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These instructions present the basic workflow of releasing any object, demonstrated with a single part.

Creating a release can be done only on the browser, but the rest of the steps (reviewing, approving, rejecting, etc) can be done on any Onshape platform.

There are four ways you can start the release process which is to open the Create Release candidate dialog for a selected entity, illustrated here with a single part:

  • In a Part Studio, from the Parts list: Right-click the part you want to release and select Release:

    Release highlighted in right-click menu

    This method pre-populates the Create Release candidate dialog with the selected part.

  • For any tab (Part Studio, Assembly, Drawing, Variable Studio, or imported file): Right-click on the tab and select Release:

    Release highlighted in right-click tab menu

    This method pre-populates the Create Release candidate dialog with the contents of the tab. In the case of a Drawing, it pulls in the part or assembly the drawing is of as well.

  • From any Properties dialog: Right-click on a part, Part Studio, Assembly, Drawing, Variable Studio, or File tab and select Properties. In the top-left corner of the dialog, click Release Create Icon. This method pre-populates the Create Release candidate dialog with the part selected or the contents of the tab selected.
  • From the open Versions and history panel: Click Release Create Icon. This method pre-populates the Create Release candidate dialog with objects from the currently active tab.

Upon starting the release process with the methods explained above:

  1. The Create Release candidate dialog opens:

    Screenshot of Create Release candidate dialog

  2. You can resize this dialog and its sections by clicking and dragging an edge or corner.
    New or modified fields are marked with a yellow triangle in the upper left corner of the field. While in this dialog, you can use the Undo and Redo buttons or your operating system hot keys to undo or redo changes.

  3. The part you selected in the Parts list is already listed in this dialog. If you selected an Assembly, all of the parts in the Assembly are listed. Use the plus sign Plus Sign to add more objects. You can select items from Part Studios, Assemblies, Files, Drawings, or Variable Studios, as shown below:

    Add Items to Release dialog

    You can check any object's design before submitting by clicking the object's name in the list. The appropriate tab will open in another browser tab.

    You can remove any objects not necessary to the Release by clicking the red x next to the object's name.

  4. Optionally, click the Include associated drawings from current workspace icon Include associated drawings from current workspace icon  at the top of the dialog. If there are associated drawings from the current workspace, they will be added to the Release.
  5. The Revision is automatically supplied, based on the choices made during set up (alphabetic, numeric or custom) and any prior releases of this object.

    The Revision is incremented automatically for new releases. Note that revisions are applied only to objects in the release process, which are never objects in a workspace. As soon as a release candidate is created, a version is captured and all the objects in the release candidate are objects in that version. The objects in the workspace do not have Revision labels unless specifically manually assigned in the Part properties.

    Upon the initial revision after Release management is turned on, Onshape attempts to maintain the revision values for Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings. This is useful when importing objects from outside sources such as SOLIDWORKS, where revisions have already been applied to objects. For example, if a Part is imported with a revision value of 3, the first release package maintains the Part's revision at 3. If the associated revision is not the same as the Release management scheme, a warning message is produced, and the object's revision value is adjusted to match the Release management revision scheme. For example, Part 3 in the image below was assigned a numerical revision value of 6, and the Release management scheme is set to alphabetical. In the first release, the new revision value for Part 3 is set to A, with an accompanying warning message.

    Example of warning message seen when you do not have a valid revision scheme entry

    You can change the Revision, but it does not permit you to go backward in order. For example, if the previous revision is B, then Onshape will suggest C. You may enter any letter after C in the alphabet as well, but you may not change to A.

  6. The object's current State is also automatically supplied:
    • In progress reflects objects being released for the first time.
    • Pending reflects objects whose release is pending approval.
    • Released reflects previously-released, linked objects.
  7. Supply a unique part number for the part:
    1. Onshape tracks part numbers across Releases and prevents the re-release of a lower revision of an existing part number.
    2. If you have Sequential part number generation turned on in Numbering schemes settings click the Part Number Icon icon to generate a part number. Clicking Part Number Icon at the top of the dialog generates part numbers for all of the objects in the Release candidate.
    3. If you have Drawing can reuse part number from an assembly or part in the release turned on in Numbering schemes settings, and you click Part Number Icon to Generate part numbers for all objects in the Release candidate, Onshape will generate a new part number for all Drawings which don't have a Part number assigned to both the Drawing and the object inserted in the drawing. If either the Drawing or object inserted in the drawing has an associated number, but the other does not, the associated part number is assigned to both. This only happens if a Drawing has only one object inserted. If multiple objects are inserted into the drawing, a new part number is generated. You can still generate individual part numbers by clicking the Part Number Icon icon to the right of each item in the parts list.

    Click the Edit properties icon Properties icon next to each object in the top half of the dialog to open the view displaying the properties in order to enter and record property information for the object. This allows you to begin editing properties of released objects.

    Click the Export icon Export icon next to the Properties icon to export that release or entities in that release.

  8. Based on how the administrator set up the rules, some fields may be mandatory and some may not be. Supply information, if required or desired, in each of the following fields:
    1. Release Name - This is required by Onshape and will be displayed as the version name in the Versions and history panel (where you can later view the release information).
    2. Release Notes - This may or may not be required by your company administrator and is a good place for specific information or instructions regarding the Release.
      1. Approvers - Enter the email addresses of users or the names of teams of users who must approve this Release candidate before the objects are released. (This may or may not be required by the company administrator; if this field remains empty then the objects are immediately released upon clicking Release.) If an email address or team is present, then a Release candidate is created, approvers are notified and the objects are not released until an approver indicates approval.

        When listing a team in the Approvers field, only one member of the team is required for approval, even if Require approval from all approvers is selected (in the release management work flow set up).

    3. Observers - Enter the email addresses of users or the names of teams of users to whom you want to give View only rights to the Release candidate (or Release). You may enter observers even if you do not require an approval. Observers receive notifications.
  9. Click one of the following based on the desired outcome:
    • Save draft to save the Release candidate you are currently working on as a draft and close the dialog. For more information, see Release drafts.
    • Submit (visible when approvers are listed) to create a version, and set the version icon, Release candidate, and its objects as Pending.

      A notification is sent to each approver and observer listed. A blue message bubble also appears at the top of the graphics area stating the release has been submitted (or other action) and contains a link to the Action items page where you can monitor and act on the release process.

      Example notification that the Release has been submitted

      The message stating you can view the status on the Action items page

      Action items page showing the list of Releases

      The Action items page

      To move from Pending to Released and complete the release workflow, the Release candidate must be approved.

    • Close to close the dialog without recording any changes or taking any actions.