag a datum point (it doesn't matter if it's a jogged position or not) to activate inferencing guidelines.
For example, to unjog the .963 datum point below:
- Grouped ordinate dimensions can be moved as a group or singly. Drag the middle snap point of the dimension, notice the dashed lines appear on all dimensions in the group, and drag the dimension to a new position and all members of the group move in sync:
使用最外面的抓取點 (下圖中最右邊) 來僅拖曳單一尺寸本身:
- 在箭頭基底的環狀抓點可將箭頭反轉至尺寸線的另一個方向。
- 每個方向上必須有一個基準;每次您從工具列中啟用指令時,第一次的點按會建立基準點 (0, 0)。
- Each direction of dimensions (Y, for example) consists of an ordinate dimension group with a single datum. To add another value pair to that group, select an existing value in the group, right-click and select Add to ordinate dimension group. This activates the command and the next click establishes the additional dimension value:
- 如果更新了工程圖,其中座標尺寸所參考的特徵被移除,則座標尺寸仍會存在但變為紅色。您可以放心地刪除尺寸 (按右鍵並選擇刪除,或選擇尺寸再按下 Delete)。
- Drag the jog point, the grab point at the point in the leader where it jogs, to reposition the jog point. When you reposition the dimension, the leader will jog at the new point. You can line up all the jog points for a series of ordinate dimensions, then when you move one dimension, the jog points of all of them will stay aligned:
若要變更座標尺寸樣式,請開啟「屬性」面板 > [尺寸] 分頁,然後從「尺寸樣式」中選擇 ANSI 或 ISO。ANSI 座標尺寸顯示來自座標尺寸的導引線。ISO 座標尺寸顯示連接從原點開始增加座標值的額外箭頭。
如果當您建立新工程圖時使用 ANSI 或 ISO 範本,會分別將座標尺寸樣式預設為 ANSI 或 ISO。
Use the Drawing styles panel to style individual ordinate dimensions.
- 在沒有選擇工具的情況下,選擇尺寸。
- The Dimension palette icon appears .
- Hover over the icon to open the palette. (You can also double-click the dimension to open the palette).
- Set the following options in the palette:
- Above text - Enter the text or symbol to appear above the dimension value.
And then, for each of the primary dimension units and the dual dimension units, respectively:
- Prefix text - Enter the text to appear as a prefix to the dimension value.
- Precision - Select the depth of unit precision (zero to 8 decimal places).
Precision defined on a drawing dimension may be linked to the Properties panel through this Dimension palette by selecting the tolerance with “(Drawing)” beside it. Whenever the Properties panel tolerance precisions are updated, any dimension with the “(Drawing)” tolerance selected will also be updated. You can choose to link these properties (and unlink them) on a dimension-by-dimension basis.
- Dimension units - Select the units of your choice. The currently selected unit is displayed in the dropdown label:
Choosing any of: Inches, Inches fractional, Millimeters, or Feet and Inches overrides the units for that dimension. If you later change the drawing units, the units for the dimension are not overridden. But you can change the units back to (Drawing) if you want to inherit the drawing properties again.
When you choose units, you set two properties in the drawing or on a dimension - the Units property and the Fractional display property.
- Tolerance - Select None, Symmetrical, Deviation, Limits, Basic, MIN, MAX, Fit, Fit with tolerance, or Fit (Tolerance only).
- Set the upper and lower tolerance (available for Symmetrical, Deviation, or Limits)
- Set the Fit type, Shaft class, and Hole class (available for Fit, Fit with tolerance, or Fit (Tolerance only))
- Set the precision depth of the Fit tolerance units, from 0 to 8 decimal places (available for Fit with tolerance or Fit (Tolerance only))
- Suffix text - Enter the text to appear as a suffix to the dimension value.
- Below text - Enter the text or symbol to appear below the dimension value.
- Symbol dropdown - Select a symbol to insert from the dropdown:
Symbol Name Shortcut ° 度 %%d ⌀ 直徑 %%c ℄ 中心線 ⌵ 沉頭孔 ↧ 深度 ⌴ 沉孔 □ 正方形 ⌒ 弧長 ± 加/減 %%p Ⓤ 非均勻分布輪廓 Ⓘ 獨立 連續特徵 魚眼坑 ▷ 平移 - Reset text position - Toggle to reset the text to the previous location.
- Parentheses - Toggle to add or remove parenthesis around the dimension field.
- Inspection dimension - Toggle to add or remove an oval frame around the dimension to indicate this is an inspection dimension.
- Dual dimension - Toggle to specify whether to have a single unit dimension, single unit as specified for the drawing properties, or a dual unit dimension:
- Toggle hole class visibility - (Available for Fit and Fit with tolerance options) Use this to show or hide the hole class in the dimension. When shown, select one of the following options:
- Stacked without line
- Stacked diagonally
- Stacked with line
- Toggle Radius/Diameter dimension - Use this to change a radial dimension to diameter or vice versa.
- 在預覽過程中拖曳文字可以將文字移出尺寸界線外,且可以在水平、垂直與對齊測量模式間轉換:
- 將文字從兩個選擇的抓取點朝工程圖上方或下方拖曳會建立一個水平尺寸線:
- 將文字從兩個選擇的抓取點向工程圖側邊拖曳會建立一個垂直尺寸線:
- 將文字朝向垂直於直線 (穿過兩個所選抓取點) 的方向拖曳會建立一個平行於兩個所選抓取點的尺寸線:
- Horizontal and vertical projected snaps are also available during text placement. This allows for lining dimensions up with existing text/dimensions and other locations on the drawing:
將游標移動至符號暫留以喚醒對齊,僅在預覽模式中提供此功能。移動至其他工程圖圖元 (像是視圖的圖元) 來喚醒對齊。
- 在圖面區域中選擇要變更的尺寸。
- 將值拖曳至新的位置 (箭頭會相對應變更)。
Edit - Opens the dimension palette to edit the dimension.
Paste - Pastes the dimensions along with the view into the current location.
Clear selection - Deselects the selected dimension(s).
Zoom to fit - Zooms the entire Drawing into view.
Delete - Deletes the selected dimension(s).
- Dangling dimensions - A dimension with broken associativity, displayed in red. Drag the dimension snap point to re-associate to geometry. See Dangling entities for more information.
- Overridden dimension - A dimension with the text value converted into a non-associative annotation. The text of an overridden dimension is always underlined. Editing the dimension value of a dimension causes it to be converted into an overridden dimension, as such:
- When a dimension is overridden, you can still edit the other fields in the dimension panel.
- 您可以刪除尺寸值欄位中的字元並結束面板來將重置尺寸恢復為關聯的尺寸。
- 在工程製圖中帶底線的尺寸值表示不是比例值。