建立與編輯帶導線的標註 (球標)。標註是與文件、BOM 表格 (如果有的話) 與切割清單表格 (如果有的話) 的零件中繼資料相關聯的。當有 BOM 或切割清單表格存在時,標註預設會使用表格中的「項目編號」 。
If the table order is changed, use the Update Drawing feature to update the callouts.
- Click
- To place a callout with a leader, hover over a view (or a face in a view) to activate a snap point. Click to anchor the leader, then click to set the balloon. The leader includes a moveable node along the horizontal segment (when Border shape = None):
- To place a callout without a leader in the white space of a drawing, simply click in the white space to set the callout.
- To place a callout with a leader, hover over a view (or a face in a view) to activate a snap point. Click to anchor the leader, then click to set the balloon. The leader includes a moveable node along the horizontal segment (when Border shape = None):
- Make specifications in the dialog before placing the callout in the drawing.
to save your specifications and close the dialog.
- Use the options to dictate the style and content of the callout:
Part property - Select from the metadata for the part to create associative links to that data:
Table property - Select from the fields included in your table to create associative links to that table:
Flag note property - Add a flag to an item in a note styled as a list. See Note for more information.
Cut list table property - Select from the fields included in your Cut list table to create associative links to that table:
- 輸入標註資料上方、下方、左邊與右邊的文字。
- 從下拉功能表中選擇符號來插入至標註中。
- 選擇標註文字的高度、邊框形狀與邊框大小。
When selecting a Callout, the target (face, edge, hole) is highlighted blue:
- Edit - Open the callout dialog to edit the callout specifications.
- Copy - Copy the callout.
- Add leader - Add a leader (or another leader) to the callout.
- Remove leaders - Remove all leaders from the callout.
- Group annotation / Remove annotation from group - Select multiple callouts, right-click and select Group annotation to create a group of annotations that can be moved together. You can also group callouts with dimensions, welds, surface finishes, and datums. Select one or more callouts in the group and select Remove annotations from group to remove those items from the group so they can be moved singly.
- Copy/Paste - Copy, and paste a copied callout; callouts move as one until you attach one to a part in the drawing (via the leader).
- Move to - Move a callout to a different layer of the drawing: Border frame, Border zones, or Title block. Once on another zone, you have the option of locking the layers (through Drawings properties, Formats tab), in order to stabilize the position of entities on that layer. When a callout is moved to different layer, that layer's formats (for example, color, line thickness, and font) are applied to it.
- Clear selection - Remove any highlighted items from the selection queue.
- Zoom to fit - Zoom appropriately to fit the entire drawing in the field of view.
- Delete - Delete selected entities.
- 水平對齊
- 垂直對齊
- Click to select the callout or leader. Onshape selection is additive so you can select multiple items and then execute a command. (Use right-click Clear selection to remove all selections from the queue.)
- 按下 Delete 鍵。
You can group callouts to views, other callouts, dimensions, welds, surface finishes, or datums. You can then move them as a group, if desired.
- 按一下來選取標註。
- 將標註拖曳至現有的標註、尺寸、熔接、表面加工或基準符號上,在項目被強調顯示之後,放開拖曳。
- 在「標註」對話方塊開啟之後,於其中進行所需的變更。
- 當在工程圖區域中放置標註時,按一下您要與標註組成群組的標註或尺寸、熔接、表面加工或基準符號。
To group a callout to a view:
If a callout is connected to a view entity (edge, hole), it is grouped with the view. If the callout is not connected, you can group it to the view. A callout can be connected to one view only; however, you can group multiple callouts to the same view.
Ensure the view and unconnected callout are created in the drawing.
Select the callout and the view you want to group.
Right-click on the callout or the view and select Group from the context menu.
To remove a callout or view from the group, right-click on either and select Remove from group.
To move the callout group:
Click and drag the second entity to the new location. Alternately, click on the callout to select it. Then click anywhere outside the grip point (shown by the cursor below) to move the entities together to a new location.
Moving a view moves the view and all callouts grouped to the view together.
Moving a grouped callout does not move the grouped view.
If multiple notes and callouts are selected, use Shift+drag to change the position of one selected entity only, in relation to the other grouped entities. When using Shift+drag, the grip point is ignored. Shift has no effect if the view is included in the selection.
When you are using BOMs with your drawings ( Insert BOM) the Balloon tool adjusts to create automatic identifiers in the balloon, according to the data in the BOM you have inserted into the drawing.
在 BOM 已插入至工程圖中的情況下:
- Click
- 按一下導線的起點。
- 按一下導線的結束點。
- 對話方塊開啟以供輸入進一步的詳細資訊:
- Use the icon drop downs at the top to specify which properties in the table to pull the balloon identifier from:
- Select from a list of all Part properties
- Select from a list of all columns in the BOM table (if present)
- Select from a list of columns in the Cut list table (if present)
- 提供球標標識符上方、下方、左邊與右邊的其他詳細資料 (選用)。
- 選擇文字的點大小、球標的形狀與您所需要球標的字元寬度。
- Click
to save your specifications.
- 在導線上按右鍵,然後按一下 [新增節點]:
在導線上會出現一個節點。若要加入其他節點,請在導線上按右鍵,然後再次選擇 [新增節點]。
- 若要從導線中移除節點,請在節點上按右鍵,然後選擇 [移除節點]。
- 修改文字
Click on the callout you want to style, then click the Styles panel icon on the right side of the page:
When selecting a callout, the target (face, edge, hole) is highlighted blue:
If a callout is grouped with other annotations, and the callout is selected, the grouped annotations are highlighted yellow (as the note is in the following example):
Available for assemblies with associated BOM tables only.
To neatly stack callouts for an assembly drawing with an associated BOM table:
- Right-click an existing callout and select Add stacked callouts.
- With focus in the Stacked instances field in the Stacked callouts dialog, click an instance in the drawing. The instance is added to the list in the dialog, and the new callout appears stacked next to the original one.
- To select instances from the BOM table instead of the drawing:
- Click Add instances from BOM. A yellow banner appears.
- With the yellow banner showing, click instances to add from the first column of the BOM table. The new instances appear in the dialog list, and the new callouts appear stacked.
- Click Done in the yellow banner.
- Click Add instances from BOM. A yellow banner appears.
- Click the green check mark to close the dialog.
Stacked callouts can be grouped via dragging like any other grouped callouts.