Structure View
Only available for
The Structure view is located on the Documents page. View the latest released and revisioned models and all associated parts, assemblies, and drawings in a tree list, presenting the information from the top level assembly downward.
Data is presented in the same view, no matter how users in your company have structured their documents. Browse information logically instead of via document naming conventions or setup.

The Documents page displays a grid view by default. Professional and Enterprise subscriptions have an additional Structure View option. Click Structure View to view a tree list of the latest released models and associated parts and assemblies. Folders list the Last updated date and time information below their name. The As built structure view shows all the latest released parts and assemblies.
By default, the view is compact. Toggle Compact to switch between the default view and larger thumbnails.
The Structure View presents information from the top level assembly downward. Expand the top level assembly to see the components it contains. Collapse all row groups from an assembly’s right-click menu or by toggling the expander to the left of it.
Previous releases are not displayed. If a released component is not used in an assembly, it is displayed at the top of the tree list. If a component has a newer revision available, its revision icon is highlighted in blue.
Drag column headers to reorganize them and drag column edges to resize them. Right-click a column header for additional options, such as pinning a column.
Use the Add columns button to add or remove columns from the interface.
Click anywhere on a row other than the name to select an element. Use the right-side panel to view and update its Details, Properties, Where used information, and Revision history.
Accessing structure view
By default, all subscription plans use the Document grid view layout. However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two additional view options: Document list view, and structure view. Structure view is outlined below.
To access structure view:
Open the Documents page.
From the top level of the Enterprise/Company, click the Structure view icon (
If you navigate away from the top level Enterprise/Company filter on the Documents page (for example, click on the Recently opened filter), returning to the top level does not retain the structure view. You are returned to the Document grid view.
Using Structure view
When you access structure view, Folders are listed at the top section of the page and As built structure view is listed below.
Folders and projects
Folders and projects are listed at the top of the Structure view in a horizontal grid.
This section is collapsible. Click the arrow to the left of the Folders and Projects heading to collapse or expand the section. Hold the bottom of the Folders and Projects section and drag up or down to adjust the height and display more or fewer folders and projects.
To the right of each folder or project icon is a small thumbnail image and name. Folders also include the date and time the folder content was last updated below the folder name:
Click a folder or project to select it. The right panel displays options for managing the component:
Details panel (
) - Displays more details about the folder or project.
Properties panel (
) - Displays the editable and non-editable list of properties for the folder or project. If a property is non-editable, it is grayed out. You can edit all other properties directly from this panel.
Click a folder or project name (or double-click anywhere in its gray box) to open its contents:
The opened E-LAWNMOWER project displayed in Structure view.
If there are no additional folders inside the folder or project clicked, the Folders and Projects grid collapses. Click the breadcrumb link above the Folders and Projects to jump back to a previous location in the Folders and Projects hierarchy:
Compact mode
By default, the Compact toggle is on. This shows each component (part, assembly, or drawing) in the structure view table in a single row. Switching the Compact toggle off provides additional information for each component in the table, with each component along two table rows:
As built structure view
Below the Folders and Projects grid is the As built structure view section. All the latest released and revisioned parts, assemblies, and drawings for the selected project or folder are listed in this table as a tree list. Previous releases are not displayed.
Only components in the current folder are viewable. Components in folders above or below the current folder are not displayed.
If a released component is not used in an assembly, it is displayed at the top of the tree list.
If a component has a newer revision available, its revision icon is highlighted in blue:
Each row contains a thumbnail of the component, as well as the Name, Description, Part number, and Revision of the component. There may be additional columns depending on which columns are added or removed.
In a long structured list, as you scroll vertically, the top level rows remain fixed until the next heading row in the list supersedes it.
The following default columns are found in this table:
An icon to indicate if the component is a part, assembly, or drawing.
The name of the component. This is a hyperlink. Click the link to open the component in a new browser tab.
A revision icon indicating the latest revision (and revision name in parentheses).
The highlighted part number.
If Compact view is disabled, the revision is listed on the second line under the name, along with the part number.
The Name column cannot be hidden.
Description - Lists the description of the component, if one exists.
Part number - The component's associated part number.
Revision - The latest revision of the current component; subassemblies that are not revision managed are labeled as such.
View drawings in Structure view
Toggle the Show drawings button to show or hide all drawings associated with the row.
Add columns
Click the Add columns button to open the Add columns dialog. The following columns can be added to the Structure view table:
Product line
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
In this dialog you can do the following:
Check the box to the left of any column to add it into the Structure table, or uncheck it to remove a column.
Use the Sort icon (
) to move a column up (left) or down (right) in the table order.
Use the Search bar to locate a column to add into the list.
Use the Search bar to locate a column to add into the table.
As built structure view header context menu
Right-click on any column heading in the As built structure view table to access the context menu:
Pin column - Available for all columns except Name, this pins the column in place to the left (right of the Name column) or the right (left of the right edge of the screen). Default is No pin.
Autosize this column - Autosizes the current column to best fit column content.
Autosize all columns - Autosizes all columns to best fit column content.
Reset columns - Resets all columns to their default (to fit the screen).
Formatting the As built structure view
To adjust the width of a column:
Hover your mouse cursor over the right edge of the column. The column divider cursor displays a double-sided arrow:
Click and drag to the left to narrow the column, or drag to the right to expand the column.
When the desired column width is achieved, let go of the mouse.
Note: All columns to the right of the one being resized remain the same size.
To reorder columns:
Drag the header of the column and drop it in a new location (to the right or left of another column).
As built structure view component context menu
Right-click on the empty space along the component row to access the context menu:
Open in new browser tab - Opens the selected component in a new browser tab.
Add to publication - Only available for components that are not already part of a publication. Opens the Create/add to publication dialog, where the component can be added to a new or existing publication. See Publications for more information.
Create task - Opens the Create task dialog where you can create a new task regarding the currently selected component and assign that task to a user.
Export - Opens the Export dialog for the selected component.
Details - Opens the Details panel in the right-side component panel (see full explanation below).
Collapse all row groups - Collapses all row groups in the As built structure view table.
As built structure view Details panel
The right side panel is where information for the selected component is accessed. Select the component by clicking on the empty space along the component row. The Details panel for the component populates the panel. Use each panel icon as a toggle to open or close the panel. There are four available panels:
Details panel (
) - Displays more details about the component:
- Name - Assembly, subassembly, or part name. The revision and part number are listed below the name.
- Document name - The document that contains the component.
- Owner - The company or enterprise that owns the component.
- Location - The folder or project where the component is located, with a link to open the location in a new browser tab.
- Created by - Name of the user that created the component, with a time and date the component was created.
- Last modified by - Name of the user who last modified the component, with a time and date the component was last modified.
Properties panel (
) - Displays the editable and non-editable list of properties for documents, document elements, folders, and projects. If a property is non-editable, it is grayed out. You can edit all other properties directly from this panel.
Where used panel (excludes Drawings;
) - Displays the assemblies, subassemblies, and drawings where a particular component is being used. See Where used for more information.
Revision history panel (
) - Displays all the revisions of the selected component. Each release is listed chronologically in the panel, with the latest release at the top. Each release contains the following details:
Revision name - The name of the revision (in parentheses), with a link to open the component in a new browser tab
Release name - The Release name, with a View release link to open the release dialog.
Submitted by - Name of the user who submitted the latest release, along with the time and date of release.
Keyboard navigation
The following outlines how keyboard navigation operates in the Structure view table:
Selecting an item puts you in a focused state for keyboard navigation from that item.
Clicking on a selected item does not clear the selection. This allows you to interact with elements outside the table, then return to the table list by clicking on an existing selection. Clicking the selection again returns keyboard focus.
Use the esc key to clear the table selection.
Interaction with the expand and drawing icons in the table also brings focus/selection to that item in the table.

Accessing structure view
By default, all subscription plans use the Document layout. However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two additional view options: List view and Structure view. Structure view is outlined below.
To access structure view:
Open the Documents page.
From the top level of the Enterprise/Company, tap Structure:
If you navigate away from the top level Enterprise/Company filter on the Documents page (for example, tap on the Recently opened filter), returning to the top level does not retain the structure view. You are returned to the Document grid view.
Using Structure view
When you access structure view, Folders and Projects are listed at the top section of the page and As built structure view is listed below.
Folders and Projects
Folders and Projects are listed at the top of the Structure view in a horizontal grid.
This section is collapsible. Tap the arrow to the left of the Folders and Projects heading to collapse/expand the section.
To the right of each folder or project icon is a small thumbnail image and name. For folders only, the date and time when the folder content was last updated is indicated below the folder name:
Click a folder or project to open its contents:
The opened E-LAWNMOWER project displayed in Structure view.
If there are no additional folders inside the folder or project, the Folders and Projects grid collapses. Tap the breadcrumb link above the Folders and Projects to jump back to a previous location in the Folders and Projects hierarchy:
As built structure view
Below the Folders and Projects grid is the As built structure view section. All the latest released and revisioned parts and assemblies for the selected project or folder are listed in this table as a tree list. Previous releases are not displayed.
Only components in the current folder are viewable. Components in folders above or below the current folder are not displayed.
If a released component is not used in an assembly, it is displayed at the top of the tree list.
If a component has a newer revision available, its revision icon is highlighted in blue:
Each row contains a thumbnail of the part or assembly, as well as the Name, Description, Part number, and Revision of the component. There may be additional columns depending on which columns are added or removed.
Tap anywhere on a component line to open the component in a new browser tab.
The following default columns are found in this table:
An icon to indicate if the component is a part or assembly.
The name of the component.
A revision icon indicating the part's latest revision (and revision name in parentheses).
The highlighted part number.
The Name column cannot be hidden.
Description - Lists the description of the component, if one exists.
Part number - The component's associated part number.
Revision - Latest revision of the current component.
Add columns
Tap the Add columns button (shown below in red) to open the Add columns dialog. The following columns can be added to the Structure view table:
Product line
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Tap anywhere on the row to add it to or remove it from the Structure table.
As built structure view component context menu
Tap and hold anywhere on a component row to open the context menu for the component:
Open - Opens the selected component.
Add to publication - Only available for components that are not already part of a publication. Opens the Create/add to publication dialog, where the component can be added to a new or existing publication. See Publications for more information.
Details - Opens the Details panel in the right-side component panel (see full explanation below).
As built structure view component panel
The right side panel is where information for the selected component is accessed. First, tap the Details () panel icon to open the panel. Then tap the component row. The Details for the component populates the panel. Use each panel icon as a toggle to open or close the panel. There are three available panels:
Details panel (
) - Displays more details about the component:
- Name - Assembly, subassembly, or part name. The revision and part number are listed below the name.
- Document name - The document that contains the component.
- Owner - The company or enterprise that owns the component.
- Created by - Name of the user that created the component, with a time and date the component was created.
- Last modified by - Name of the user who last modified the component, with a time and date the component was last modified.
Share details panel (
) - Displays the permissions on the document and the folder or project (if any) within which it resides. Tap the Edit icon to open the Share dialog and adjust share settings for the component. See Share documents for more information.
Where used panel (excludes Drawings;
) - Displays the Assemblies/subassemblies and Drawings where a particular component is being used. See Where used for more information.

Accessing structure view
By default, all subscription plans use the Document layout. However, Enterprise and Professional plans have two additional view options: List view and Structure view. Structure view is outlined below.
To access structure view:
Open the Documents page.
From the top level of the Enterprise/Company, tap Structure:
If you navigate away from the top level Enterprise/Company filter on the Documents page (for example, tap on the Recently opened filter), returning to the top level does not retain the structure view. You are returned to the Document grid view.
Using Structure view
When you access structure view, Folders and Projects are listed at the top section of the page and As built structure view is listed below.
Folders and Projects
Folders and Projects are listed at the top of the Structure view in a horizontal grid.
This section is collapsible. Tap the arrow to the left of the Folders and Projects heading to collapse/expand the section.
To the right of each folder or project icon is a small thumbnail image and name. For folders only, the date and time when the folder content was last updated is indicated below the folder name:
Tap a folder or project to open its contents. If there are no additional folders inside the folder or project, the Folders and Projects grid collapses. Tap the breadcrumb link above the Folders and Projects to jump back to a previous location in the Folders and Projects hierarchy:
As built structure view
Below the Folders and Projects grid is the As built structure view section. All the latest released and revisioned parts and assemblies for the selected project or folder are listed in this table as a tree list. Previous releases are not displayed.
Only components in the current folder are viewable. Components in folders above or below the current folder are not displayed.
If a released component is not used in an assembly, it is displayed at the top of the tree list.
If a component has a newer revision available, its revision icon is highlighted in blue:
Each row contains a thumbnail of the part or assembly, as well as the Name, Description, Part number, and Revision of the component. There may be additional columns depending on which columns are added or removed.
Tap anywhere on a component line to open the component in a new browser tab.
The following default columns are found in this table:
An icon to indicate if the component is a part or assembly.
The name of the component.
A revision icon indicating the part's latest revision (and revision name in parentheses).
The highlighted part number.
The Name column cannot be hidden.
Description - Lists the description of the component, if one exists.
Part number - The component's associated part number.
Revision - Latest revision of the current component.
Add columns
Tap the Add columns button (shown below in red) to open the Add columns dialog. The following columns can be added to the Structure view table:
Product line
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Tap anywhere on the row to add it to or remove it from the Structure table.
As built structure view component context menu
Tap and hold anywhere on a component row to open the context menu for the component. From the context menu you can:
Open - Opens the selected component.
Add to publication - Only available for components that are not already part of a publication. Opens the Create/add to publication dialog, where the component can be added to a new or existing publication. See Publications for more information.
Details - Opens the Details panel in the right-side component panel (see full explanation below).
As built structure view component panel
The right side panel is where information for the selected component is accessed. First, tap the Details () panel icon to open the panel. Then, tap the component row. The Details for the component populates the panel. Use each panel icon as a toggle to open or close the panel. There are three available panels:
Details panel (
) - Displays more details about the component:
- Name - Assembly, subassembly, or part name. The revision and part number are listed below the name.
- Document name - The document that contains the component.
- Owner - The company or enterprise that owns the component.
- Created by - Name of the user that created the component, with a time and date the component was created.
- Last modified by - Name of the user who last modified the component, with a time and date the component was last modified.
Share details panel (
) - Displays the permissions on the document and the folder or project (if any) within which it resides. Tap the Edit icon to open the Share dialog and adjust share settings for the component. See Share documents for more information.
Where used panel (excludes Drawings;
) - Displays the Assemblies/subassemblies and Drawings where a particular component is being used. See Where used for more information.