




  1. 按一下 Note icon
    • To create a note with a leader:
      1. Hover over a view (or a view region or a face in a view) to activate a snap point. Click to anchor the leader, then click to set the note. A small text box appears at the end point of the leader. A note dialog accompanies it.
      2. Enter text and apply formatting and when finished, click 接受核取記號圖示 to close the dialog.
      3. (Optional) To add more leaders, right-click the note and select Add leader. A leader automatically appears at the note grip point closest to the mouse location. Drag to a grip point in the drawing and click to place the leader. Repeat as necessary.

      The leader includes a moveable node:


    • To create a note with no leader:
      1. Move the cursor to empty white space and click to place the text box.

      2. Enter text and apply formatting. When finished, click 接受核取記號圖示 to close the dialog.

