僅為 提供


在「發行管理」之下的 Company/Enterprise 帳戶設定中有 Onshape 淘汰工作流程的圖解說明:

Onshape 預設淘汰工作流程

可透過物件 (零件清單中的零件、組合件、Variable Studio 或工程圖分頁) 的適境功能表存取以檢視修訂歷程記錄並淘汰零件:

  1. 在零件或分頁上按右鍵。
    • On iOS or Android platforms, tap the Assembly tab for an Assembly or the overflow menu next to a part in the Parts list of a Part Studio for a released part.
  2. 選擇修訂歷程記錄來開啟「修訂歷程記錄」對話方塊:


  3. Review the dialog, which lists all the revisions of the selected part or object. The details provided include:

    • An icon that indicates if the revision is obsolete
    • 修訂版標籤 (如上所示,由上到下 B 與 A) - 當每次發行物件時,會套用或指定新的修訂版標籤 (按英文字母順序,不會再次使用順序中跳過的標籤),且會自動淘汰之前的修訂版。
    • User who created the release
    • Release name
    • Date the revision was released
    • Version of the document that was released
    • Document name that contains the release
    • Type that was released: Part, Assembly, Drawing, or Blob
    • A View release button that opens the Review release dialog, described in Reviewing, Approving, Rejecting Candidates.
    • An Export button that exports the entities involved in the release; this opens the Export dialog box. See Exporting Files for more information on exporting.

  4. Click Obsolete revision to open the Create Obsolete candidate dialog to mark a revision as obsolete:



    If the Mark revision as re-releaseable option is not checked when the item was obsoleted, an administrator can override the option to make the revision re-releaseable.

  5. Click Add to Obsolete candidateObsoleted Item Icon to open the Add Items to Obsolete candidate dialog.


    Select the objects to add, and then click the Add button.


  6. 請提供所要求的資訊。如果已有核准者的電子郵件,請按一下送出。否則請按一下 淘汰來直接將物件修訂版標示為淘汰的,這樣可將物件從生產過程中移除,以避免任何人在其他發行中包含這個物件。

電子郵件通知與在 Onshape 內的通知會傳送給核准者,以開始淘汰的過程。

To see that it's been obsoleted, reopen the Revision history for the object (right-click on the object). The icon, Obsoleted Item Icon, indicates the item has been obsoleted. If the obsoletion was automatic (caused by a re-release of an existing revision), this icon Auto Obsoleted Icon also appears. The Obsolete revision button has become a View obsoletion button.


可以在發行週期的任何時間點上輸入評論或註解,即使是在已核准、拒絕或淘汰發行之後也可以。可以在瀏覽器版本或 iOS 平台上執行操作。

Review Release Panel with Comments Box outlined in blue

