In Onshape, you can create your own configurations inside an assembly regardless of whether or not you have Part Studio configurations. They are altogether separate and neither impacts the other.

Assembly configurations work mechanically the same way as Part Studio configurations. The difference is that in an assembly, you can only configure mates (not mate connectors), instances, and patterns.

當有多位使用者在同一文件上操作時,每個人可以看到自己所選的組態 (除了是以跟隨模式操作時,在此種情況下跟隨者會看到領導者選取的組態)。

To learn more about assembly configurations, you can follow the self-paced course here: Assembly configurations (Onshape account required).

Below is an example of an assembly with the Configuration panel icon on the right side of the window, shown below to the right of the red arrow:
