在 Onshape 中不論您是否有 Part Studio 組態,您都可以在組合件內建立自己的組態。組態是各自獨立且在彼此間並無重要性。
組合件組態與 Part Studio 組態運作機制相同,不同之處是在組合件中僅能設定結合 (請勿與結合連接器混淆)、實例與複製排列。
When more than one person is working in the same document, each sees their own selected configuration, except when working in Follow Mode; at that point the follower sees the configuration selected by the leader.
To learn more about Assembly configurations, you can follow the self-paced course here: Assembly configurations (Onshape account required).
- Click to the right-side of the graphics area (as shown above)
- Click to open a table:
- Click in the first row to activate it and enter the names of the input in the Name column. For example, to configure a pattern on a part, you might name the rows 2x2 and 4x4. Use Tab to move from one row to the next.
- To configure an input value for the indicated row, click .
- Select the Mate, instance or pattern that contains the input (click it in the Assembly list) and select the input in the dialog that opens (shown below outlined in red). The input is then outlined with a broken yellow line and a new column is created for that input in the table (shown below, in the Configuration panel, to the left of the red arrow).
The column name defaults to the name of the entity selected (as a top-level heading) plus the field name (as the subordinate-level heading), in this case Box <1> is the entity selected, and the field names have been changed to 2 x 2 and Long by the user.
- To edit a configured instance of the input:
- If the input is an entered value, click on the row in the table and enter a new value.
- If the input is a selection in a dialog, double-click the row in the table to open the feature dialog.
The appropriate field in the feature dialog is highlighted in blue. Make your selection on the model or in the Instances lists for this input .
- 在完成組態的定義後,按一下視窗上方橘色訊息中的 [完成] 按鈕,或關閉對話方塊。
- 為每個列重複步驟 6 到步驟 8。
- Repeat steps 5 through 8 to add another feature to the table.
- To test the inputs with the model, in the Feature list, under Configurations, use the down arrow to select from the menu:
根據預設,「組態」左側的插入符號是展開的 (上圖中紅色箭頭的右邊),當您完成面板該部分的操作時,按一下插入符號來摺疊該部分。
Hover over the fields in the feature dialog to see which features can be configured. Features available for configuration are highlighted in yellow when you hover over them.
Onshape has a mechanism for also configuring assembly properties for each of the configuration inputs and options you have previously defined, directly from the Configuration panel. The properties available to be configured include: name, description, part number, revision, vendor, project, product line, title 1, title 2, title 3, not revision managed, and exclude from all BOMs.
- With an existing configuration input in the Configuration panel, click at the top of the panel (shown below outlined in blue):
- 按一下 。
- Select the assembly property you wish to configure (Properties are included in the list). (This example uses Project.)
A table is created with the previously selected configuration input in the first column and the property in the second column:
- 在「組態」欄中使用下拉箭頭來從組態選項清單中選擇。
- 在「專案」欄 (專案屬性) 中輸入名稱。
- To add more part properties for another configuration option, click .
- 從第一欄中選擇一個新的組態選項。
- 在「專案」欄 (專案屬性) 中輸入名稱。
- 根據需要為所需的組態選項設定屬性。
When configuring part number properties, you can right-click and select Generate new part number, when automatic part number generation is turned on (through your Professional Company settings > Numbering schemes or Enterprise settings > Numbering schemes):
After a part with configurations has been inserted into an Assembly, you can change the configuration of it, on any device:
- Right-click on the part (or the part name in the Instances list) and select Change configuration.
A Change configuration dialog opens:
- 選擇一個新的組態選項。
- Click when you are satisfied with your selection. (Use to cancel the operation.)
在 iOS 與 Android 裝置上輕觸三點功能表,接著選擇 [變更組態] 來存取組態下拉清單,然後選擇一個不同的組態。輕觸 [產生] 的按鈕來建立零件的新組態。
- Open the menu in the upper right corner, next to +Configure features.
- 選擇 [複製表格]。
- 複製表格之後,您可以將其貼入試算表中。
請注意,欄名稱會與表格一起貼入。您現在可以編輯表格,然後將其複製/貼回 Onshape 中:
- 僅選擇內有資料的列與欄 (不是欄名稱或標題)。
- 送出一個「複製」的指令。
- 在 Onshape 組態表格中,按一下表格最左上方的儲存格。
- 送出一個 [貼上] 的指令。
Onshape automatically replaces whatever data was in the rows and columns of the configuration input table with the data that was copied. Onshape also includes the default units for each input, automatically.
注意,如果從試算表中複製的列數多於 Onshape 組態輸入項表格中的列數,則在貼上的操作中會包括多的欄。Onshape 會在操作的過程中建立列。
不過,如果從試算表中複製的欄數多於 Onshape 組態輸入項表格中的欄數, 則在貼上的操作中不會包括多的欄。Onshape 不會在操作的過程中建立欄位。不過您可以在貼上之前於組態表格中建立額外的欄 (已組態特徵)。
When inserting a part with excluded configurations into an assembly, you'll see the Excluded from properties icon next to the part.