僅為 提供

Once a Release candidate has been created, you can include additional parts, Assemblies, Drawings, Variable Studios, or files from the document you are currently in that exist in the currently active workspace. Parts derived from another document in a Part Studio or linked from another document in an Assembly are included automatically in the Release candidate. Enterprise and Profesional users can also add objects from another document to a release candidate.


Create a Release candidate. When the Create Release candidate dialog is open, you may begin to select additional objects for release:



  1. Optionally, click the Include associated drawings from current workspace icon Include associated drawings from current workspace icon (indicated above outlined in red) at the top of the dialog. If there are associated drawings from the current workspace, they will be added to the Release.
  2. Click the plus sign Plus Sign at the top left of the dialog (indicated above outlined in red) to add to the release.
  3. 選擇任何 Part Studio、組合件、工程圖、Variable Studio 或檔案:
  4. 「新增項目至發行中」對話方塊

  5. You can use the search box to enter names or partial names of the selected object type.

    Note that if you have a Professional or Enterprise account, you can also click the Other documents tab to insert items from outside the current document.


    當您加入的最上層項目是來自相同文件的不同版本或另一文件的版本時,會在加入的項目旁出現一個圖示,表示項目與另一版本連結 (紅色箭頭指出處):


  6. 當準備好將列出的項目 (對話方塊右邊) 加到「建立發行候選」對話方塊中的發行候選時,按一下加入

    如果需要,使用紅色的 X 來從「發行候選」中移除物件。

    If you add a part that is part of another release with a state of Pending, the dialog will notify you:


  7. 根據需要與 Company 帳戶管理員設定的發行規則,填寫「建立發行候選」對話方塊中其餘的部分。