Importing and Exporting Files
You have the ability to import and export many types of files, not only CAD files, from your hard drive and cloud based sources (such as Google Drive and Dropbox). When importing CAD files, Onshape automatically rewrites it to Onshape's internal format. When exporting files, you are able to export to another CAD format, as well as simply download non-CAD files. For more information, see the links below.

- Import
- Load any type of file into Onshape, either as its own document, or into an existing document. If the file is a CAD file, it will be automatically converted to Onshape format.
- Download - Copy any file that was imported into Onshape back out of Onshape in its current file format to your local machine.
- Export - Write an Onshape Part Studio or individual part to another CAD format, or a sketch or planar face to DWG/DXF format and download it to your local machine.
Read more on Supported file formats.
To learn more about importing and exporting files in Onshape, follow the self-paced course here: Importing and Exporting Data (Onshape account required).

You have the ability to import and export many types of files, not only CAD files. When importing CAD files, Onshape automatically rewrites it to Onshape's internal format. When exporting files, you are able to export to another CAD format, as well as simply download non-CAD files. For more information, see the links below. Note that exporting files is available only on the browser/desktop version of Onshape.
Onshape mobile currently supports importing files from cloud-based sources only.
- Import - Load any type of file into Onshape, either as its own document, or as a new tab in an existing document. If the file is a CAD files, it will be automatically translated to Onshape format.
- Download - Copy any file that was imported into Onshape back out of Onshape in its current file format to your device.
- Export - Write an Onshape Part Studio or individual part to another CAD format, or sketch or planar face to DWG/DXF format and download it to your device.
Read more on Supported File Formats.