The Performance panel provides statistics related to the model, graphics, and document, in addition to system details. These statistics can alert you to areas where the document, Part Studio, and Assembly structure can be improved to obtain a more efficient performance.

The Performance panel is available in all Onshape documents and in all tab types. It is located in the Document panel (aligned vertically under the Onshape logo) at the top left of the window.

Click the Performance icon to open the Performance panel.

performance icon in documentation panel

By default, Performance panel tables are sorted by highest to lowest count, from top to bottom. For example, if there are more Faces than Lines in a Primitives table (under Tab graphics), then Faces will display above Lines. Click the down arrow to the right of the Count label in the heading to reverse the entire table's sort order. It will now display the lowest to highest count, from top to bottom.

The Performance panel is a general list of factors and statistics that have performance implications. Factors in the performance panel may not be the main reason behind performance issues. If you have implemented resolutions outlined in this topic and associated help topics, and performance does not improve, contact Customer Support.

For more information see Performance.