僅為 提供
僅能在瀏覽器版本上建立發行版本,但可以在任何的 Onshape 作業平台上執行其餘的步驟 (檢閱、核准、拒絕等等)。
- In a Part Studio, from the Parts list: Right-click the part you want to release and select Release:
- For any tab (Part Studio, Assembly, Drawing, Variable Studio, or imported file): Right-click on the tab and select Release:
- 從任何屬性對話方塊中:在零件、Part Studio、組合件、工程圖、Variable Studio 或檔案分頁上按右鍵,然後選擇 [屬性]。在對話方塊的左上角,按一下
- From the open Versions and history panel: Click
. This method pre-populates the Create Release candidate dialog with objects from the currently active tab.
- 「建立發行候選」對話方塊開啟:
- The part you selected in the Parts list is already listed in this dialog. If you selected an Assembly, all of the parts in the Assembly are listed. Use the plus sign
to add more objects. You can select items from Part Studios, Assemblies, Files, Drawings, or Variable Studios, as shown below:
您可以按一下物件名稱旁的紅色 x 來移除發行中不需要的物件。
- Optionally, click the Include associated drawings from current workspace icon
at the top of the dialog. If there are associated drawings from the current workspace, they will be added to the Release.
- 取決於設定過程所做的選擇 (字母、數字或自訂) 與這個目標先前的發行,系統會自動提供修訂版。
在開啟發行管理之後隨即的初始修訂版管理中,Onshape 會嘗試維持零件、組合件與工程圖中的修訂版值。這在從像是 SOLIDWORKS 等外部來源匯入物件時是相當有用的,因為已在外部來源中將修訂版套用至物件上。 例如,如果匯入的物件有修訂版 3 的值,則第一個發行套件會將零件的修訂版維持為 3。如果相關的修訂版與發行管理方案不同,則會出現警告的訊息,並調整物件的修訂版值來與發行管理修訂方案相符。例如,下圖圖片中的 Part 3 被指定了 6 的修訂版數值,但發行管理方案是設定為字母式的,這時在第一個發行中會將 Part 3 的新修訂版值設定為 A,並同時顯示警告的訊息。
You can change the Revision, but it does not permit you to go backward in order. For example, if the previous revision is B, then Onshape will suggest C. You may enter any letter after C in the alphabet as well, but you may not change to A.
- The object's current State is also automatically supplied:
- 進行中代表物件第一次被發行。
- Pending reflects objects whose release is pending approval.
- Released reflects previously-released, linked objects.
- 為零件提供一個獨特的零件編號:
- Onshape 會追蹤各個發行間的零件編號,以避免再次發行現有零件編號的較低修訂版。
- If you have Sequential part number generation turned on in Numbering schemes settings click the
icon to generate a part number. Clicking
at the top of the dialog generates part numbers for all of the objects in the Release candidate.
- If you have Drawing can reuse part number from an assembly or part in the release turned on in Numbering schemes settings, and you click
to Generate part numbers for all objects in the Release candidate, Onshape will generate a new part number for all Drawings which don't have a Part number assigned to both the Drawing and the object inserted in the drawing. If either the Drawing or object inserted in the drawing has an associated number, but the other does not, the associated part number is assigned to both. This only happens if a Drawing has only one object inserted. If multiple objects are inserted into the drawing, a new part number is generated. You can still generate individual part numbers by clicking the
icon to the right of each item in the parts list.
Click the Edit properties icon
next to each object in the top half of the dialog to open the view displaying the properties in order to enter and record property information for the object. This allows you to begin editing properties of released objects .
按一下「屬性」圖示旁的「匯出」圖示next to the Properties icon to export that release or entities in that release.
- 取決於管理員如何設定規則,某些欄位可能會是必填的,而有些則不是。如果需要,請於下方各欄位中提供資訊:
- 發行名稱 - Onshape 要求必需要有發行名稱,此名稱在「版本與歷程」飛出視窗中 (您可以稍後於此處檢視發行資訊) 會顯示為版本名稱。
- Release Notes - This may or may not be required by your company administrator and is a good place for specific information or instructions regarding the Release.
- Approvers - Enter the email addresses of users or the names of teams of users who must approve this Release candidate before the objects are released. (This may or may not be required by the company administrator; if this field remains empty then the objects are immediately released upon clicking Release.) If an email address or team is present, then a Release candidate is created, approvers are notified and the objects are not released until an approver indicates approval.
當在「核准者」欄位中列出的是團隊時,只需要團隊中的一個成員核可即可 (即使在發行管理工作流程設定中選取了需要來自所有核准者的批准)。
- Approvers - Enter the email addresses of users or the names of teams of users who must approve this Release candidate before the objects are released. (This may or may not be required by the company administrator; if this field remains empty then the objects are immediately released upon clicking Release.) If an email address or team is present, then a Release candidate is created, approvers are notified and the objects are not released until an approver indicates approval.
- Observers - Enter the email addresses of users or the names of teams of users to whom you want to give View only rights to the Release candidate (or Release). You may enter observers even if you do not require an approval. Observers receive notifications.
- Click one of the following based on the desired outcome:
- Save draft to save the Release candidate you are currently working on as a draft and close the dialog. For more information, see Release drafts.
- Submit (visible when approvers are listed) to create a version, and set the version icon, Release candidate, and its objects as Pending.
A notification is sent to each approver and observer listed. A blue message bubble also appears at the top of the graphics area stating the release has been submitted (or other action) and contains a link to the Action items page where you can monitor and act on the release process.
The Action items page
To move from Pending to Released and complete the release workflow, the Release candidate must be approved.
- Close to close the dialog without recording any changes or taking any actions.
新的或經修改的欄位會在欄位的左上角標有黃色的三角形。您可以在這個對話方塊中使用 [復原] 與 [取消復原] 的按鈕,或是操作系統的快速鍵來復原或取消復原變更。