在 Onshape 中,无论您是否具有 Part Studio 配置,均可在装配体内创建您自己的配置。它们完全独立,互不相关。
装配体配置的机械工作方式与 Part Studio 配置相同。不同之处在于,在装配体中,只能配置配合(不要与配合连接器混淆)、实例和阵列。
若要了解有关装配体配置的更多信息,您可以点击此处的自定进度课程:装配体配置(需要 Onshape 帐户)。
- 单击图形区域右侧的 (如下所示)
- 单击 打开表格:
- 在第一行中单击以将其激活,并在“名称”列中输入所输入内容的名称。例如,要在零件上配置阵列,您可以将行命名为 2x2 和 4x4。使用 Tab 键可从一行移至下一行。
- To configure an input value for the indicated row, click .
- Select the Mate, instance or pattern that contains the input (click it in the Assembly list) and select the input in the dialog that opens (shown below outlined in red). The input is then outlined with a broken yellow line and a new column is created for that input in the table (shown below, in the Configuration panel, to the left of the red arrow).
列名称默认为选定图元的名称(作为顶级标题)加上输入框名称(作为从属级标题)。在本例中,Box <1> 是选定的图元,输入框名称已由用户更改为 2 x 2 和 Long。
- To edit a configured instance of the input:
- If the input is an entered value, click on the row in the table and enter a new value.
- If the input is a selection in a dialog, double-click the row in the table to open the feature dialog.
The appropriate field in the feature dialog is highlighted in blue. Make your selection on the model or in the Instances lists for this input .
- 完成配置的定义后,单击窗口顶部的橙色消息中的“完成”按钮,或关闭对话框。
- 对于每一行,重复步骤 6 至 8。
- Repeat steps 5 through 8 to add another feature to the table.
- 要使用模型测试输入,请在配置下的特征列表中,使用向下箭头从菜单中进行选择:
Hover over the fields in the feature dialog to see which features can be configured. Features available for configuration are highlighted in yellow when you hover over them.
Onshape 还有一种机制可以直接从“配置”面板为您先前定义的每个配置输入和选项配置装配体特性。可供配置的属性包括:名称、说明、零件编号、修订版、供应商、项目、产品线、标题 1、标题 2、标题 3、非修订版本管理,以及从所有物料清单中排除。
- 使用“配置”面板中的现有配置输入,单击面板顶部的 (如下所示,以蓝色勾勒轮廓):
- 单击 。
- 选择您希望配置的装配体属性(属性包含在列表中)。(本例使用“项目”。)
- 在“配置”列中,使用向下箭头从配置选项列表中进行选择。
- 在“项目”(项目属性)列中,输入名称。
- 要为另一配置选项添加更多零件属性,请单击 。
- 从第一列中选择一个新的配置选项。
- 在“项目”(项目属性)列中,输入名称。
- 根据需要进行重复以针对必要的配置选项配置属性。
当配置零件编号属性时,您可以右击并选择“生成新零件编号”,当(通过您的 Professional Company 设置 > 编号方案或 Enterprise 设置 > 编号方案)开启自动生成零件编号时:
- 右键单击零件(或“实例”列表中的零件名称),然后选择更改配置。
- 选择新的配置选项。
- 当您对选择的内容满意时,请单击 。(使用 可取消操作。)
对于 iOS 和 Android 设备,轻按三个点菜单并选择“更改配置”以访问配置下拉菜单并选择其他配置。轻按“生成”按钮可生成零件的新配置。
The examples in this section show a configured Part Studio; functionality is identical when working with configured Assemblies.
You can adjust the conditions under which a configuration input is visible.
Consider a part with two configuration inputs: Height and Width.
By default, a part of any height can have any width. But let's say the Extra Wide width is only available for the Tall height. In that case, we can set the conditions under which the Width input is visible.
- In the Configuration panel, click the configuration table's three-dot button, and select Visibility conditions from the menu. The Configuration visibility conditions dialog opens. The right panel shows a preview of the currently selected configurations. You can change the selected options directly in this panel to preview your settings.
- 单击“添加条件”。
- Click the first dropdown, and select the input that should control the visibility of this input. In this example, we'll select the Height input.
- Click the second dropdown, and select the conditions under which the input is available. In this example, the Width input is only available for the Tall height. The preview on the right updates to reflect your selections. You can see that the Width input is no longer available for the Short height in the image below.
- Click Save. Now, the Width input is only visible when the Tall height is selected, and the Width input table displays the Visibility conditions icon .
Setting multiple conditions
Configuration conditions are additive; if we add a third configuration to the above example and set the conditions shown in the image below, the Large Fillet option will only be available for parts that have both the Tall height and Extra Wide width inputs.
Configuration inputs can only control the visibility of inputs that appear below them in the Configurations panel. In our example, the Width input can be controlled by the Height input, but not by the Fillet input.
The visibility conditions you set are available in all Insert dialogs (i.e., when inserting a configured part into an assembly).
Hidden inputs always have their default value. In the example above, Short and Medium height parts have the Default width, even though no width options are set.
(Parts and Part Studios only): Configuration inputs that have been excluded from properties can only control the visibility of other inputs below them that have also been excluded from properties. In the example below, if Width is excluded from properties (indicated by the icon), it can only control the Fillet visibility if Fillet is also excluded from properties.
- Use the Inputs dropdown in the Configuration visibility conditions dialog to view other inputs. You can select All inputs to view all inputs available.
- You can use the preview section of the Configuration visibility conditions dialog as a playground to test your configurations.
- Select the Show hidden inputs checkbox to show grayed-out inputs in the Configuration visibility conditions dialog.
Click in the Configurations selector to open the Configuration visibility conditions dialog for all inputs. Click in the Configurations panel to open the dialog for that input.
Changes made to visibility conditions are automatically reflected in all existing documents that reference the configured element.
- 打开右上角“+配置特征”旁边的 菜单。
- 选择“复制表格”。
- 复制表格后,您可以将其粘贴到电子表格中。
请注意,列名也与表格一起出现。现在您可以编辑表格并将其复制/粘贴回 Onshape:
- 只选择具有数据的行和列(不是列名或标题)。
- 发出复制命令。
- 在 Onshape 配置表中,单击表格左上角的单元格。
- 发出键盘粘贴命令。
Onshape automatically replaces whatever data was in the rows and columns of the configuration input table with the data that was copied. Onshape also includes the default units for each input, automatically.
请注意,如果从电子表格复制的行数多于 Onshape 配置输入表格中的行数,则这些行不包含在粘贴中。Onshape 会立即创建行。
但是,如果从电子表格复制的列数多于 Onshape 配置输入表格中的列数,则这些列不包含在粘贴中。Onshape 尚未立即创建所需的行。但是,在粘贴前,您可以在配置表格中创建其他列(配置的特征)。