插入一個視圖或共同單一零件 (不是整個 Part Studio) 多個視圖的鑽孔表格。如同格式化其他表格一樣建立鑽孔表格的格式,將滑鼠移動至表格中的列上暫留,以查看工程圖中的交叉強調顯示。
This article covers the Drawing Hole table. Refer to the Part Studio hole table article for information on using a hole table in a Part Studio.
- Click .
- 核取方塊以指定要在選取的視圖中顯示位置資料。
- 指出位置座標的精度。
- Select a view to register its holes in the table. To select more than one view, click in the Views field again and then select another view. Repeat as necessary until all views are selected.
- 藉由點按工程圖中的邊線來為鑽孔位置選擇 X 或 Y 軸。
- 選擇要從表格中排除的鑽孔 (在工程圖中點按這些鑽孔)。
- 指定在表格中列出鑽孔的順序,英文字母-數字 (由上至下或由下至上)。
僅當工程圖是由一個零件而非整個 Part Studio 組成時,才能夠選擇視圖。
- 選擇與表格角落相符的圖示以設定固定的角落。
The default anchor point in Onshape is the upper right corner of tables.
There is no need to click directly on the point once it is visible. While moving the mouse to place the hole table, you'll notice thin, dashed lines as the cursor passes near other entities. These are inferencing lines that you are able to align the hole table to; simply click when you see the line appear to align the hole table to that line. - 在工程圖紙空間上按一下來放置鑽孔表格。
在視圖中鑽孔的軸上按右鍵 (如下圖中強調顯示) 來存取相關的環境選單。視圖中鑽孔的環境選單為:
- Hole table properties - To open the properties panel for the hole table.
- Flip X direction - Flip the direction of the X axis arrow.
- Flip Y direction - Flip the direction of the Y axis arrow.
- Clear selection - Clear selected items.
- Zoom to fit - Zoom the drawing to fit the window.
- Hole table properties - To open the properties panel for the hole table.
- Split hole table above/below - To split the hole table below the row the cursor was in when you right-clicked for the context menu. This splits the table into two tables. You can then select one of the tables, right-click for the context menu and use Move to sheet to move that table to another sheet in the drawing.
- Move to - Border frame, Border zones, Title block, Drawing
- Bring to front - Bring the selected table to the forefront of the display
- Send to back - Send the selected table to the background of the display
- Move to sheet - To move the table (or a split table) to another, existing, sheet of the drawing.
- Clear selection - Unselect the currently selected table
- Zoom to fit - Zoom the drawing to fit in the window
- Delete - Delete the currently selected table
您可以在表格上按右鍵再選擇 [大小],然後選擇是要將欄或是列的大小調整為均等。點按並拖曳一個水平或垂直的中間點來調整表格大小。
若要調整儲存格雙邊的列與欄大小而不調整表格大小,請將游標移動至儲存格上方或右側邊上暫留, 當游標變為雙向箭號時,按一下並拖曳邊線至新的位置放置。若僅要調整所選儲存格的列或欄大小,然後重設整個表格的大小,請將游標移動至儲存格下方或左側邊上暫留,當游標變為雙向箭號時,按一下並拖曳邊線至新的位置放置。
若要使用數值重新調整欄寬或列高,請選擇一個儲存格並按右鍵,然後選擇 [重新調整大小] 來開啟「重新調整大小」對話方塊。輸入新的「欄寬」或「列高」數值。
- 您可以在表格的中間點上連按兩下來自動調整為配合表格內容大小。
- 在表格儲存格或列上單按一下來啟用鑽孔表格工具箱:
Size columns equally - Resize all selected columns to the average width
Size rows equally - Resize all selected rows to the average height
在表格上按右鍵,然後選擇 [刪除]。
選擇表格,然後按右鍵並選取 [鑽孔表格屬性] 來開啟該表格的「屬性」對話方塊: