Sketch new construction geometry or convert existing geometry into construction geometry. Construction geometry are sketch entities used in creating other geometry but not used in creating features.

Shortcut: q (to toggle Construction state on and off)

The Construction sketch tool allows you to sketch new construction geometry or convert existing geometry into construction geometry. Construction geometry are sketch entities used in creating other geometry but not used in creating features.
There are two approaches you can take when drawing construction geometry. First, draw the sketch entities, then select the sketch entity, and then select the Construction sketch tool on the sketch toolbar. This converts the sketch into a construction.
The second approach is to have the construction tool selected first, and then select the sketch entity that you'd like to create — In this case, a center point circle — and then click and drag to create the circle as a construction.
There are two approaches one may take when drawing construction geometry:
Draw the sketch entities first, select the sketch entities to toggle, then select
, then a sketch tool and draw the sketch entities in Construction mode:
and then a sketch tool to create construction geometry.
Select sketch entities and then
to toggle construction mode on and off.

In the Sketch toolbar:
If you are in a sketch, the Construction tool is located to the right of the Feature tool icon.
- Sketch new construction geometry or convert existing geometry into construction geometry.
- Select the sketch entity that you want to put into construction mode.
- Then, with desired sketch entity selected, select the Construction tool to set the entity as a construction.
Any entity in construction mode is also able to be toggled out of construction mode in the same way.
Alternatively, select the Construction tool, then begin sketching in construction mode.
The Construction tool works for all sketch entities. Below are just a few examples.

In the Sketch toolbar:
If you are in a sketch, the Construction tool is located to the right of the Feature tool icon.
- Sketch new construction geometry or convert existing geometry into construction geometry.
- Select the sketch entity that you want to put into construction mode.
- Then, with desired sketch entity selected, select the Construction tool to set the entity as a construction.
Any entity in construction mode is also able to be toggled out of construction mode in the same way.
Alternatively, select the Construction tool, then begin sketching in construction mode.
The Construction tool works for all sketch entities. Below are just a few examples.