使用 AR 檢視查看模型
AR view is an Onshape feature enabling you to view models in a physical environment through the use of augmented reality. In this viewing mode, you can place and view a model (part or assembly) in your physical space.
AR view is supported when using Onshape on an iOS platform. It is available in Part Studios and Assemblies.
AR 檢視是唯檢視的,並無法編輯模型。不過,您可以將模型放置在檢視區域中,然後從各個邊旋轉與檢視模型,並可查看模型下方的陰影。
在 Part Studio 中存取 AR 檢視
請確定 Onshape 有使用裝置中攝影機的權限。在 Part Studio 中有零件的情況下:
從選項清單中選擇 [AR 檢視]。
With AR view enabled, you see whatever the camera is pointed at. Move the device so that a flat surface comes into view. The model's bottom plane is used to orient the model on top of the surface. The ground plane is indicated by a light blue box outline.
Tap a location in the view at which to place the part. When placed, the ground plane indicator disappears.
輕觸兩下來在「AR 檢視」中重設零件。
From the Features list, click the eye icon () next to any part to toggle its visibility (show/hide).
Click the three-dot menu to Hide other sketches (from the Features list) or Hide other parts (from the Parts list).
If the Part Studio has configurations, they are visible above the Features list in AR view. You can select from any of the existing configurations.
當完成在「AR 檢視」中檢視零件時,輕觸視窗頂端或「視角立方體」功能表中的 [退出檢視]。
在組合件中存取 AR 檢視
請確定 Onshape 有使用裝置中攝影機的權限。在 Assembly 中有零件或組合件的情況下:
從選項清單中選擇 [AR 檢視]。
With AR view enabled, you see whatever the camera is pointed at. Move the device so that a flat surface comes into view. The model's bottom plane is used to orient the model on top of the surface. The ground plane is indicated by a light blue box outline.
Tap a location in the view at which to place the part or assembly. When placed, the ground plane indicator disappears.
輕觸兩下來在「AR 檢視」中重設零件。
From the Instances list, click the eye icon () next to any instance to toggle its visibility (show/hide).
Click the three-dot menu to Hide other instances, Hide all instances, or show all instances (if there are hidden instances).
If the Assembly has configurations, they are visible above the Instances list in AR view. You can select from any of the existing configurations.
當完成在「AR 檢視」中的檢視時,輕觸視窗頂端的 [退出檢視],或從「視角立方體」功能表中選擇 [退出 AR 檢視] 選項:
放置切割平面線並指定方向來建立剖面視圖。若要在 AR 檢視中建立剖面視圖:
After placing a part, select a plane, planar mate, or Mate connector.
輕觸圖形區域右上角的「視角立方體」,然後從功能表中選擇 [剖面視圖]:
A drag manipulator appears on the selected plane, planar mate, or Mate connector. Use this to adjust the appearance of the section view.
若要關閉剖面視圖,請再次輕觸「視角立方體」,然後選擇 [關閉剖面視圖]。
使用「重設」(在裝置螢幕的右下角) 來重新開始零件的放置。
使用手勢 (在裝置螢幕的右下角) 來顯示在「AR 檢視」中使用行動裝置手勢的說明。
對於有「唯檢視」權限的使用者,仍可以使用工具列中的「AR 檢視」來檢視模型。