Arena-Onshape Glossary
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This page provides the default keyboard shortcut for the applicable term, if available. Users can customize keyboard shortcuts from the My Account page. See Customizing keyboard shortcuts for instructions.
Access policiesDetailed sets of rules created by Account Administrators that control access to workspace data, which is then assigned to users individually or via user groups. Access Policies are optional; existing workspaces are migrated from Access Roles to Access Policies.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also: -
Access privilegesDetailed permissions that make up access roles. Access privileges define specific sets of objects to which a user has access, which views and subviews are available for these objects, and which commands can be performed on them. Account Administrators can review access privileges in the Access view of the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Access restrictionsYou can configure your workspace to allow access only from specified ranges of IP addresses. Contact the Arena Support team to set up access restrictions.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Access roleA user's access role is the set of privileges that determine what objects the user can see and modify in the workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Account AdministratorAn Account Administrator has access to the Account Administration tool, where s/he may adjust workspace settings and configuration. You can find out who the Account Administrator is for your workspace in the Workspace Information tool, accessible from any Arena page by clicking the View Settings link.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
ActionAccess Policies are made up of Rules. A Rule is an Action applied to a Resource (Such as Edit Items, where Edit is the Action).Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
AMLAn abbreviation for Approved Manufacturer List, a list of approved companies that make the Supplier Items your company buys.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
APIAn abbreviation for Application Programming Interface, by which one computer system can communicate with another.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: BothUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
API web tokenEnterprise settings > Arena tab setting. A unique user-generated token assigned to a single user. Allows calls and connections between the Onshape and Arena systems, depending on user permissions. The web token is also responsible for authorizing the user.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
Approval roleAn approval role groups users with like approval privileges, so a group can be included easily in a routing. Account Administrators create approval roles in the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
ApproverAn Approver Employee or Partner user may enter decisions on Changes and Requests, but is in all other respects a Read-Only user.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
ArenaArena is a cloud-based Product Lifecycle Management tool from Arena Solutions. Arena helps you manage your product record with revision control, change management and more. Arena offers add-on products to help you manage projects, quality, and defect management, all within the context of your product record.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
Arena API URLEnterprise settings > Arena tab setting. Arena workspace URL.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Arena categorySee Category.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Arena workspaceSee Workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Arena workspace IdEnterprise settings > Arena tab setting. A unique Id to determine where the Onshape data syncs in Arena. For the synchronization to work, the Arena administrator needs to allow for the user to sync data using this Id.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Arena workspace nameEnterprise settings > Arena tab setting. The non-editable name of the Arena workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
AttributeIn Arena, this is the Item's metadata; equivalent to a Property in Onshape. An attribute is either global (applied to all categories) or category-specific (applied only to specific categories selected by Account Administrators).Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Properties
ASLAn abbreviation for Approved Supplier List. An Approved Supplier List is a list of Suppliers whose Supplier Items are approved for purchase.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Properties
AssigneeA user to whom a task or milestone has been assigned by a Project Manager, or to whom responsibility for a Quality Process step has been assigned.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Properties
AssignmentTasks or milestones in a Project, or responsibility for a step in a Quality Process. The Project Manager can assign milestones and tasks to Employee, Partner or Supplier users, who can then set assignment status in the Assignments tab of their Dashboard Inbox.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Properties
AVLAn abbreviation for Approved Vendor List, a list of approved companies from which your company purchases Supplier Items.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Properties
Bill of Materials (BOM)The Bill of Materials (BOM) is a tabular list of parts in a workspace Assembly. You can insert parts and assemblies into an Assembly post-release, from an Onshape version, or assemble the parts and sub-assemblies and then release the Assembly all at once.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: Category -
BOM browserThe BOM Browser allows you to view specific information types across components and subassemblies in a bill of materials while keeping the BOM open in a separate window. The height, width and placement of the BOM Browser can be adjusted in your personal settings.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Category
CategoryCategories group similar objects within the workspace, and determine the attributes that appear on their Specs or Summary views. Categories can be configured to inherit attributes from the categories that appear above them in the Category tree (parent category).Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Category -
CategoryGroups the part into one or more standard or custom categories. By default, parts are grouped into the Onshape part Category. Category is only editable in Professional or Enterprise accounts.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: Category
Category treeHierarchical category structures for each object type in your workspace. Category trees can be modified by Account Administrators in the Categories view of Account Administration tool or viewed by any user in the Categories view of the Workspace Information tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Category-specific attributesCustom attributes that only appear on the Specs or Summary view of objects assigned to categories with which they are specifically associated in the Categories view of the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
ChangeChanges record the formal approval process for modifications to revision-controlled Item information. Reviewers included in the decision board for a Change participate in a staged voting process, casting votes to either reject or approve the Change. Any vote for rejection rejects a Change.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Change administratorChange Administrators are the only users who may force approval or rejection of a Change. If a workspace uses the Admin-Defined Manual Routing method, users submit Changes to a Change Administrator, who selects a routing to which the Change will be submitted for approval.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Change managementChange Management requires an approved Change to release an Item to the next stage of the Item lifecycle. In the Changes view of the Account Administration tool, Account Administrators configure the workspace to require Revision Control or Change Management for each Item lifecycle stage.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Change noticeChange notices indicate certain conditions that may affect some Items or assemblies included in a Change. They are warnings only and do not prevent the Change from being submitted for approval. You can check a Change's notices in the Notices subview of the Alerts view in the Changes world.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Child ItemAn Item that appears in the BOM of another Item is said to be a child of that Item.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
CodesThree digit prefix used to number Items in a Category.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: Number format
Collaborative user roleCollaborative Employee and Partner users have Approver access privileges in the workspace: They have read-only access to all workspace objects and participation privileges for Changes and Requests. Collaborative Supplier users have limited read-only access to sourced Items and related Supplier Items in the workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also: Number format
ConnectionThe bidirectional relationship between Onshape and Arena. Updates made to Parts and BOMs in Onshape are connected to Items and BOMs in Arena. This connection is a single button click to update Arena Items and BOMs with Onshape Parts and BOMs, and an additional cross-link to access (view) each system's Parts/Items and BOMs from the other.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: BothUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also: Integration
Core AttributeStandard attribute set built into Arena. Unlike custom attributes, their labels may not be edited and they may not be removed from the object types on which they appear.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Custom AttributeCustom attributes are administrator-defined data fields on the Specs or Summary view for Items, Requests, Changes, Suppliers, Supplier Items, and Quality Processes. Account Administrators can set various properties for custom attributes, including whether an attribute is required or optional, whether or not it displays when empty, and whether or not users may define new values for the attribute.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Custom BOMCustom BOMs are administrator-defined bills of materials that include custom and core attributes. Custom BOMs can be configured and associated with specific categories of Items in the Items view in the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Custom propertyEnterprise setting that defines unique properties to store Onshape entity metadata. Applicable only to documents that are owned by the enterprise. Enterprise owners and admins are able to create new properties, activate them for use by users, and also deactivate them.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Dashboard inboxEach user has a Dashboard Inbox, divided into multiple tabs. Depending on your level of access your Dashboard may not include each tab listed here. The Actions tab contains notices about Changes and Requests requiring your attention. The Assignments tab lists tasks, milestones, Quality Process steps, and Training assigned to you, and allows you to set the status of those assignments. The Notifications tab collects messages about objects in your workspace. The Downloads tab contains links to export files and Reports you've downloaded. The Integrations tab displays the status of Automatic and Managed Integrations for the workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
DeprecatedAn Item in the Deprecated phase of the Item lifecycle is not recommended for use in new designs. A deprecated Item is typically on its way to obsolescence, but is not yet considered obsolete because it is still being produced and used. Consequently, users may incorporate a deprecated Item into an "In Production" assembly, but Arena will always generate a warning when such an assembly is released. A common use case is to mark an Item as Deprecated for a limited time before obsoleting it, to discourage use in future designs.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
DescriptionAn explanation or notation for the part.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Disable syncEnterprise setting > Arena tab setting. Switches the sync on or off. By default, sync is enabled.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also: Enable sync
Edit mappingEnterprise Settings > Arena tab table option. Click this button to edit the mapping between the Arena and Onshape categories. Each category has an associated button and can be independently mapped.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also: -
Effective revisionThe effective revision of an Item is the last released revision. When you make modifications to an Item in Arena, you modify the working revision of the Item and, when you're ready, you incorporate those modifications into a new working revision through the Make Effective command or through a Change. When you make a new effective revision, the old effective revision is preserved as a superseded revision.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
EmployeeAn Employee is a user of a specific Arena account. An Employee is a single user license with a unique email address (username) and password. The same username and password is used to access all the workspaces to which an Employee is given access.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Enable Onshape Arena connectionEnterprise Settings > Arena tab setting. A checkbox that enables the connection between Onshape and Arena.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Enable syncEnterprise setting > Arena tab setting. Switches the sync on or off. By default, sync is enabled.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also: Disable sync
Enterprise settingsEnterprise setting > Arena tab setting. Switches the sync on or off. By default, sync is enabled.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also: Disable sync
Exclude from all BOMsWhen selected, the part is excluded from all Bill of Materials globally.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
ExpressionAccess Policies are made up of Rules. A Rule is an Action applied to a Resource. Rules can include an entire resource or can be made more specific through Filters and Expressions. For example, a Rule could be Edit Access to BOM views of Items in the Design Stage, where Edit is the Action, Items are the Resource, BOM views is the Filter, and Design Stage is the Expression.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
FilterAccess Policies are made up of Rules. A Rule is an Action applied to a Resource. Rules can include an entire resource or can be made more specific through Filters and Expressions. For example, a Rule could be Edit Access to BOM views of Items in the Design Stage, where Edit is the Action, Items are the Resource, BOM views is the Filter, and Design Stage is the Expression.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Flat BOMA non-indented view of the bill of materials. It shows only one BOM line for each Item that appears in the BOM, with a quantity value aggregated from all lines in which the Item appears.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Force ApprovalOn a Change, the Change Administrator can click the Force Approval command to bypass voting and immediately approve the Change.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Full user roleFull Employee and Partner users have read-write access to all objects in the workspace. Full Supplier users have limited read-write access to sourced Items and related Supplier Items in the workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Global attributeAn attribute that appears on the Specs or Summary view of every object of a given type in the workspace. Account Administrators can set the Association Rule — whether an attribute is global or category-specific — in the Attributes view of the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Hidden ItemAn unshared Item on a BOM that is sourced to and shared with a Supplier, or an Item assigned to a category to which a user does not have access.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Inherited attributeAn inherited attribute is associated with a category because it is associated with one of that category's parent categories. Note that when an Account Administrator removes an attribute from a parent category, the attribute is not automatically removed from child categories.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
IntegrationThe relationship between Arena and an outside software system (Onshape, for example). Arena supports inbound and outbound automated integrations, and outbound managed integrations, in which a designated Arena user makes updates to an outside system, and marks updates as reconciled from the Integrations tab of the Arena Dashboard Inbox.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also: Connection
Integration AdministratorIntegration Administrators monitor and maintain managed integrations, updating target systems with each change to product information collected in the Integrations tab of the Dashboard Inbox.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: BothUser Level Permissions: Arena Administrator, Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Integration filteringYou can set integration filters to determine what types of Items and Item events generate updates to the target system. Account Administrators can edit Filtering settings in the Integrations view of the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Integration monitoringIn the Integrations view of the Account Administration tool, Account Administrators can edit integration settings to specify how long an update must remain in the To Be Reconciled queue of a managed integration, or how much time must pass since an automated integration logged in to Arena, before Integration Administrators are notified, and the integration is flagged as Needs Attention in the Integrations tab of users' Dashboard Inboxes.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
ItemA part, process, or document produced by your company. By adding other Items to the bill of materials of an Item, you can make an item an assembly.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Item lifecycleA phased set of stages through which an Item progresses. You can view a graphical version of the Item lifecycle, along with rules for moving from one phase to the next, in the Revisions view of an Item.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
LifecycleItems, Requests, and Changes have a lifecycle defined by stages and phases that mark an object's current status. Account Administrators can customize the Item lifecycle by adding their own phases.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also: -
Light user
Light user accounts are typically used by members of the internal supply chain, managers or executives, and can even be provided to external suppliers or clients. These users generally do not need full CAD functionality. Instead, these light users can view, comment on, and export enterprise data that has been shared with them.
Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: -
Light user roleLight Employee and Partner users have read-only access to the workspace: They cannot edit any workspace information, but they can update the status of tasks and milestones assigned to them.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Managed integrationsIn managed integrations, an Integration Administrator reconciles the product record in the target system with the product record in Arena by entering updates from Arena into the target system.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also: -
ManufacturerA manufacturer is a Supplier that makes an Item your company buys. Your company may buy directly from a manufacturer or indirectly, from a vendor who sells a manufacturer's parts.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: BothUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
MappingsEnterprise settings > Arena tab table. Lists all the categories mapped between Arena and Onshape.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
MassDisplays the part's mass. Before mass is displayed or subsequently editable, a material must be applied to the part.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
NameThe editable part name.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: -
NotificationThe alert messages you receive when something in Arena requires your attention. In your personal settings, you can select whether you receive notifications on your Dashboard only, or also via email.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Notification eventsNotification events are events (such as Request phase changes) within your workspace that trigger a notification to interested parties. Account Administrators can select notification events for users in evaluator groups (for Requests) and approval roles (for Changes) in the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Not revision managedWhen selected, the part is not revision managed; it is outside the Release management process.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Number formatFormat used when automatically and sequentially generating a number for an Item in a CategoryDefault Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also: Codes, Item, Category
Off-the-shelfA value for the attribute Procurement Type. This means that an Item is procured from the Supplier as-is, with no modifications made by the Supplier.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Only show mappings with errorsEnterprise settings > Arena tab table option. When checked, the mapping table only shows those mappings that have errors. Useful to locate category mapping errors in tables with a large number of categories.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
OnshapeOnshape is the only Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product development platform that combines CAD, built-in PDM, real-time collaboration tools, and business analytics.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
Onshape Arena Connection ConfigurationClick the Arena tab in the Enterprise settings to access settings to configure the connection to the Arena workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
Onshape categorySee Category.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Onshape versionSee Version.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Onshape workspaceSee: Workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Open in ArenaOpens the part, Assembly, or BOM in Arena directly. Use this as a shortcut link to the item in Arena.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Parent ItemA parent Item contains another Item in its bill of materials. An assembly-component or assembly-subassembly relationship can be described as a parent-child relationship.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: -
Part list nameDisplays the non-editable part name from the Parts list. This name is automatically updated if the Name field below it is changed.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Part numberUnique identification number for the part. A part number is manually entered, or is automatically applied as part of the Release management process.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
PartnerPartner access lets companies give people outside their organization full access (within the privileges assigned) to their workspace. Partner access is particularly useful if you want to grant unrestricted access to your workspace to someone who is a member of (i.e. has Employee access to) another account.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
PhaseA period within a stage of an object's lifecycle. Items, Requests and Changes have predefined lifecycle stages and phases, but Account Administrators can customize the Item lifecycle by creating their own phases. Project phases are defined by the creator of a Project.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
PLMAn abbreviation for Product Lifecycle Management. PLM is the management of the product record, including bill of materials and change management, from prototype to end of life.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
PreferencesUse your personal settings to adjust the look and feel of Arena to your tastes. Personal settings apply to every workspace you access.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Product lineThe name of the product line to which the part is associated.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
ProductionThe Production stage of the Item lifecycle usually denotes that an Item has been included in a product that has been produced for the market.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Product recordYour company's product record includes all revision-controlled Item information in the workspace, and the record of modifications to that information in the form of Changes.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
ProjectA Project is a schedule of user-assigned tasks and milestones that will result in a desired outcome. In Arena , Projects are tied directly to the product record with references, links from the Project schedule to Items, Requests, Changes, Files, Projects, or web pages.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
ProjectThe name of the project to which the part is associated.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Project ManagerThe Project Manager has complete access to a Project, and can assign tasks and milestones to any Employee, Partner or Supplier user. The Project Manager can set the current phase of a Project and set status for all assignments on the Project Schedule.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Project phaseProject phases mark separations in the lifecycle of a Project. The Project Manager may set the current phase of a Project using the Set Phase command.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
PropertiesThe dialog containing all metadata related to the part.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
PropertySometimes called metadata, properties are a way of attaching important information to design entities, such as parts, assemblies, and versions. They are the Onshape equivalent to Attributes in Arena. Properties include data such as Part Number, Description, Revision, State, Comments, and more. The Property command is available on context and actions menus.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: Attribute
Quality processAn end-to-end strategy for dealing with Quality concerns. Processes comprise steps that may be assigned to users, and attributes within those steps. Users can edit attribute details and add affected Items, Requests, Changes, Files, Projects, or URL Links to any step. Users create Quality Processes from templates configured by Account Administrators.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
ReferenceReferences are links from one object to another in Arena. On the Schedule view of a Project, you can link a phase, milestone, or task to Items, Changes, Files, Requests, Projects, Quality Processes, or web pages outside of the system.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Request AdministratorThe Request Administrator is the only member of an evaluator group who may promote, defer or close a Request. Account Administrators can add or remove Request Administrator privileges in the Requests view in the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
ResourceAccess Policies are made up of Rules. A Rule is an Action applied to a Resource (Such as Edit Items where Items is the Resource). Resources broadly equate to worlds in Arena, and can be defined as class-level objects.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
RevisionA snapshot of an Item at a certain moment in its development.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
RevisionUnique alphanumeric identification for the part's revision. A revision is manually entered, or it is automatically applied as part of the Release management process.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Revision controlThe process of releasing revisions of an Item with or without the use of a Change. In Arena, a user's access role determines his or her Revision Control privileges.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Revision historyArena keeps a revision history for all Items, accessible from the Revision drop-down in any view in the Items World.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Revision sequenceA series of revision numbers that determine the next revision number for an Item included in a Change. Account Administrators can define revision sequences for Design and Production stage Items.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Revision toolsSection of the administrative tools that allows you to reset the releasable part number type.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Search tableEnterprise settings > Arena tab > Mappings table option. Enter search criteria to filter the Mappings table to locate categories with the defined criteria. Useful for tables with a large quantity of categories.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also: -
Show unmpapped categoriesEnterprise settings > Arena tab > Mappings table option. When checked, the table displays both mapped and unmapped categories. When unchecked, the table displays only mapped categories.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape AdministratorSee Also:
StateThe status of the part as it relates to Release management. States are In progress (default), Pending, Rejected, or Released. This field is only editable in a version and when Release management is turned off.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Source relationshipThe relationship between an Item in your workspace, the Supplier Items you purchase to make that Item and the Supplier from whom you purchase the Supplier Item. Use a direct source relationship for Supplier Items purchased directly from the manufacturer. Use an indirect source relationship for Supplier Items purchased from a vendor or distributor who resells Items from another manufacturer. A source relationship can be approved or potential. A potential source relationship is proposed but not yet approved and therefore not yet part of the official product record.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
SSOSSO (Single Sign-On) allows IT administrators to use Active Directory or other LDAP systems to manage users, passwords, and authentication into Arena. Arena offers a Cloud SSO solution as an add-on feature.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: BothUser Level Permissions: AllSee Also:
Structural categoryA structural category is one that exists only to support the structure of the Category tree — no objects may be assigned to it. Attributes defined for a structural category may be inherited by child categories that appear beneath it in the Category tree. Structural categories appear in brackets in the Category tree.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
SubscriptionUsers can subscribe to Items, Requests, and Changes to be notified when an event occurs (a new Item revision is released or an object moves to another lifecycle phase). Employee and Partner users can subscribe other Employee, Partner, or Supplier users to a Change or Request. You can choose to receive notifications only in your Dashboard Inbox, or both in your Dashboard Inbox and via email.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Superseded revisionWhen you make the working revision of an Item effective, the old effective revision becomes a superseded revision, and is kept in history for reference.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Sync to Arena / Sync BOM to ArenaSyncs the part, Assembly, or BOM to Arena.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
TaskA unit of work in a Project. The Project Manager can assign tasks to Employee, Partner or Supplier users who can then set the status of the task.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Title 1/2/3Additional descriptive fields for the part. One usage example is within Drawings, in the event the Description property does not properly wrap on the drawing. The titles are used to correspond to three rows in the default Drawing templates' title block.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Unit of measureSelect a unit of measure for the part. Default is Inch.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: -
UnreleasedAn Item in the Unreleased stage is not yet under Revision Control. Modifications can be made to it as desired, but no revision history is kept until it is released to design.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Unresolved requestA request that has not been Promoted, Deferred, or Closed by a Request Administrator.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
User profileYour Arena user profile, which is accessed through the My Profile link in the User menu in the Title bar of every Arena page. Your profile contains links to change your Arena password, set up a security question, and more.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
VendorThe name of the vendor associated with the part.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also: -
Vendor itemA Vendor Item is a Supplier Item your company sources from a vendor (a Supplier company that distributes parts made by a manufacturer).Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
VersionA snapshot of a document at a particular time. A version is created using the Create version command and appears in the Version Manager. Versions are immutable and can never be changed. Versions may have properties (meta data) assigned to them.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
ViewThe worlds of Arena are divided into views, which are in turn divided into sub-views, each level giving a more specific set of information about an object.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Voting stageChanges feature multi-stage voting: Stage one must be approved before stage two is open for voting. Your routing order within an approval role determines at what stage you may vote.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
Working modificationsModifications to the working revision of an Item. A blue triangle icon in the Wkg Mods column of the Items world List view indicates modifications have been made to the working revision of an Item. An orange triangle icon indicates that modifications have been made and that those modifications have not been captured in a Change. When you make the working revision effective, either by clicking the Make Effective button in the Items world or through a Change, the working modifications are incorporated into a new effective revision of the Item.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: -
Working revisionBecause Arena enforces Revision Control for Items, you cannot edit the effective revision of an Item; you can make modifications to Item information only in the working revision. When you are ready to incorporate those modifications into the next revision of the Item, you make the working revision effective, either through the Make Effective command or through a Change, depending on your workspace settings. The working revision then becomes the new effective revision, and the old effective revision becomes superseded, and is kept in history.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
WorkspaceA workspace contains the Items and other data that your organization has created. Workspaces allow organizations to ensure the privacy of their product information. There is no way for a user with Employee, Partner, or Supplier access to one workspace to gain access to another workspace without being given the correct user privileges by an Account Administrator. All Arena users have access to at least one workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also:
WorkspaceThe editable iteration of an Onshape document. There can be multiple workspaces for a document and a branch can end in either a version or a workspace.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: OnshapeUser Level Permissions: Onshape UserSee Also:
Workspace aliasA unique identifier for an Arena workspace. When appended to the Arena Drop Box URL ([Workspace Alias]), the constructed URL will take users directly to the Drop Box for a specific workspace. This is useful when users have access to more than one workspace with an active Drop Box. Set a workspace alias in the Profile sub-view of the Summary view in the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
Workspace settingsWorkspace settings are global settings and rules for application behavior. Account Administrators can edit workspace settings in the Summary view of the Account Administration tool.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena AdministratorSee Also:
WorldEach world in Arena represents a type of object in your product record: Items, Requests, Changes, Suppliers, Supplier Items, Files and Reports. Depending on your level of access, your workspace may or may not include all of these worlds.Default Keyboard Shortcut: n/aContext: ArenaUser Level Permissions: Arena UserSee Also: