Follow Mode
When users are collaborating in a single document, they have the ability to choose to follow another collaborator. This allows the follower to see the actions of the other collaborator.

A user may follow a collaborator across browser and mobile. This means a user on a browser may follow a collaborator on a browser or mobile device. A user on a mobile device may follow a collaborator on a mobile device or on a browser.
To follow someone, double-click their social cue icon in your toolbar.
Double-click the social cue icon at the top of the window. Notice that the workspace is outlined to indicate to you are following the collaborator.
The user being followed sees the follower’s social cue outlined to indicate the follower is using Follow Mode:
To stop following, click anywhere in your browser window.
What followers see
- The collaborator’s active tab and actions in that tab
- The collaborator's cursor movements (shown as a hand in the social cue icon color)
- Views and Render modes of parts (accessed from the [icon] menu, including Section view)
- Selections made in the graphics area
- Movements and activations of exploded views
- Selections made in the Feature list
- Part Studio dialog boxes and work done inside dialogs (for editing features, but not when creating new features)
- Part movement and sketching: you will see the part/assembly in its new location after a collaborator moves it, and a sketch while the Sketch dialog is open.
What followers do not see
Reference manager dialog
- Sketch Text subdialog
- Derived dialog
- Mass properties and Measure dialogs
- Right-side panel and tables, including: Explode views panel, Bill of materials table, Configuration table, Custom table, Appearance panel, and Hole table
- A single collaborator may have many followers.
- A follower may follow only one user at a time.

When users are collaborating in a single document, they can choose to follow another collaborator. This allows the follower to see the actions of the other collaborator.
A user can follow a collaborator across browser and mobile. This means a user on a browser can follow a collaborator on a browser or mobile device. A user on a mobile device can follow a collaborator on a mobile device or on a browser.
To follow someone, tap on their social cue icon in the Collaborators section.
To stop following, tap anywhere in the graphics area.
What followers see
- The collaborator’s active tab and actions in that tab
- The collaborator's cursor movements (shown as a hand in the social cue icon color)
- Views and Render modes of parts (accessed from the [icon] menu, including Section view)
- Selections made in the graphics area
- Movements and activations of exploded views
What followers do not see
- Selections made in the Feature list
- Dialog boxes and work done inside dialogs
- Part movement and sketching; you will see the part/assembly in its new location after a collaboration moves it, and a sketch after the Sketch dialog is accepted.
- A single collaborator can have many followers.
- A follower may follow only one user at a time.
- For tabs that do not support collaboration (drawings, for example, or third party applications), a user who has shared permissions to edit the document can steal focus on a non-collaborative tab.

When users are collaborating in a single document, they can choose to follow another collaborator. This allows the follower to see the actions of the other collaborator.
A user can follow a collaborator across browser and mobile. This means a user on a browser can follow a collaborator on a browser or mobile device. A user on a mobile device can follow a collaborator on a mobile device or on a browser.
To follow someone, tap on their social cue icon in the Collaborators section.
To stop following, tap anywhere in the graphics area.
What followers see
- The collaborator’s active tab and actions in that tab
- The collaborator's cursor movements (shown as a hand in the social cue icon color)
- Views and Render modes of parts (accessed from the [icon] menu, including Section view)
- Selections made in the graphics area
- Movements and activations of exploded views
What followers do not see
- Selections made in the Feature list
- Dialog boxes and work done inside dialogs
- Part movement and sketching; you will see the part/assembly in its new location after a collaboration moves it, and a sketch after the Sketch dialog is accepted.
- A single collaborator can have many followers.
- A follower may follow only one user at a time.
- For tabs that do not support collaboration (drawings, for example, or third party applications), a user who has shared permissions to edit the document can steal focus on a non-collaborative tab.