使用 FeatureScript 自訂表格功能來建立自訂表格可讓您檢視目前 Part Studio 中的資訊。您可以自行建立 FeatureScript (請參考「新增自訂特徵」),您也可以採用社群所建的表格做為樣本。在將表格加入至 Part Studio 之後,可在您有存取權限的所有文件中使用這個表格。

A custom table is comprised of 2 orthogonal components:

  1. A custom table definition in a Feature Studio.

  2. A Part Studio to tabulate data.

A custom table definition can be applied to any Part Studio.

When a custom table is inserted into a drawing, the Part Studio's tabulated data applies to the entire Part studio, and not only parts inserted or referenced in the drawing.

If you wish to add your own custom table, you should have the FeatureScript written and accessible before beginning this step. The Feature Studio does not need to be in the same document as Part Studio in which it is used.
