Exporting a Drawing
You can export Onshape drawings to the following file types:
CSV (for Drawing Inspection item lists)
To set up Export rules for drawings, including exporting the inspection symbol count of a drawing, see how to set the preference in your account under Managing Your Onshape Plan and how to use export rules in this topic, below.

- Right-click the Drawing tab.
- Select Export.
- Specify a name for the export file.
- Select the desired export format.
- Select the version and sheets, as appropriate.
- If selecting Custom sheets, enter a range or the sheet number(s).
- Choose how to treat overridden dimensions:
- Show underlines
- Hide underlines
- Indicate how to export text and text-based annotations:
- If exporting to a PDF, select one of:
- Normal - Export text normally
- Selectable - Export as selectable text
- For DWG, DXF, and DWT formats, select one of:
- Export as text - Export the text as shown in the drawing.
- Explode into polylines (notes) - Explode the drawing notes into polylines.
- Explode all into polylines - Explode all drawing annotations, notes, table cell text, and dimensions into polylines.
- If exporting to a PDF, select one of:
- If exporting to a PDF, choose to export in color, black and white, or grayscale.
- Select what to do with the export file:
- Download
- Download and store file in a new tab
- Email with file download link
- Store file in a new tab
- Store in an integrated app (Google Drive, for example), if available.
- If multiple drawings are exported at once (see Exporting multiple drawings below), check Apply export rules to contents to have export rules applied to all the files within the zip folder. When unchecked, export rules are applied only to the zip folder, and not to individual files inside the zip folder.
When this option is available, a View export rules link is provided, which opens the Account > Preferences > Export rules in a new browser tab.
- Indicate whether to export splines as polylines, available for all formats except PDF.
- For DWG, DWT, and DXF exports, you can check the box to Set z-height to zero and normals to positive. This sets the z-height/direction of any hole normals to be positive (+1) for drawings with view geometry.
- Choose to show or hide inspection items in the export.
- For DWG, DWT, and DXF exports, you can include or exclude content that extends beyond the edges of the sheet.
- Click Export.
Exporting multiple drawings
To export multiple drawings at once, open the Tab manager and Ctrl+click to select multiple drawings. Right-click to open the context menu, and select the Export drawings option. Then, follow the steps above, starting at Step 3.
- When you initiate the export, a blue message bubble appears at the top of the window:
You also get a notification when the export is complete:
- Drawings exports are a simplified output that is readable by most DWG readers.
- To export notes as polylines, you can also use the Explode command on the Note context menu.
- To export singular components from within the Documents Page (in List view only), right-click on the entity in the list and select the Export option from the context menu.
- Image properties are not available for embedded images on imported drawings.
- To export a drawing with notes containing strike-through text, select Version 2013 in the dialog.
- The maximum custom sheet size for an exported drawing is 1800 in wide x 1800 in high. See Sheets for more information.
- To export the Inspection symbol count to an ordered .csv file of all the inspection symbol labels, see Exporting Inspection items.
- To export the Drawing definition list to an ordered .csv file of all the drawing annotations, see Exporting the Drawing definition list.

In Mobile, you have the ability to export Onshape drawings to the following types of files:
The export function presents the opportunity to select the desired format; when the translation is finished, the file is also downloaded to your device.
- Tap the
overflow menu in the drawings tab.
- Tap Export
- Use the checkboxes and the arrows to the right of each subject to change your export preferences.
- When you are finished choosing your preferences, tap Export.