
Onshape Render Studio 應用程式可建立來自已匯入 Part Studios 或組合件的照片般擬真場景。可使用場景來測試模型外觀與材料,光源與攝影機設定以及環境。可將場景匯出為 .jpg- 或 .png 格式的圖片來行銷經渲染的設計。

Once imported via the Document tab menu, a Render Studio tab is created where parts, Part Studios, and Assemblies are inserted into a Render Studio scene. Create as many Render Studio tabs as needed. Each tab contains a single scene. Scenes can be updated since they are linked to their part, Part Studio, or Assembly. Updates in the model or assembly can be updated in the scene.

Render Studio main window


快速鍵 動作
esc 取消
空格 清除選取項目
刪除 刪除選取項目
ctrl+c, cmd+c Copy Appearance
ctrl+u, cmd+u 聯絡支援人員
ctrl+v, cmd+v Paste Appearance
ctrl+z, cmd+z 復原變更
ctrl+y, ctrl+cmd+z 重做變更
ctrl+shift+← 向左平移
ctrl+shift+→ 向右平移
ctrl+shift+↑ 向上平移
ctrl+shift+↓ 向下平移
shift+← 向左精確旋轉
shift+→ 向右精確旋轉
shift+↑ 向上精確旋轉
shift+↓ 向下精確旋轉
alt+t 開啟「分頁管理員」
y 隱藏所選零件
shift+y 顯示所選零件
shift+1 前視
shift+5 上視
shift+3 左視
shift+4 右視
shift+5 上視
shift+6 下視
shift+7 等角視
shift+n 重新命名選取項目
shift+v 命名視角
shift+x 剖面視圖
shift+z 放大
z 縮小
f 縮放至適當比例
w 縮放成視窗大小
` Select other

Render Studio 環境選單

在 Render Studio 分頁上按右鍵來存取環境選單:

Render Studio tab context menu

  • 刪除 - 即使是在使用中,也可以刪除 Render Studio (或任何分頁)。無法刪除最後剩下的分頁。
  • Open in new browser tab - Opens the current Render Studio tab in a new browser tab. A notice opens explaining that only one user can open the Render Studio tab at a time. Click Open to proceed:

    Notice that only one user may open this tab at a time

  • 重新命名 - 存取對話方塊來重新命名這個 Render Studio。
  • Properties - Access the dialog to provide information about the Render Studio. In the Properties dialog, provide metadata for the entire Render Studio. Grayed out (inactive) properties are defined and populated through the Company’s properties in Account management. See Company/Enterprise settings > Properties/Custom properties for more information.
  • Duplicate - Duplicates the Render Studio tab in the current document.
  • Copy to clipboard - Copies the Render Studio tab to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into a new or other document.
  • Update linked document - Opens the Reference manager dialog where you can select a newer version of the document to which the Render Studio is linked.
  • Change URL - Change the URL of the current tab.
  • Move to document - Move the current tab to a new document or another document. See Moving tabs to other documents.
  • Create task - Opens the Create task dialog where you can assign a task to someone in your Company/Enterprise. See Action items for more information.