Insert a revision table to record the revisions of the drawing created during the release management process. Style the table as you would any other table and adjust properties of the table through the Properties panel. As the drawing moves through the release management process, further revisions and table information are updated automatically.




  1. Click [修訂版表格] 圖示.


  2. 使用「多圖頁」欄位來指明當工程圖包含多張圖頁時,如何顯示表格。「連結」的選項會在所有的圖頁上顯示完整的修訂版表格。「請見圖頁 1」的選項則會在插入表格的圖頁上顯示完整的表格,在其他的各圖頁中則會顯示「請見圖頁 1」的小表格。



    在「修訂版表格」屬性中選取了「請見圖頁 1」時會出現的工程圖第二張圖頁

    上圖是在「修訂版表格」屬性中選取了「請見圖頁 1」時會出現的工程圖第二張圖頁

  3. 將「可見列」欄位設定為您要列在表格中修訂版的數量。
  4. 選擇要排列修訂版的「順序」:最新的在下方 (由上至下) 或最新的在上方 (由下至上)。

  5. 選擇「隱藏已不再顯示於表格中的修訂版標註」來隱藏您插入至工程圖中但已不再於修訂版表格中有相對應修訂版列的修訂版標註。
  1. 選擇與表格角落相符的圖示以設定固定的角落。


  2. The default anchor point in Onshape is the upper right corner of tables.

    There is no need to click directly on the point once it is visible. While moving the mouse to place the table, you'll notice thin, dashed lines as the cursor passes near other entities. These are inferencing lines that you are able to align the table to; simply click when you see the line appear to align the table to that line.

  3. 在工程圖紙空間上按一下來放置表格。





上圖中在修訂版發行之後,系統會移除強調顯示 (以及修訂版標籤上的小三角形)。


  • For Professional, Educator, and Enterprise plan users, the format of the revision table is governed by the format of the Revision table template selected in the company/enterprise release management settings in the Company or Enterprise account settings. See "Revision tables" under Managing Company Preferences for Professional plans, or"Release management" under Enterprise Account Settings, as appropriate, for more information.

  • The UTC time zone is used for Revision table Date properties. This could potentially lead to a situation where a date is displayed as tomorrow, for example.