Create one or more end caps for frame segments.



  1. Select ”端盖“特征工具图标 to open the End cap dialog box:


  2. 选择您希望为之添加端盖的框架端面。

  3. 从下拉列表中选择端盖轮廓类型。(从“匹配轮廓”、“矩形”、“圆形”或“内部”中进行选择。)

  4. 指定您的首选厚度。

  5. 指定偏移量,使端盖轮廓大于或小于框架轮廓。

    1. 对于矩形轮廓,请指定拐角处理方式。

    2. 对于内部端盖,请指定相对于框架段面的偏移量。

  6. 单击绿色复选标记以最终确定端盖。

Frame tools collection

  • Frame tool iconFrame - Create a collection of swept bodies sharing a profile, arranged end-to-end.
  • Frame trim iconFrame trim - Trim segments as ordered groups.
  • Gusset (for frames) iconGusset - Create gussets between adjacent frame segments.
  • End cap feature tool iconEnd cap - Create one or more end caps for frame segments.
  • Cut list iconCut list - Create a cut list of all the segments in a frame with their characteristics. This operation also creates an open composite part for the collection.
  • Tag profile iconTag Profile - Tag sketch profiles with names, descriptions, and properties for use in the Cut list table.