Company/Classroom/Enterprise 設定 - 類別
僅為 提供
在 Onshape 中建立類別可延伸系統中標準 Onshape 物件類型的屬性,這樣可涵括更多目標與相關的中繼資料以根據設計、工程與製造的過程來套用。
若要巡覽您 Onshape 中的「類別」設定,請按一下 Onshape 視窗右上角的帳戶使用者圖示 ()。這樣會開啟一個下拉功能表,然後按一下 [Company/Classroom/Enterprise 設定]。
按一下頁面左側清單中的 [類別]:
在 Onshape 中建立類別可讓您延伸系統中標準 Onshape 物件類型的屬性,這樣可涵括更多目標與相關的中繼資料以根據設計、工程與製造的過程來套用。
在第一次建立類別之前,您可以檢查 PLM, 或其他適當的系統來確保所需的重要中繼資料能夠出現在 Onshape 內。
類別是與自訂屬性一起使用的,可將自訂屬性群組為合理與有用的資訊。在定義類別之後,您可以在所有 Onshape 物件的「屬性」對話方塊中看到套用該類別的自訂屬性。
For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Getting Started with Categories (Onshape account required).
這就是 Onshape 類別功能發揮之處。藉由使用類別,您可以將真正重要與需要的屬性集合在一起,所以它們在 Onshape 內的所有「屬性」對話方塊中會被群組為「新近建立的類別」。在選取之後,會將在類別內的屬性於對話方塊中優先列出,使得搜尋與填寫更為容易。
- 導覽至「Company 設定」。
- Select Categories. Onshape has standard existing categories for Onshape objects, including: Global, Part, Assembly, Drawing, Part Studio, File, Application, Version, Workspace, and Item. The Scope of these (and all) categories are listed in the next column. The Scope refers to the Onshape objects the properties within the categories apply to.
- Click the Create category button at the top of the page.
- Select a Scope, that is, the types of Onshape objects to which this category may be applied. Note that selecting a Scope is not required.
- Assign a Name for the category.
- Select a Publish state: Active = visible by and available to all users; Pending = Saved but unavailable for use; Inactive = No longer available for use. You can mark a category as Pending, then go back later and make it Active.
- Supply a Description of the category, if desired.
- Select any Parent categories, existing categories from which you want this new category to inherit properties. Assigning a parent category to a category carries properties assigned to the parent category over to the category. This is useful when the new category uses all of the properties that are already assigned to the parent category, but requires a few extra properties specific to the new category.
- 選擇您要這個類別包括的「屬性」(自訂屬性)。當顯示或編輯物件的屬性時,會顯示這些屬性。
- Click Create to create the new category.
如果希望,類別也可以繼承父類別。嵌套式的類別會繼承父類別的屬性,並允許您加入對該子類別為獨特的屬性。使用繼承屬性的範例可像是公司內部製造零件的類別。這個父類別可以有橫跨多個零件的所有共同屬性,像是零件編號、發行狀態與核准日期。然後您可以為製造的每個零件類型在 "in-house" 類別下建立子類別,像是:sheet metal、injection molded、machined 與 welded,然後讓這些類別包含對產品類型與其過程為獨特的屬性。
在您點按 [建立] 之後,子類別會列在「類別」頁面上。您可以在清單中如同檢視其他類別一般檢視子類別,您也可以展開父類別然後檢視:
若要查看不列出子類別的類別清單,請核取介面上方的 [隱藏清單中的子類別] 核取方塊。
在 Onshape 中建立類別可讓您延伸系統中標準 Onshape 物件類型的屬性,這樣可涵括更多目標與相關的中繼資料以根據設計、工程與製造的過程來套用。
在第一次建立類別之前,您可以檢查 PLM, 或其他適當的系統來確保所需的重要中繼資料能夠出現在 Onshape 內。
類別是與自訂屬性一起使用的,可將自訂屬性群組為合理與有用的資訊。在定義類別之後,您可以在所有 Onshape 物件的「屬性」對話方塊中看到套用該類別的自訂屬性。
For an additional Learning center resource, follow the technical briefing article here: Getting Started with Categories (Onshape account required).
這就是 Onshape 類別功能發揮之處。藉由使用類別,您可以將真正重要與需要的屬性集合在一起,所以它們在 Onshape 內的所有「屬性」對話方塊中會被群組為「新近建立的類別」。在選取之後,會將在類別內的屬性於對話方塊中優先列出,使得搜尋與填寫更為容易。
- 導覽至「Enterprise 設定」。
- Select Categories. Onshape has standard existing categories for Onshape objects, including: Global, Part, Assembly, Drawing, Part Studio, File, Application, Version, Workspace, and Item. The Scope of these (and all) categories are listed in the next column. The Scope refers to the Onshape objects the properties within the categories apply to.
- Click the Create category button at the top of the page.
- Select a Scope, that is, the types of Onshape objects to which this category may be applied. Note that selecting a Scope is not required. If no scope is assigned, the category will not be selectable but can still be inherited by other categories which have an assigned scope.
- Assign a Name for the category.
- Select a Publish state: Active = visible by and available to all users; Pending = Saved but unavailable for use; Inactive = No longer available for use. You can mark a category as Pending, then go back later and make it Active.
- Supply a Description of the category, if desired.
- Select any Parent categories, existing categories from which you want this new category to inherit properties. Assigning a parent category to a category carries properties assigned to the parent category over to the category. This is useful when the new category uses all of the properties that are already assigned to the parent category, but requires a few extra properties specific to the new category.
- Select the Properties (custom properties), that you want this category to include. These are the properties that will display whenever the category is selected for an object type.
- Click Create to create the new category.
如果希望,類別也可以繼承父類別。嵌套式的類別會繼承父類別的屬性,並允許您加入對該子類別為獨特的屬性。使用繼承屬性的範例可像是公司內部製造零件的類別。這個父類別可以有橫跨多個零件的所有共同屬性,像是零件編號、發行狀態與核准日期。然後您可以為製造的每個零件類型在 in-house 類別下建立子類別,像是:sheet metal、injection molded、machined 與 welded,然後讓這些類別包含對產品類型與其過程為獨特的屬性。
在您點按 [建立] 之後,子類別會列在「類別」頁面上。您可以在清單中如同檢視其他類別一般檢視子類別,您也可以展開父類別然後檢視:
若要查看不列出子類別的類別清單,請核取介面上方的 [隱藏清單中的子類別] 核取方塊。