Add fully-customizable tables to any drawing.

- The cursor becomes a table icon and the Table dialog opens:
- Before clicking to place the table, you can enter the number of rows and columns in the dialog.
Specify whether to include a Title row (a row that spans all columns at the top of the table) and a Header row (an additional row just below the Title row) by clicking one of the checkboxes to the left of the option.
- Select which corner of the table to set as your fixed corner at the bottom of the dialog (as shown below):
- To place the table, click on the sheet to set the location (anchored by the fixed corner selected in step 4).
The default anchor point in Onshape is the upper right corner of tables.
There is no need to click directly on the point once it is visible. While moving the mouse to place the table, you'll notice thin, dashed lines as the cursor passes near other entities. These are inferencing lines that you can align the table to; simply click when you see the line appear to align the table to that line.
Click the green check in the dialog
- The
Note panel
- Click in a cell to enter text; tab (or press Enter) to move from cell to cell, use Shift+Tab for previous cell. To enter more than one line of text in a single cell, press Alt+Enter to begin a new line in the same cell.
Double-click in any cell to open the Note panel for editing text.

Copy table cells from an Excel worksheet or Google sheet, and paste it into a Drawing sheet as a new table.
Copying a table into a Drawing is supported when using Onshape on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Safari is not supported.
Copying text may yield different results due to platform limitations.
Open Microsoft Excel worksheet or Google sheet.
Select the cells to be copied, right-click, and select Copy (or press ctrl+c).
Go to the Drawing sheet in Onshape.
Right-click on the location you want to paste the table, and select Paste as table (or press ctrl+v):
The new table is displayed with the top left corner beneath the cursor. Click to place the table in the location of your choice:
After you click, the contents of the table is added into the table cells:
If using Onshape in a Mozilla Firefox browser, use ctrl+v to paste the table. Using the Paste command from the context menu is not supported.
You cannot paste cells into a pre-existing table in the Drawing sheet.
When cells are pasted, the cells are removed from the clipboard and cannot be pasted a second time. To paste the cells again, re-copy them again from the source.
Vertically and horizontally merged cells are preserved.
The following formatting is preserved: text size, ornamentation (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough), cell width and height. Other formatting, such as cell background, text color, and hyperlinks are not preserved.
If only part of the text in a cell has ornamentation (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough), the text is pasted without any ornamentation.
When pasted, the cell data is center aligned, regardless of its original alignment.
Some special characters are not supported.

After a table is created and the Table dialog is closed, you are able to hover over a table to activate grab points:
- Drag any of the mid-points (top, bottom or sides) to resize the table; cells are resized relative to each other.
- Drag any of the corner points to move the table.
- Double-click on the mid-points of a table to automatically size to fit the contents of the table.
To resize the rows and columns on both sides of the cell edge, without resizing the table, hover your cursor over the top or right cell edge, and when the cursor changes to a double-sided arrow, click and drag the line and drop it in the new location. To resize only the row or column of the selected cell, and have the rest of the table resize, hover your cursor over the bottom or left cell edge, and when the cursor changes to a double-sided arrow, click and drag the line and drop it in the new location.
Resizing both columns on either side of the dividing edge, without resizing the table (left two images), and resizing only the selected cell's column and having the rest of the table resize accordingly (right two images).
- Drag a corner of the table to snap to a corner of the drawing; when you see the red snap point, let go of the mouse button to place the table.
- Double-click on a column or row divider to size the column or row to the text within:
Double-click on the divider to the right of the first column to resize that column to fit the contents
Select a cell, right-click and select Size > Columns equally or > Rows equally to resize either an entire row or column equally to be of the same size.
To resize the column width or row height numerically, select a cell, right-click and select Resize to open the Resize dialog. Enter the new Column width and Row height measurements. Column width and Row height cannot exceed the sheet size.
Selecting the r1c1 cell, right-clicking, and selecting Resize to open the Resize dialog (left). After the cell is resized (right).
- Single-click in a table cell or row to activate the Cell formatting panel:
The cell outlined in blue is the selected cell.
- Double-click your previously selected fixed corner to activate the Table properties dialog, where you are able to edit your selected fixed corner by simply clicking on the box of your choice. Click the checkmark in the top right corner of the dialog to set your changes:
When using Date properties in table cells, the UTC time zone is used. This could potentially lead to a situation where a date is displayed as tomorrow, for example.
Cell formatting panel
Double-click in a table cell to open the cell formatting panel:
- Shift+click to select more than one cell
- Select multiple cells that are adjacent to each other
- Click in a cell to select; use the grab points to resize the cell's row or column
Insert row above
- Insert one row above the currently selected row(s)
Insert row below
- Insert one row below the currently selected row(s)
Insert column left
- Insert one column to the left of the currently selected column(s)
Insert column right
- Insert one column to the right of the currently selected column(s)
Remove rows
- Remove the currently selected row(s)
Remove columns
- Remove the currently selected column(s)
When more than one column is selected, you can also:
Size columns equally
- Resize all selected columns to the average width
Merge cells
- Merge the selected cells into one cell (horizontally, vertically, or all)
When more than one row is selected, you can also:
Size rows equally
- Resize all selected rows to the average height
After merging cells, you may also:
Unmerge cells
- Return last-merged cells to previous unmerged state
You can access these commands from the context menu when at least one cell is selected:
All of the text formatting commands available in the Note panel are also available in the cell formatting panel.

There are two ways to open the table properties dialog, listed below:
- Right click on the table and select Table properties...
The table properties dialog opens.
Or, simply double click on any corner of the table, and the table properties dialog opens immediately:
From the table properties dialog, you are able to adjust which corner of the table is the fixed corner by simply clicking on the box of your choice. Click the checkmark in the top right corner of the dialog to set your changes.