只能在(Part Studio 或装配体中的)浏览器上创建配置。有关更多详细信息,请参见使用配置。有关在装配体中创建配置的信息,请参见装配体配置。
Create part families by creating variations of an entire Part Studio or specific part. You are able to configure any feature or input value and even part properties, custom part properties, face and part appearance, and sketch text. For example, you are able to configure the depth of an extrude feature, the application of a fillet feature, the faces selected for a fillet, the FeatureScript of a custom feature, and part numbers, colors, and materials.
All of the features and inputs you configure in one Part Studio are referred to as a Configuration. Each Part Studio can have one Configuration. You are able to, however, create multiple Configuration inputs within one Configuration. This is especially helpful when the feature or input values you want to configure are not necessarily related to each other. For example, when the length and diameter of a part are not related to whether a fillet is applied, you can use two Configuration inputs. This allows more flexibility and can aid in keeping each Configuration input from becoming unnecessarily complicated.
将零件插入到装配体或工程图中时,在 Part Studio 中定义的配置输入将成为“插入”对话框中的选项。例如,您创建一个配置输入,以在钣金零件的顶部或左侧放置法兰。将钣金零件插入装配体时,不仅要选择零件,还要选择法兰的配置:
下面介绍了在 Onshape 中使用单个配置输入创建配置的基本步骤的说明,然后介绍在同一 Part Studio 中创建其他配置输入的说明,最后介绍在任何配置输入中配置零件属性的说明。
配置只能在浏览器(在 Part Studio 或装配体中)中创建。通过创建整个 Part Studio 或特定零件的变体来创建零件族。您可以配置任何特征或参数值,甚至是零件属性、自定义零件属性、面和零件外观,以及草图文本。例如,您可以配置拉伸特征的深度、圆角特征的应用、为圆角选择的面、自定义特征的 FeatureScript 以及零件编号、颜色和材料。
您在一个 Part Studio 中配置的所有特征和参数都属于一个配置。每个 Part Studio 可以有一个配置;但是,您可以在一个配置中创建多个配置输入。
当您将零件插入装配体或工程图时,您在 Part Studio 中定义的配置输入将变成“插入”对话框中的选项。
在此示例中,创建了两种配置:新的钣金厚度配置和替代法兰配置。将模型置于工作区后,单击“配置”图标以打开“配置”面板。单击“配置 Part Studio”按钮。输入 “Sheet thickness”(钣金厚度)作为配置名称。单击选项卡以创建新行,然后输入 “Alternate flange”(替代法兰)作为第二个配置名称。每行都是不同的配置。
- 单击图形区域右侧的 (视图立方体下方):
- 单击 (如上所示)打开表格:
- 单击第一行将其激活,并在“名称”列中输入所输入内容的名称。例如,要将法兰应用于钣金零件的不同侧,您可以将行命名为“上部”、“左侧”、“右侧”。使用 Tab 键从一行移动到下一行。
- To configure an input value for the indicated row, click .
- Open the feature that contains the input (click it in the Feature list) and select the input. The input is then outlined with a broken yellow line and a new column is created for that input in the table.
For example, to configure the side of the sheet metal part to attach the flange, open the Flange feature and select the Edges or side faces to flange selection. Notice the new column in the table:
列名称默认为特征名称(作为顶级标题)加上输入框名称(作为从属级别标题),在这种情况下,拉伸 1 是特征名称,而要拉伸的面和草图面域是输入框名称。
Hover over the fields in the feature dialog to see which inputs can be configured. Inputs available for configuration are highlighted in yellow when you hover over them.
- To edit a configured instance:
- If the input is an entered value, click on the row in the table and enter a new value.
- If the input is a selection in a dialog, double-click the row in the table to open the feature dialog. For example: click 1 entity in the first row.
The appropriate field in the feature dialog is highlighted in blue. Make your selection on the model (or sketch) for this input.
- 完成定义配置后,单击“特征”对话框上的复选标记将其关闭。
- 对于每一行,重复步骤 6 至 8。
- Repeat steps 5 through 8 to add another feature input to the table.
- 要使用模型测试输入,请在配置下的特征列表中,使用向下箭头从菜单中进行选择:
A Part Studio configuration can contain one or more configuration inputs. The steps above explain how to create a list type configuration input which results in a list of configuration choices when inserting a part into an Assembly or Drawing. You can create more than one of these configuration inputs (to keep one input from becoming too complicated or duplicating inputs) and also create different types of inputs. Other types of inputs you can configure are Configuration variable and Checkbox.
在您(使用上述步骤)定义配置输入后,您可以使用“配置”面板顶部的 按钮向其中添加配置输入,或使用“配置”面板底部的 按钮创建其他配置输入:
- List - Creates a table of feature inputs in the Part Studio and presents as a list of selections when inserting the part (or parts) into an Assembly or Drawing. (This type is explained above.)
- 复选框 - 创建用于打开或关闭特征(如圆角和倒角)或用于抑制或取消抑制特征的复选框。此类型显示在插入时间内选中/取消选中的复选框。创建复选框后,使用“+配置特征”按钮选择关联的特征。
- 配置变量 - 创建可用于任何特征和 FeatureScript 中的变量。变量的类型包括:长度、角度、整数、实数和文本。在插入时输入变量的值。
- 单击 按钮。
- 在列表输入中,输入配置输入的名称。
- 为列表表格的第一列输入其他选项名称。使用 Tab 键添加选项名称。
- To configure an input value for each option (the selected option is indicated by a vertical blue bar to the left of the name), click .
- Open the feature that contains the input (click it in the Feature list) and select the input. The input is then outlined with a broken yellow line and a new column is created for that input in the table.
Hover over the fields in the feature dialog to see which inputs can be configured. Inputs available for configuration are highlighted in yellow when you hover over them.
- To configure each instance, double-click on the row in the table. For example: double-click 1 selection in the first row.
The appropriate field in the feature dialog is highlighted in blue. Make your selection on the model (or sketch) for this input.
- 完成定义配置后,单击对话框上的复选标记将其关闭。
- 对于每一行,重复步骤 6 至 8。
- Repeat steps 5 through 8 to add another feature input to the table.
- 要使用模型测试输入,请在配置下的特征列表中,使用向下箭头从菜单中进行选择:
- Click the arrow to the right side of the button.
- Select :
- 为输入输入一个名称。
- To configure an input value, click .
- Open the feature (click it in the Feature list) that contains the input and select the input. The input is then outlined with a broken yellow line and a new column is created for that input in the table. (inpus that are configured in another input are outlined with a broken yellow line and are unavailable for configuration.)
In this example, Unsuppressed is selected as a configuration input.
- Click to close the feature dialog.
- In the Configuration input table, the input column has two rows, both with checked check boxes. Uncheck the check box next to the unchecked box in the first column so the table resembles this:
- Click the arrow to the right side of the button.
- Select .
- 输入变量输入的名称(这将成为系统中的实际变量,通过使用 #<variable-name> 进行参考)。
- 选择变量类型:长度、角度、整数、实数、文本。文本可以是可以在自定义 FeatureScript 中使用的任何类型的文本。
- 为您所选的变量类型,输入值。
- 单击复选标记以保存您的定义。
- 将变量应用至特征:
- 双击特征列表中的特征,以将其打开。
- 对于草图,您可以右击尺寸,选择“配置尺寸”,然后选择配置或设置为#<variable-name>
- 关闭特征对话框。
- 通过在页面左侧特征列表上方的“配置”列表中选择值来测试该值:
创建配置后,您可以使用该 菜单在 Part Studio 中对其进行操作:
- 复制表 - 复制整个输入表,然后可以将该表粘贴到电子表格中进行记录保存或编辑。同样,您可以将电子表格中的内容粘贴回配置输入表中。
- 重命名 - 选择此操作可重命名配置输入。
- 编辑 FeatureScript ID - 此对话框将更改输入配置的内部 FeatureScript 标识符。在对话框内单击以更改 ID。完成后,选择右下角的“打断参考并更改 ID”。
此对话框通常仅在您需要在自定义 FeatureScript 特征中构建 Part Studio 时才有用。
- 从特性中排除 – 请参见排除影响特性的配置。
- Visibility conditions - See Setting visibility conditions.
- 删除 - 选择此操作可立即删除配置输入;不发出警告。
- 切换到 - 右键单击当前未选中的输入行时,菜单项的前面加上了“切换到其他输入”。
- 设为默认 - 右键单击当前不是默认输入的行时,选择此项将其设置为新的默认值。
- 重复行 - 创建重复行;这在准备将新表粘贴到该行时特别方便。有关更多信息,请参阅下面的将表格复制并粘贴入以及复制并粘贴出配置输入。
- 上移 - 在表格中将选定行向上移动一级。
- 下移 - 在表格中将所选行向下移动一级。
- 重命名 - 重命名输入。
- 删除行 - 删除所选行。
You can adjust the conditions under which a configuration input is visible.
Consider a part with two configuration inputs: Height and Width.
By default, a part of any height can have any width. But let's say the Extra Wide width is only available for the Tall height. In that case, we can set the conditions under which the Width input is visible.
- In the Configuration panel, click the configuration table's three-dot button, and select Visibility conditions from the menu. The Configuration visibility conditions dialog opens. The right panel shows a preview of the currently selected configurations. You can change the selected options directly in this panel to preview your settings.
- 单击“添加条件”。
- Click the first dropdown, and select the input that should control the visibility of this input. In this example, we'll select the Height input.
- Click the second dropdown, and select the conditions under which the input is available. In this example, the Width input is only available for the Tall height. The preview on the right updates to reflect your selections. You can see that the Width input is no longer available for the Short height in the image below.
- Click Save. Now, the Width input is only visible when the Tall height is selected, and the Width input table displays the Visibility conditions icon .
Setting multiple conditions
Configuration conditions are additive; if we add a third configuration to the above example and set the conditions shown in the image below, the Large Fillet option will only be available for parts that have both the Tall height and Extra Wide width inputs.
Configuration inputs can only control the visibility of inputs that appear below them in the Configurations panel. In our example, the Width input can be controlled by the Height input, but not by the Fillet input.
The visibility conditions you set are available in all Insert dialogs (i.e., when inserting a configured part into an assembly).
Hidden inputs always have their default value. In the example above, Short and Medium height parts have the Default width, even though no width options are set.
(Parts and Part Studios only): Configuration inputs that have been excluded from properties can only control the visibility of other inputs below them that have also been excluded from properties. In the example below, if Width is excluded from properties (indicated by the icon), it can only control the Fillet visibility if Fillet is also excluded from properties.
- Use the Inputs dropdown in the Configuration visibility conditions dialog to view other inputs. You can select All inputs to view all inputs available.
- You can use the preview section of the Configuration visibility conditions dialog as a playground to test your configurations.
- Select the Show hidden inputs checkbox to show grayed-out inputs in the Configuration visibility conditions dialog.
Click in the Configurations selector to open the Configuration visibility conditions dialog for all inputs. Click in the Configurations panel to open the dialog for that input.
Changes made to visibility conditions are automatically reflected in all existing documents that reference the configured element.
Onshape 还有一种机制,可以直接从“配置”面板配置您之前定义的每个配置输入和选项的零件属性。可配置的属性包括:零件名称、材料、外观、说明、零件编号、供应商、项目、产品线、标题 1、标题 2 和标题 3。如果您有 Professional 或 Enterprise 帐户,还可以配置自定义特性。
- 在“配置”面板中输入现有配置后,单击面板顶部的 (如下所示的蓝色箭头左侧):
- 单击 。
- 选择要配置的零件属性(自定义零件属性包含在列表中)。(此示例使用“外观”。)
- 在“配置”列中,使用向下箭头从配置选项列表中进行选择。
- 在“外观”列(零件属性)中,双击以打开一个对话框,从中选择值(在本例中为“外观编辑器”)。
- 选择或指定值,并使用您的选择填充表格。
- 单击 以关闭属性对话框并接受该值。
- 要为另一配置选项添加更多零件属性,请单击 。
- 从第一列中选择一个新的配置选项。
- 在“外观”列(零件属性)中,双击以打开一个对话框,从中选择值。
- 选择或指定值,并使用您的选择填充表格。
- 单击以关闭属性对话框并接受该值。
- 根据需要进行重复以配置所需配置选项的零件属性。
请注意,在配置零件号并开启零件号自动生成功能时(通过 Professional 版公司设置 > 编号方案 或企业设置 > 编号方案),您可以右键单击该列并选择生成下一个零件号:
您可以使用在 Part Studio 中创建的配置输入来测试结果,并使用该信息来调整设计意图。但是,创建配置输入的主要目的是为生产工作流程(如创建装配体和工程图)中使用的零件提供选项。
To test configurations in Part Studios, use the Configurations area at the top of the Feature list to select configuration inputs to see how they affect the parts in the Part Studio:
将零件插入装配体或工程图时,在插入过程中,直接在所有平台(浏览器、iOS 和 Android)的“插入”对话框中选择所需的输入:
在装配体中,已配置的零件由“实例”列表中的 图标指示:
- 打开右上角“+配置特征”旁边的 菜单。
- 选择复制表格:
- 复制表格后,您可以将其粘贴到电子表格中:
请注意,列名也与表一起出现,如上所示。现在您可以编辑表格并将其复制/粘贴回 Onshape:
- Select just the rows and columns with data (not the column names or headings), as shown in blue below:
- 发出复制命令。
- 在 Onshape 配置表中,单击表格左上角的单元格。
- 发出键盘复制命令:
Onshape automatically replaces whatever data was in the rows and columns of the configuration input table with the data that was copied. Onshape also includes the default units for each input, automatically.
请注意,如果从电子表格复制的行数多于 Onshape 配置输入表格中的行数,则这些行不包含在粘贴中。Onshape 会立即创建行。
但是,如果从电子表格复制的列数多于 Onshape 配置输入表格中的列数,则这些列不包含在粘贴中。Onshape 尚未立即创建所需的行。但是,在粘贴前,您可以在配置表格中创建其他列(配置的特征)。
发布排除配置的零件时,您将在创建发布候选对话框中看到“从属性中排除” 图标。
- 排除配置表格被视为始终使用其默认值。发布套件和修订参考将始终使用这些默认值。
- 物料清单 (BOM) 和发布管理将仅在排除的配置上存在差异的零件视为相同的零件。
- 如果发布了具有排除配置的某些内容,则该配置的所有值均被视为已发布。
- 排除配置仍将包含在:
- 几何图元计算
- 计算的特性
- 质量特性工具
- 如果您发现物料清单中提供的质量与“质量属性”工具中提供的质量之间存在差异,则可能是由于物料清单中忽略了某些配置所致。
有关其他学习中心资源,请参阅:自定进度课程 > 配置。您还可以在此处阅读学习路径课程:零件配置简介(需要 Onshape 帐户),以及此处的技术简报文章:参数变量与配置变量(需要 Onshape 帐户)。