작업 항목
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작업 항목 액세스
작업 항목으로 이동하려면 Onshape 창 오른쪽 상단에 있는 모든 작업 항목 보기 아이콘 을 클릭하세요.
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그러면 Onshape 작업 항목 패널이 열립니다.
문서 페이지에서, 창 상단의 툴바에 있는 작업 항목 옵션을 클릭합니다.
Onshape 문서 내 왼쪽 패널에서 작업 항목아이콘에 액세스할 수도 있습니다.
그러면 Onshape 작업 항목 패널이 열립니다.
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Onshape 문서 내 왼쪽 패널에서 작업 항목아이콘에 액세스할 수도 있습니다.
그러면 Onshape 작업 항목 페이지가 열립니다.
작업 항목 사용
When you view Action items from within a document, they are displayed in the Action items panel.
By default, the Action items panel displays the Action items for the current document (including tasks that were created in the Action items page that reference the current document):
Click the Current document icon in the top right of the panel to deselect the default setting and show all the Action items assigned to you.
패널 오른쪽 상단에 있는 작업 정렬 아이콘을 사용하여 작업을 가장 오래된 작업부터 최신 작업까지 또는 최신작업에서 가장 오래된 작업순으로 정렬할 수 있습니다.
Use the filters at the top of the panel to search through your tasks.
When viewing your Action items page from within your Company/Enterprise/Classroom settings, you'll see the following tools at the top of the screen:
- 필터
- Type - Choose between filtering through any combination of comment, general, and release activities by selecting an option from the dropdown.
- Status - Choose between filtering through open releases or tasks or closed releases or tasks by selecting an option from the dropdown.
- Role - Choose between filtering through releases or tasks assigned to you or created by you by selecting an option from the dropdown.
- Add filter - Click the Add filter button and select the type of filter from the dropdown. The new filter will appear next to the default filters at the top of the screen.
- Clear all filters - Removes all applied filters and shows all Action items assigned to and created by you.
- Search - Filter for Action items that match a search string.
- Sort - Sort your filtered results by Oldest releases and/or tasks first or Newest first by clicking the dropdown arrow under Sort and selecting your preference (Onshape defaults to sorting by Oldest first).
다른 필터를 선택하면 해당 선택 결과가 패널에 표시됩니다.
To open the Create task dialog, click the Create button in the Action items panel or the Create task button in the Action items screen.
Fill in the necessary fields and click Save to save your changes, then click Assign to assign the task to the user and close the dialog.
Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving any changes or assigning the task.