- Click .
- To create a note with a leader:
- Hover over a view (or a view region or a face in a view) to activate a snap point. Click to anchor the leader, then click to set the note. A small text box appears at the end point of the leader. A note dialog accompanies it.
- Enter text and apply formatting and when finished, click to close the dialog.
- (Optional) To add more leaders, right-click the note and select Add leader. A leader automatically appears at the note grip point closest to the mouse location. Drag to a grip point in the drawing and click to place the leader. Repeat as necessary.
The leader includes a moveable node:
- To create a note with no leader:
- Move the cursor to empty white space and click to place the text box.
- Enter text and apply formatting. When finished, click to close the dialog.
- To create a note with a leader:
僅能在項目符號清單和排序清單 (使用數字或字母) 樣式的註解上建立標幟:
選擇以項目符號或排序清單 (數字或字母) 為格式的註解。
選擇性地選取字元大小 (根據預設,旗標是設定為 2 個字元)。
To set default properties for note flags, see Properties.
- Ensure no tools are selected.
- 選擇註解,或將游標移動到註解上暫留。
- Make your adjustments:
- (Notes without leaders only) To rotate, click the center drag point (as shown) and drag in a circular motion. Use the numeric box that appears to estimate the value of the angle:
To resize, click a square drag point on a side edge and drag to resize.
After creating a note, you can indicate to explode the note into polylines upon export. Use the context menu and select Explode:
You can also Flip a note that is aligned to an edge (accessed through the context menu on the note). Flip rotates the note by 180 degrees and moves it to the other side of the edge. Flip is not available for notes that are not aligned.
- (Notes without leaders only) To rotate, click the center drag point (as shown) and drag in a circular motion. Use the numeric box that appears to estimate the value of the angle:
You can enter unicode characters in notes. For example, use \U+00AE to create the registered trademark symbol ®.
- 在註解上按右鍵。
- 從功能表中選擇 [加入導線]。
- 在抓點上按一下來附加導線。
- 在註解上按右鍵。
- 從功能表中選擇 [移除導線]:
您也可以將註解與工程視圖群組在一起。按一下註解與視圖,然後按右鍵並選擇 [群組]。當視圖被重新定位時,註解的位置也會隨之更新。
- 按一下來選擇導線和/或文字。
- 按下 Delete 鍵。
您也可以在導線和/或文字上按右鍵,然後點按 [刪除] 來移除導線和/或文字:
- 在沒有選擇工具的情況下,按一下來選擇文字。
- 在文字任意處上按一下並拖曳。
- 放開游標時,導線會在新的位置抓取到文字上。
- 在沒有選擇工具的情況下,按一下來選擇導線上的抓點。
- 將導線拖曳到新的位置。
- 在導線上按右鍵,然後按一下 [新增節點]:
在導線上會出現一個節點。若要加入其他節點,請在導線上按右鍵,然後再次選擇 [新增節點]。
- 若要從導線中移除節點,請在節點上按右鍵,然後選擇 [移除節點]。
- 您也可以在節點上按右鍵,然後選擇 [加入導線] 來在節點上加入導線。這樣會在節點處開始一條導線,直至您下個點按處結束。
- 在沒有選擇工具的情況下,連按兩下文字。
- 對文字和/或註解格式做出變更。對文字高度的變更會成為您新的預設。
- Click .
在註解上使用環境選單 (按滑鼠右鍵) 來將註解移動到標題區塊、邊框區域、邊框框架,或移回工程圖中:
- 選擇註解。
- 按右鍵並選擇移動至。
- 選擇標題區塊、邊框區域或邊框框架。
當格式 (在屬性面板中) 是鎖定時,您無法編輯不在工程圖圖層中的註解。若當格式是鎖定時要編輯註解,請將註解移回工程圖圖層中。
You can also drag a note off of an edge, thereby detaching it: use the middle bottom grip point. You can drag to reattach to another position on an edge.
在註解上使用環境選單 (按滑鼠右鍵):
- 選擇註解。
- 按右鍵並選擇複製。
- 再次按右鍵並選擇貼上。
從您有權限的任何文件的任何工程圖 (包括特定的文件工作區) 中複製註解與帶導線註解,將其貼至您有權限的任何文件的任何工程圖 (包括特定的文件工作區) 中。
You can group notes to callouts or a single view. You can then move them as a group, if desired.
To group a note with callouts:
- Ensure the note, as well as all the callouts are created in the drawing.
- Select the note and all callouts you want to group.
- Right-click on one of the callouts or the note and select Group annotation from the context menu.
To remove a note or callout from the group, right-click the annotation and select Remove annotation from group.
If a note is connected to a view entity (edge, hole), it is grouped with the view. If the note is not connected, you can group it with the view:
Ensure the view and unconnected note is created in the drawing.
Select the note and the view you want to group.
Right-click on the note or the view and select Group from the context menu.
To remove a note or view from the group, right-click on either one and select Remove from group.
A note can be connected to one view only; however, you can group multiple notes to the same view.
If an unconnected note and view are grouped, moving the view moves the note with the view; however, moving the note does not move the view.
If multiple notes and callouts are selected, use Shift+drag to change the position of one selected entity only, in relation to the other grouped entities. When using Shift+drag, the grip point is ignored. Shift has no effect if the view is included in the selection. Moving the view moves the view and all entities connected to the view together.
- Ctrl+a 來選擇註解中的所有文字
- 連按兩下來選擇一個字 (直到下一個空格)
- 連按三下來選擇一行 (直到下一個分行符號)
- 使用複製/貼上快速鍵以及系統提供的剪貼簿以插入來自另一個頁面或程式的文字
- Ruler - Set paragraph indents and tab stops for Notes. See more information below under Formatting ruler.
- Font - Specify a typeface using an SHX file or a True Type font file.
- Text height - Specify the text height for subsequent or selected text. Text height is measured from the baseline to the top of a regular uppercase glyph (cap line), also known as the Cap Height. This specification becomes your new default.
- Bold - Indicate subsequent or selected text is bold; works with True Type fonts only.
- Italic - Indicate subsequent or selected text is italic; works with True Type fonts only.
- Underline - Indicate subsequent or selected text is underlined; works with True Type fonts only.
- Strikethrough - Indicate subsequent or selected text is struckthrough (draws a line through the middle of the text).
- Color - Open the Note color palette where you can select a new color, enter a hash number, RGB values, or mix a new color:
- Line spacing - Change the spacing between lines of text. This applies to the entire Note. Select an option:
- 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 - Set line spacing to one of these factors.
- Add space before paragraph / Remove space before paragraph - Add or remove space before a paragraph; the line spacing is set as mentioned in this list, above.
- Add space after paragraph / Remove space after paragraph - Add or remove space after a paragraph; the line spacing is set as mentioned in this list, above.
- Horizontal alignment - Select a type of horizontal alignment of paragraphs: left-aligned text, right-aligned text, centered text, or justified text (aligned evenly along left and right margins).
Note that this option is disabled in Note with leader command; drafting standards dictate alignment of text in that context.
- List - Select a type of list formatting to use, including: numbers, bullets, uppercase letters, or lowercase letters.
- Vertical alignment - Indicate the type of paragraph justification in relation to the insertion point of the Note: Top, Middle, or Bottom.
Note that this options is disabled in Note with leader command; drafting standards dictate alignment of text in that context.
Note order - Click and select Bottom to top or Top to bottom to reorder the text in the note.
- Fractions - You can use 3 different codes to create fractions formatted in 3 ways:
- 有斜線在數字之間的分數格式 - <數字>#<數字><空格>
- 有水平斜線在數字之間的分數格式 - <數字>/<數字><空格>
- 數字之間沒有斜線的分數格式,僅垂直互相堆疊 - <數字>^<數字><空格>
如果不想要轉換為分數字元,請在第二個數字之後直接輸入除了 <空格> 之外的字元,然後使用方向鍵或游標來向後移動回去再刪除它 (否則,無法編輯特殊字元代碼)。
- Symbols - Select a symbol to insert at the current cursor location. Symbols can also be added from the Symbols dropdown list .
符號 Name 快速鍵 ° 度 %%d ⌀ 直徑 %%c ℄ 中心線 ⌵ 沉頭孔 ↧ 深度 ⌴ 沉孔 □ 正方形 ⌒ 弧長 ± 加/減 %%p Ⓤ 非均勻分布輪廓 Ⓘ 獨立 連續特徵 魚眼坑 ▷ 平移 - Insert drawing property - Insert the value of a Drawing property automatically, especially useful for filling in the title block, including:
- 工程圖建立者 - 建立工程圖的使用者的使用者名稱
- 工程圖建立日期 - 工程圖一開始建立的日期
- 工程圖說明 - 存在於工程圖分頁屬性 (在分頁上按右鍵然候選擇屬性) 中的工程圖說明描述
- 工程圖最後更改者 - 最後修改工程圖的使用者的使用者名稱
- 工程圖最後更改日期 - 最後變更工程圖的日期
- 工程圖名稱 - 顯示在標題方塊中的工程圖名稱
- 工程圖零件編號 - 存在於工程圖分頁屬性 (在分頁上按右鍵然候選擇屬性) 中給工程圖的零件編號
- 工程圖修訂版 - 存在於工程圖分頁屬性 (在分頁上按右鍵然候選擇屬性) 中的工程圖目前修訂版
- 工程圖標題 1 - 出現在標題方塊中的工程圖標題第一行;這是在工程圖屬性中定義的
- 工程圖標題 2 - 出現在標題方塊中的工程圖標題第二行
- 工程圖標題 3 - 出現在標題方塊中的工程圖標題第三行
- 圖頁數 - 目前顯示圖頁的數量
- Total sheets - The total number of sheets in the drawing
- Sheet scale - The scale of the views on the sheet. Change this value in Sheet properties.
- 圖頁大小 - 圖頁大小;同時與標題區塊中的大小屬性相連結。
若要檢視與編輯工程圖屬性,請在工程圖分頁上按右鍵並從環境選單中選擇 [屬性]。
- Insert sheet reference property - Insert a property referencing the entity from which you created the drawing. Default Onshape properties and active custom properties are listed. Active custom properties appear at the bottom of the list in alphabetical order. For more information on metadata and custom properties see Properties.
- Name
- 說明
- 零件編號
- 修訂
- 狀態
- 廠商
- Project
- 產品線
- 標題 1
- 標題 2
- 標題 3
- 材料
- 質量
- Text format - Set the text format of an inserted drawing property to one of the following:
- 全部大寫
- 全部小寫
- 句首大寫
- 標題大寫
- 未修改過
- Date time format - Select a date and time format to use for an inserted drawing date property.
The UTC time zone is used for Date properties. This could potentially lead to a situation where a date is displayed as tomorrow, for example.
- 連按兩下屬性。在這個時候,游標會位在屬性的尾端:
- 選擇屬性。使用滑鼠是相當有用的 (而不是 Shift+方向鍵)。當屬性被強調顯示時,您會注意到屬性下方有一條細的藍線:
- Click and select the property to insert, for example, Drawing name:
- With the property still highlighted, the text formatting icon is active; click to select text formatting options for capitalization formatting.
If you want to remove the gray highlighting and/or placeholder dashes of a field in the title box, use the Drawings Properties pane, under Notes.
- If a date property was inserted, the Date format icon becomes active. Enter any of the following date formats:
Code Sample Description yyyy-M-d 2016-3-9 4 位數年份,1-2 位數月份,1-2 位數日期 yyyy-MM-dd 2016-03-09 4 位數年份,2 位數月份,2 位數日期 M.d.yyyy 3.9.2016 1-2 位數月份,1-2 位數日期,4 位數年份 M/d/yyyy 3/9/2016
1-2 位數月份,1-2 位數日期,4 位數年份 M/d/yy 3/9/16 1-2 位數月份,1-2 位數日期,2 位數年份 MM-yy 03-16 2 位數月份,2 位數年份 MM/dd/yyyy 03/09/2016 2 位數月份,2 位數日期,4 位數年份 MMM.d, yy Mar.9, 16
3 個英文字母的月份,1-2 位數日期,2 位數年份 MMMM yy March 16
完整的英文月份,2 位數年份 MMMM d,yyyy March 9,2016 完整的英文月份,1-2 位數日期,4 位數年份 d-MMM-yy 9-Mar-16 1-2 位數日期,3 個英文字母的月份,2 位數年份 d MMMM yy 9 March 16 1-2 位數日期,完整的英文月份,2 位數年份 dd.MM.yyyy 09.03.2016 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,4 位數年份 dd/MM/yyyy 09/03/2016 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,4 位數年份 dddd,MMMM d,yyyy Monday, March 9,2016 Day of the week, full month, 1-2 digit day, 4 digit year
dd-mm-yyyy 03-09-2016 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,4 位數年份 d-MMM-yyyy 3-Sep-2016 1-2 位數日期,3 個英文字母的月份,4 位數年份 dd/mm/yy 03/09/16 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,2 位數年份 dd/mm/yyyy 03/09/2016 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,4 位數年份 dd.mm.yy 03.09.16
2 位數日期,2 位數月份,2 位數年份 dd.mm.yyyy 03.09.2016 2 位數日期,2 位數月份,4 位數年份
- 將您的游標放置在段落中來設定格式,或選擇多個段落。
- On the Formatting ruler, slide indent markers:
- 將首行縮排標記滑動至您要段落第一行開始的位置。
- 將左側縮排標記從左滑動至您要段落中第二行與隨後各行開始的位置 (同時稱做首行凸排)。
- 將右側縮排標記從右側滑動至您要段落所有行結束的位置。
- 將您的游標放置在段落中來設定格式,或選擇多個段落。
- Click the tab selector at the left end of the ruler until it displays the type of tab you want to use:
- Left - Set the start position for subsequent text. The text runs to the right as you type.
- Center - Set the position for the middle of the text. The text centers on this position as you type.
- Right - Set the start position for subsequent text. The text runs to the left as you type.
- Decimal - Align numbers around a decimal point. Independent of the number of digits, the decimal point is in the same position. You are able to align numbers around the same type: period, comma, or space.
- Click the ruler at the location you want to place the tab stop.
As you click or drag tab stops, tooltips show the exact position from the left (in drawing units).
- 根據需要重複上方的步驟。
將定位停駐點 (向上或向下) 拖出尺規中。當您放開滑鼠按鍵時,定位停駐點即消失。
Click on the note you want to style, then click the Styles panel icon on the right side of the page:
When selecting a note, the target (edge, hole) is highlighted blue:
If a note is grouped with other annotations or a view, and the note is selected, the grouped annotations are highlighted yellow (as the callout is in the following example):
Some fields in title blocks are filled in automatically, using document and drawings information. The rest you can fill using notes within the boundaries of the title block cells.
- 建立格子大小的文字方塊。您可以試用不同的文字大小、字型等等,看文字是否放得進去而無需調整文字方塊的大小。
- 您無法複製與貼上文字方塊,但您可以將來自一個文字方塊中的文字複製與貼到另一方塊中。
- 當從一個文字方塊中將文字複製與貼至另一個文字方塊時,會保留原有的格式。
- 在標題區塊中的標籤也是可完全自訂的。這些標籤僅是多行的文字,就只是一個註解而已。
- 您可以移動標題區塊行,或是建立您自己的標題區塊。