Tag sketch profile entities for use in Frames or parts to add or subtract from Sheet metal forms. Select geometry, define orientation, and add properties.

Steps: Frame

To tag a profile you have created or modified and use the information in the Cut list table as additional columns:

  1. Click the Tag icon () to open the Tag dialog:

    Tag dialog

  2. Select Frame for the tag purpose

  3. In the Sketch profile field, select the sketch in the Feature list that serves as the sketch for the profile.
  4. 最佳实践是标记轮廓、创建一个版本,并在框架中参考该版本的轮廓。

  5. 默认情况下,对话框中的“显示默认点”处于启用状态。这将在草图轮廓上叠加一个洋红色的 9 点对齐网格。取消选中此选项可隐藏对齐点。


  6. In the Additional alignment points field, select any other points in your sketch you want to use for alignment.

  7. In the Standard field, enter the value to display in the Standard column of the Cut list table.
  8. In the Description field, enter a description to display in the Description column of the Cut list table.
  9. To supply more columns of information for the profile, click Add Column:


  10. In the Header field, enter the name of the new column header to appear in the Cut list table of the additional profile, and the value:


  11. Click Add Column to add another column/value pair to the Cut list table.

  12. Click the checkmark (接受复选标记图标).



轮廓的新信息在框架特征中使用后会出现在切割清单表格中,框架特征后面是用于创建表格的切割清单表格特征。单击窗格右侧的 切割清单图标 以打开表格面板。

Steps: Form

Form tags designate parts to be used as Form features on the sheet metal model. To tag parts:

  1. Click the Tag icon () to open the Tag dialog:

    Tag dialog

  2. Select Form for the tag purpose:

    Tag dialog: Form

  3. In the Part to add field, select the part in the Parts list or graphics area from which to add to the sheet metal.
  4. In the Part to remove field, select the part in the Parts list or graphics area from which to subtract from the sheet metal.
  5. Select the Sketch for flat view. This is the sketch used for the Sheet metal model's flat view.
  6. Select the Form origin mate connector. This determines the direction where the form is shaped in the Sheet metal model. Hover over the graphics area model to select an implicit or explicit mate connector. If none is selected, the feature creates one at the Part Studio's origin.
  7. Click the checkmark (接受复选标记图标).

You can have only 1 valid form tag feature per Part Studio. Create 1 form per Part Studio.

Frame tools collection

  • 框架工具图标Frame - Create a collection of swept bodies sharing a profile, arranged end-to-end.
  • 框架修剪图标框架修剪 - 按排序的组来修剪段。
  • 角撑板(用于框架)图标角撑板 - 在相邻的框架段之间创建角撑板。
  • ”端盖“特征工具图标端盖 - 为框架段创建一个或多个端盖。
  • 切割清单图标切割清单 - 创建一个包含框架中的所有段及其特征的切割清单。此操作也会为集合创建一个开放的复合零件。
  • Tag - Tag sketch profile entities for use in Frames or parts to add or subtract from Sheet metal forms. Select geometry, define orientation, and add properties.