變數表格 (Part Studio)
「變數表格」可讓您在目前的 Part Studio 或組合件中建立、檢視與編輯變數資訊。「變數表格」與「組態」面板、「外觀」面板與「自訂表格」一起位在圖形區域的右側。
使用「變數表格」來建立變數,然後變更變數的值 (即使變數已用於特徵之中)。
See Variable Table (Assembly) for information using a Variable table from an Assembly tab.
- Click
to the right-side of the graphics area (below the View cube):
(Optional) From the dropdown at the bottom of the panel, select Create Variable Studio to Create a new Variable Studio or Insert Variable Studio to insert an existing Variable Studio from this or another document:
插入來自其他文件的 Variable Studio 會建立對這些文件的參考,在所插入的表格中參考是唯讀的。
在「名稱」欄位中輸入變數的名稱,然後按下 Enter 鍵 (或 Tab 鍵)。變數的名稱必須是 FeatureScript 的識別碼:以字母或底線開始,接著英數字元或底線,不可含空格。
變數類型與值出現 (如果需要,在「名稱」儲存格上按一下來變更名稱):
選擇一個類型,然後輸入值。您也可以輸入一個說明 (選用)。
- 按一下「變數類型」旁的向下箭號來存取提供的變數:選擇一個新的類型然後輸入新的值。系統會儲存每個輸入項目:
按一下表格右上方的省略號來存取下列的選項 (可用的選項取決於 Variable Studio 或變數是否由建立或插入而來 — 參考 — 來自這個或另一個文件):
Copy table - Copies the table to the clipboard. Paste and edit the data in a spreadsheet program outside Onshape, copy the data from the spreadsheet to the clipboard, and paste the data from the clipboard back into the Variable table cells or rows.
Switch to Variable Studio [x] - Opens the current table's related Variable Studio tab.
Open linked document - Opens the document that contains the originating Variable Studio.
Update linked document - Opens the Reference manager to change the Variable Studio reference to a different version within the same document or a different document.
Move up / down - Moves the table above the previous table in the panel or below the next table in the panel, respectively.
Edit reference - Opens the Update Variable Studio dialog where an alternate Variable Studio can be selected as the reference.
Remove reference - The Variable Studio reference is removed; the table is deleted and removed from the panel.
Filter feature list - Locates a specific variable in the Feature list (and any features the variable affects). The Feature list displays the selected variable and all features affected by the variable.
Delete - Delete the variable and remove it from the table.
Move up/down - Move the variable row to a new location, up or down by one row.
在使用變數特徵建立變數時,除非變數是一個有有效名稱的 FeatureScript 識別碼:以字母或底線開始,接著英數字元或底線,不可含空格,否則變數不會出現在「變數表格」中。
- 如果您在「變數表格」中變更變數的名稱,所有參考該變數的特徵都會更新以反映變更。