
在与 Onshape 建立连接之前,必须由 Arena 技术支持配置用于 Onshape 的目标 Arena 工作区。完成后,您必须配置您的 Onshape 帐户以登录并连接到您的 Arena 帐户。本主题说明管理员需要采取的步骤,以确保通过建立正确的配置来建立正确的连接。

Required information

Required item 注释
Arena workspace ID Your Arena workspace The workspace to be configured to your Onshape Enterprise. This is not the same as the user-visible name, but the internal ID used by Arena. This ID is displayed in the URL when configuring the Workspace in Arena. For help locating this ID contact Arena Support.
Arena workspace name Automatically populated upon successful connection Once all other data is verified, this field is populated upon successful connection between Onshape and Arena.
Integration user ID Arena Support The Integration user ID must be a valid automation or integration Arena ID that is not being used by anyone to log in to the Arena UI.
API web token Arena Support generates and distributes this upon request, for each customer's Onshape Arena connection The web token associated with the Integration user ID referenced above, for your Arena Workspace.

The web token is a unique key that establishes a secure connection between an Onshape Enterprise and an Arena Workspace.

The web token could be used to gain access to your system, and as such should be treated with the same caution that you treat a password.
Arena API URL https://api.arenasolutions.com/v1/


Use the first URL if the URL to your Arena Workspace starts with https://app.bom.com
Use the second URL if the URL to your Arena workspace starts with https://app.europe.arenaplm.com

Users and permissions

The API Web Token could be used to gain access to your system, and as such should be treated with the same caution that you treat a password.

The required users and their permissions in each product are:

  • Onshape:

    • Enterprise Administrator - The Administrator account configuring the connection must use the same email and have a full Arena user license with Arena workspace read and write permissions. Logging into the target Arena workspace at least once is required, prior to configuration.

    • Onshape User - The user syncing parts to Arena must have an Arena Account with a full Arena user license, using the same email as in Onshape, and must log in to the target Arena workspace at least once before syncing parts to Arena.

  • Arena Administrator - The Administrator configuring the Arena settings.

  • Integration user - The Integration user with permission to view and edit in the Arena workspace. This user must have a full license and have the For integration use setting in Arena. This user is set up by Arena support.

Overall setup process

  1. Work with Arena Support to configure the Arena Workspace and obtain a web token for the Integration user. See Arena Workspace configuration process.

  2. Work with your Arena Solutions Architect to configure Categories, Part Numbering, and Revision schemes in Arena.

  3. Configure Onshape enterprise (Onshape Administrator). See Onshape configuration process.

  4. Map Onshape categories to Arena categories. See Map Onshape categories.

  5. Map Onshape Material and Mass properties. See Map Onshape Material and Mass.

  6. Configure part numbering in both Arena and Onshape. See Configure part numbering.

  7. In Onshape, provide permissions to users and/or teams so they can sync to Arena. See Grant Sync to Arena permission.

  8. If you are syncing Onshape Release management to Arena's change management system:

    1. Configure Onshape for Release management. See Onshape configuration for syncing Release management.

    2. Configure Arena for Release management. See Arena configuration for syncing Release management.