只能在(Part Studio 或装配体中的)浏览器上创建配置。有关更多详细信息,请参见使用配置。有关在装配体中创建配置的信息,请参见装配体配置

Create part families by creating variations of an entire Part Studio or specific part. You can configure any feature or input value and even part properties, custom part properties, face and part appearance, and sketch text. For example, can configure the depth of an extrude feature, the application of a fillet feature, the faces selected for a fillet, the FeatureScript of a custom feature, and part numbers, colors, and materials.

All of the features and inputs you configure in one Part Studio are referred to as a configuration. Each Part Studio can have one configuration. You can, however, create multiple configuration inputs within one configuration. This is especially helpful when the feature or input values you want to configure are not necessarily related to each other. For example, when the length and diameter of a part are not related to whether a fillet is applied, you can use two configuration inputs. This allows more flexibility and can aid in keeping each configuration input from becoming unnecessarily complicated.

The configuration inputs you define in a Part Studio become options in the Insert dialog when you are inserting parts into an assembly or drawing. For example, you can create a configuration input to place a flange at either the top or the left side of a sheet metal part. When inserting the sheet metal part into an assembly, you select not only the part, but the configuration of the flange:



Below is a diagram of terminology, an explanation of the basic steps for creating a configuration with a single configuration input in Onshape, and then an explanation of creating additional configuration inputs in the same Part Studio. There are also explanations for configuring part properties within any configuration input, and for other ways of working with your configurations.

有关其他学习中心资源,请参阅:自定进度课程 > 配置。您还可以在此处阅读学习路径课程:零件配置简介(需要 Onshape 帐户),以及此处的技术简报文章:参数变量与配置变量(需要 Onshape 帐户)。