Configurations are created only on a browser (in a Part Studio or an Assembly) . See Using configurations for more details. For information creating configurations in an Assembly, see Assembly Configurations.

Create part families by creating variations of an entire Part Studio or specific part. You are able to configure any feature or input value and even part properties, custom part properties, face and part appearance, and sketch text. For example, you are able to configure the depth of an extrude feature, the application of a fillet feature, the faces selected for a fillet, the FeatureScript of a custom feature, and part numbers, colors, and materials.

All of the features and inputs you configure in one Part Studio are referred to as a Configuration. Each Part Studio can have one Configuration. You are able to, however, create multiple Configuration inputs within one Configuration. This is especially helpful when the feature or input values you want to configure are not necessarily related to each other. For example, when the length and diameter of a part are not related to whether a fillet is applied, you can use two Configuration inputs. This allows more flexibility and can aid in keeping each Configuration input from becoming unnecessarily complicated.

當您將零件插入至組合件或工程圖時,您在 Part Studio 中定義的組態輸入項會成為 [插入] 對話方塊中的選項。例如,您建立的組態輸入項會將凸緣放置在鈑金零件的上方或左側,在將鈑金零件插入到組合件中時,您不僅要選擇零件,同時要選擇凸緣的組態:


當有多位使用者在同一文件上操作時,每個人可以看到自己所選的組態 (除了是以跟隨模式操作時,在此種情況下跟隨者會看到領導者選取的組態)。

下方說明解釋在 Onshape 中使用單一組態輸入項來建立組態的基本步驟,接著說明如何在同一 Part Studio 中建立其他的組態輸入項,最後會說明如何在任何組態輸入項中組態設定零件的屬性。

For additional Learning center resources, see: Self-Paced Courses > Configurations. You can also follow the learning pathway course here: Introduction to Part Configurations (Onshape account required), and the technical briefing article here: Parametric Variables vs Configuration Variables (Onshape account required).