


  1. Click 「爆炸視圖」圖示 to open the Exploded views panel.


  2. Click the Add exploded view button at the top of the panel.


    「爆炸 1」視圖名稱出現在面版中回溯控制棒的上方。


    第一個爆炸特徵出現 (「爆炸 1」);爆炸特徵可以包含一或多個爆炸步驟

  3. 一個金色的訊息方塊出現表示您現在是在爆炸模式中。當在爆炸模式中時,您無法建立一般的組合件特徵 (結合、複製排列、條件關係):


  4. Click the part (or parts: you can also use box select) you wish to move to a new (exploded) location; use the manipulator that appears to drag the part to its exploded location:



  5. After the click-drag of the part is released, a dialog box appears:


    This creates the first Explode step; Explode step 1, under the Explode 1 feature

  6. 變更或保留選取的實例 (在「實例」欄位中)。
  7. Fine tune the new location by selecting the type of movement of the explode step in the dialog box: Translation or Rotation.
    1. 對於平移的移動,請使用特定的圖元來做為移動的參考。核取「指定方向」,然後選擇一個面或邊線來用做為方向。
    2. For rotational movement, to use a specific entity as the axis along which to move the selection, check Specify axis, then select a face or edge to use as the axis.

      Keep in mind that the reference to movement is the part instance itself unless a Translational or Rotational entity has been selected.

  8. 根據預設會核取「爆炸線」方塊,取消核取方塊來隱藏爆炸線。
  9. 根據預設,系統會將爆炸線定義在所有選取圖元的形心。若要定義不同的爆炸線,請在「爆炸線的邊線、頂點或面」的欄位中按一下,然後為要爆炸線出現處的圖元選擇邊線、頂點或面。爆炸線會在每個圖元所選邊線、頂點或面的形心處出現。
  10. 您可以使用出現的操控器來拖曳所選的實例,或是在對話方塊中的平移「距離」欄位輸入一個距離 (或是旋轉移動的角度)。如果需要,您可以使用負值來變更方向。


  11. Click the check mark to accept and close the dialog for Explode step 1.

    Notice that previously selected instances are still selected after committing the Explode step. To continue creating more steps for Explode 1 with existing selections, simply drag the manipulator to another location.


  12. 若要完成「爆炸 1」,在金色訊息方塊中按一下 [完成]。

若要建立更多爆炸視圖,按一下面板底部的 [新增爆炸視圖] 按鈕,然後重複上方的步驟來操作。您可以建立任意數量的爆炸視圖。爆炸線會自動接收在上一個爆炸步驟中所定義的選取項目。

Exploded views can be selected (individually) as a view in a drawing. If you want all your exploded steps to be visible in one drawing view, create one Explode with many Explode steps. If you want to select different exploded steps for different purposes or drawing views, create many individual Explode features to select from when creating a drawing. For more information on selecting Exploded views in drawings, see Insert view.




若要在工程圖中使用爆炸視圖,您僅需要在 Onshape 的組合件中建立一或多個爆炸視圖。在將視圖插入至工程圖之後,不論您建立工程圖時所使用的視圖為何 (如果有的話),您可以選擇一個爆炸視圖。爆炸的工程視圖會永遠顯示在組合件中定義的爆炸線。


工程圖中爆炸視圖的範例,在「插入視圖」對話方塊中強調顯示「爆炸/位置」 爆炸視圖工程圖範例


For more information about inserting views into a drawing, see Views.

爆炸視圖在 iOS 中是唯檢視的。

For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Tips & Tricks for Working with Exploded Views (Onshape account required).