In addition to allowing the creation of custom templates from scratch, Onshape also provides a number of public drawing templates for you to use and customize. These templates are typical of what most users would need and may be sufficient used as-is by many users. To use a drawing from a different CAD package as a template in Onshape, see Using traditional CAD drawings as templates in Onshape.
For best practices when creating native Onshape drawing templates, see Best practices for creating native onshape drawing templates (Onshape account required) in the Learning Center.
- 登入至您的 Onshape 帳戶。
- 在文件的頁面中選擇「公開」篩選器。
- Type either Onshape ANSI Drawing Templates or Onshape ISO Drawing Templates in the Search box located at the top of the page.
- The search results will include at least 2 documents owned by Onshape and containing drawing templates:
You can use these links to find the templates as well:
- 開啟包含您要自訂範本的文件。
- Once in the document, right-click on the tab containing the template you want to customize and choose Download.
You now have a file named something like "ANSI_A.dwt" on your local drive.
- Edit that file with another editor (AutoCAD, Ares, or some other DWG editor) to make changes.
For example, you could add your company logo or alter the title block (in vector form).
- 在 DWT 檔案中有 2 張圖頁 - 一個是工程圖的第一張圖頁,第二張圖頁則是供工程圖中的下一個圖頁使用。您可能同時需要編輯兩張圖頁。
- 範本中包含了許多在建立 Onshape 工程圖時有用的設定。如果能夠避免從範本中移除項目,而僅修改、新增或移動項目,會有較佳的結果。例如,在標題區塊中加入額外的文字與區域是沒有問題的。
- When finished editing the DWT file, save it to your local drive with the current name or another name and be sure it still has the file extension .dwt.
Onshape uses the names of tabs when searching for templates. So if your template has "ANSI" or "ISO" in its tab name, it will be found when the user clicks on the ANSI or ISO filter in the drawing creation dialog.
- 若要存取您最近建立的自訂範本,請在 Onshape 中建立或開啟一個新的文件 (您將使用這個文件來保存您自訂的範本)。
- Click on the menu in the lower left corner of the Onshape window and choose Import to import the DWT file you just saved:
到這個階段,當您下一次建立工程圖時按一下 [我的範本] 或 [本人所建立],即會看到該範本分頁被列出,您可以選擇它來做為新工程圖的範本。
當您一開始在 Onshape 中建立零件的工程圖時,馬上可以選擇要使用現有的範本或建立自訂的範本:
- 在 Part Studio 中從零件的環境選單內選擇 [建立工程圖] 來存取「建立工程圖」對話方塊:
- At the top of the dialog, select Custom template (shown above, to the left of the red arrow) to access the Custom template dialog:
- Design your template:
- Standard - ANSI or ISO
- Language - The language in which title box text should be displayed.
- Size - Choices are presented based on the Standard selected
- Units - Inches, Millimeters, or Feet and inches (defaults are by standard, but you can choose whatever you want)
- Decimal separator - Period or Comma (defaults are by standard, but you can choose whatever you want)
- Projection - Third angle or First angle (defaults are by standard, but you can choose whatever you want)
- Border - Include a border, or create the drawing without a border at all.
- Horizontal zones - Specify the number of horizontal zones in the border.
- Vertical zones - Specify the number of vertical zones in the border.
- Start zones - Specify in which corner of the drawing to begin labeling the zones.
- Titleblock - Include a title block, or do not include a titleblock (you can still create your own titleblock once in drawing mode)
- 選擇是否要自動包括四個標準視角或將工程圖留為空白(無視角圖)
- Click OK (or Cancel).
當將工程圖匯出為 DWT 檔案時,請注意:
- 僅會將第一張圖頁與第二張圖頁 (如果有的話) 匯出為 DWT 檔案,並不會匯出其他的圖頁。
- 會刪除所有的視圖,僅保留非視圖的幾何與文字。
- 檔案格式將是 DWT,版本則為 2013。第一張工程圖頁會是主要的範本,如果有第二張圖頁的話,則會是延續的範本。
- 在「工程圖」分頁上按右鍵,然後選擇 [匯出] 來開啟「匯出工程圖」對話方塊:
- 若要建立工程圖範本,請選擇 DWT 的格式 (如上圖所示)。
- Click Export.
- In a document, use the and select Import.
- 選擇工程圖範本。
- 當建立工程圖時,選擇本人所建立的篩選器。
- 選擇您要建立的範本。
- 按一下確定。
根據上方指示操作建立 Onshape 工程圖範本,然後在 Onshape 中建立空白的工程圖:
- 在範本的步驟中,選擇 [自訂範本]。
- 選擇 [不要包括邊框]。
- 選擇 [不要包括標題區塊]。
- 根據需要設定大小、標準與其他特點。
- Click OK and close the open dialogs in the drawing.
- Import your exported traditional CAD drawing (in DWG/DXF format) into Onshape (through the menu > Import).
- 開啟您建立的空白工程圖。
- Use Insert DWG/DXF tool to insert the file just uploaded.
- To add Revision Table or Block functions:
- 產生一個使用新近上傳的 DWG/DXF 檔案的工程圖。
- 在需要處放置表格 (例如右上角)。
- To include a company logo in the drawing template:
- 使用插入圖片的指令來上傳標誌。
- 插入新上傳的圖片,將其放在工程圖中適當的位置並調整大小。
- Insert drawing fields as necessary in the appropriate areas of your drawing:
- 將註解加入工程圖中。
- 選擇插入欄位的按鈕。
- To add Revision Table or Block functions:
- 使用視圖環境選單 (按右鍵存取) 的 [移動至] 指令來加入這些元素:「標題區塊」、「邊框框架」、與「邊框區域」。系統不會輸出在工程圖圖層上的任何項目;僅會是這三個圖層。
- 在工程圖分頁上按右鍵然後選擇 [匯出]。
- 選擇 DWT 的格式。
- 選擇 [在新分頁中存放檔案] 的選項。
- 按一下匯出。
- 在為之後的工程圖選擇範本時,這個範本會出現在建立工程圖對話方塊中「本人所建立」與「與本人共享」的篩選器內。
- 使用工程圖範本之前請先測試。